The Crashing Loony
In the span of time between Malachor V's starting time and when I PMed Darth Voracitos about my weapons, I thought of a lot MORE weapons that were part of Alcastor then PMed Darren Shaw the weapons and gear. This is an issue not just in continuity, but also in truth, as I never subbed the upgrade due to not thinking of it ahead of time, that and I signed up for the Malachor V tournament not knowing I'd lose interest in Lord Tristan... speaking of that, The Horde can keep Tristan's personal stuff as he'll be staying with them as a potential Free agent if possible. Anyway, I have thought of a built in shock gauntlet in his right arm, a flamethrower on the outside of his left arm, a jetpack/repulsorlift wing set, holsters for a blaster and a belt on the holster for grenades... my question is, where would I put all this stuff template wise?