Jinarias Pharmaceutical Lab Two-Two-Zero,
Nar Shaddaa Undercity
Project Aurora.
"The day has finally come!"
The voice seemed so distant as the lab's observation chamber filled with those who had invested in the Pharmaceutical company's dirty little secrets. People of various walks of life stood within the room as the head of the project stood among a grand chamber made of sterile white walls which seemed almost too clean given the past events which had befallen the chamber. The male stood in the center, his hair greying hair hinting at his age as he peered upward towards the viewports, arms cast out at each side. "On this day we see the fruits born of many months of work! Your funding put to great use!" His enthusiasm suddenly shifts to seriousness, brows furrowing as he nods to no one in particular as if he were looking off camera to someone unseen. "But first, my fine comrades. It has been made known to me that certain files have been leaked. Someone has spread knowledge of our work!" As the final words leave his lips, armed guards enter the observation room, taking a Rodian bureaucrat by the arms and leading him away into the corridor as the doors shut behind them.
After a few moments, the doors to the large chamber open as the guards bring the Rodian into the room, stopping at the man's side as he looks towards the traitor brought before him. "This man has broken a pact and fed information to others! Information of the project have been made public! Thankfully, the fool has not completely exposed us. However, for this act, he cannot be allowed to further expose secrets. So, a demonstration is in store, wouldn't you say?" A devious grin forms upon his lips as he steps away, pressing a button on a device he held as the floor begins to open and a large pod resembling a bacta tank rose into the chamber, containing a white haired woman.
The tank's life support began to awaken her as the visor which concealed most of her face came online, granting sight of the disgustingly sterile chamber. Bubbles ascended from each of the various tubes that disconnected from her as the light green liquid drained away, heading elsewhere in the facility. "It's time to awaken, Zero-One-Four." A large glass panel opens, her figure dropping as she lands in a kneeling position, shifting her fingers before slowly rising to her feet. Unconsciously, the man shifted away from her despite being like a superior to her. Weeks before, she had been responsible for the slaughter of a containment team and their overseer after she had gone rogue. It was unclear if she had to be terminated, or if she could be saved. Following a new set of experiments, it at least appeared that she would follow orders. Yet, a seated fear rested within him and others. Even this had been warned against, and all warnings ignored.
Keeping an eye on the woman, he turns to face the spectators once more. "Now, ladies and gentlemen. I introduce you to Subject Zero-One-Four. A successful subject among the failures!" Stepping away, he nods to the guards who release the Rodian who had been struggling against their hold and silenced before given the chance to speak. Stepping away, the guards move to the door, standing guard to ensure nobody exits that isn't supposed to. "Zero-One-Four. Terminate this traitor." As he utters the command his commlink beeps, answering it he appears uneasy and annoyed. "Overseer, I would advise against giving commands t-" The words were cut short as Overseer Kiorak deactivated his comm. He wouldn't allow others within his the project to stop the occasion.
Beneath the visor, the woman's eyes turn towards the overseer, her gaze piercing through him like twin vibroknives before she turns without a word and begins to approach the one she was assigned to terminate. As the bureaucrat backed away, his large eyes reflected her appearance as they remained wide open. Before anything could be done, the lights begin to flicker before systems all over the facility shut down including the lights. Silence befalls the chamber as everything comes to a halt. Worried voices arise from the observation room bringing questions of their safety and what exactly was going on. As lights reactivate, emergency lighting shines throughout the entire facility as the once controlled situation has now turned into a nightmare.
"What is going on?!" Kiorak demanded, keeping the device in his hand at the ready, unsure if it would even effect the subject after the sudden power outage. Nobody answered his demands and the woman simply stood there, staring at the Rodian who was visibly shaking with his back against the wall. After several tense moments of uncertainty, a voice arose over the intercom directed into the chamber and echoing through the corridors.
"Overseer Kiorak." The words sent a chill surging down his spine hearing the strange voice call him by name and title. Before he can reply, a hologram appear, manifested by an overhead holoprojector as a masked figure appears before him. "Your actions have been noticed. Taking people in the night was clever. No one would think twice. However, you got sloppy and brought attention upon yourself." The distorted voice gave away nothing about the person behind the interruption. Turning, the figure looks at the white haired woman as if she was familiar to them. "Subject Zero-One-Four. Is that what they call you? Who are you really? Do you even know?" Looking back to the Overseer, the holo tilts its head. "Your operation is over." With that, the image faded as alarms began to sound.
Throughout the facility, fail safes began to fail or were remotely deactivated as any containment put in place on existing subjects were released. The doors to the chamber in which she stood opened with a hiss as the Rodian fled. The guards, more concerned with securing the subject in the room, shouldered their weapons, setting their sights on her directly. "Zero-One-Four, stand down, immediately!" One of them shouted despite her remaining motionless. The words from the holo seemed to have an impact on her as the memory wipes had failed to completely remove everything.
Who are you?
What are you?
What have you become?
Spotty memories flood her mind, images of someone else. No, they were familiar. Too familiar. Grasping her head, she let out an ungodly scream, the sound echoing through the chamber. In response, the overseer made an attempt to subdue her, only to find that his device no longer had any effect. He was no longer in control of this situation and a weapon was now on the loose. Covering his ears, he sprinted for the door, covered by the guards as he moved in the event that the subject attempted to stop him. Instead, she allowed him to leave the chamber as she slowly grew silent, staring directly at the guard through her visor, fingers curling into a tight fist. "Questions.. questions.. circling in a never ending spin cycle.. He will tell me... everything." Tightening their grip on their weapons, the farthest one calls for back up. "Back up will not help you. Not any more. Stand in my way and I'll put each of you down. Until I get to him."
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