Aryn Teth

Microscopic Image of the Nanites Used in Project: HYDRA

- Intent: Submitting a detailed Nano-augmentation procedure responsible for saving the life of a comatose Aryn Teth, and the foundation for future potential nano-technological research by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
- Image Source: Source
- Canon Link: N/A
- Primary Source: Bio-engineering, Gene Therapy, Nanotechnology, Nano-droid, Nanogene droid, Nanovirus, Cybernetics

- Manufacturer: CIS Ministry of Secrets, CIS Ministry of Science, CIS Ministry of War
- Model: Project: HYDRA
- Cost: 6,000,000 Credits
- Type: Surgical-Biochemical-Nanotechnological Physiological Enhancement Procedure
- Legal Status: Lawful (Procedure not available on civil market)
- Affiliation: CIS Ministry of Secrets, CIS Ministry of Science, CIS Ministry of War, Exarch Srina Talon, Aryn Teth
- Modularity: Yes (Nanites can be reprogrammed)
- Production: Unique
- Material: Nanotechnology, Isotope-5.

- Nanite-Injection and Replication
- Synthetic RNA Generation
- Synthetic DNA Generation
- Nanite Plasmid Formation
- Gene Therapy
- Genetic Code Reconstruction
- Nano-droid injection
- Nano-viral Vaccination
- Surgically-Implanted Bio-Fabricated Cybernetically-Enhanced Spinal Column
- Surgically-Implanted Bio-Fabricated Pulmonary Surfactant-Polymer Lungs (X2)
- Surgically-Implanted Bio-Fabricated Cybernetically-Enhanced Liver

- Nano-Cellular Sponsored Healing: The nanites used in Project: Hydra are specially designed with a primary purpose. Though testing has allowed for and led to further augmentation, the primary goal of Hydra was to develop a nano-technological program to stimulate healing beyond natural processes. When the subject is injured, the injected nanites override the cells in the body, replicating themselves as new cells far quicker than the natural cells themselves can replicate. This replication can lead to drastically-improved recovery times from even the most severe injuries.
- Musculoskeletal Augmentation: Along with the injected nanites, Project: Hydra involved the replacement of the subjects spinal structure with a high-end bio-fabricated replacement. This replacement has led to increased flexibility, durability and strength. Developments and adjustments to the injected nanites has also stimulated growth in muscle tissue, and the promoted healing-factor of the nanites means that muscles rarely suffer significant strain after use, improving strength and endurance past natural human development.
- Immune System Augmentation: As a side-effect of Project: Hydra's stimulated healing factor, the injected nanites override the natural cells to combat any toxin, poison or chemical which enters the subject's system through any means. This means that the subject is almost immune to a large number of toxins not specially-designed to combat nano-technology, and the subject cannot become intoxicated through standard drugs or alcohol, unless induced at near-absurd levels.
- Nervous System Augmentation: The nanites injected into the subject of Project: Hydra drastically reduce reaction times and increase thresholds of pain, the subject is capable of suffering from considerably greater physical trauma while suffering minimal pain, as the nervous system is essentially dulled by the constant replication of nanites.

- Scars of Progress: Though the signs of Project: Hydra's nano-augmentation are far more limited than extensive cybernetic or physiopharmaceutical augmentation would be, an unintended side-effect of nanite-replication in the nervous system has been an occasional and dim blue glow underlying the eyes and veins of the subject. Though they could be glanced over without notice, they are easy enough to spot upon scrutiny, and unnerving to some to behold.
- Force Aptitude: Given the fact that the injected nanites override the healing done by regular cells, the midichlorians which naturally live within the subject's cells are unable to spread and develop throughout the body. While Project: Hydra does not immediately cut the subject off from the force, the subject gradually loses more and more of their capabilities with the force as the midichlorian count in the body gradually decreases. Projections suggest that the subject will always retain connections to the force in the form of bonds, but may lose all practical applications of manipulating the force in time.
- Far from Invincible: Though the subject of Project: Hydra has increased pain thresholds and an increased healing factor, the nanites which have been injected are incapable of repairing trauma that leads to cardiac arrest, massive organ failure or severe brain hemorrhage. Severe damage such as dismemberment cannot be prevented, and are still as likely as normal to lead to the subject's death.
- Reprogrammable: Given the modular nature of the injected nanites, the subject's system can be reprogrammed to damage the subject's system rather than repairing it. While this process requires both the details of the specific nanite-generated RNA (Classified to only Exarchs and above in the CIS) and the direct installation of a ROM Module, it is possible, and could easily kill the subject with little to no resistance, or chance of recovery.
- EMP: While the nanites used in Project: Hydra cannot be permanently disabled by an Electro-Magnetic Pulse, their programming can be halted. If the subject is subjected to an EMP in combat, they will essentially default to the capabilities of a normal human.

It was a simple threat which served as the catalyst for Project: HYDRA - “If Aryn Teth dies—You will all die. Slowly.”
Srina Talon, Exarch of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, instructed the doctors responsible for Aryn Teth's care to take any means necessary to ensure the survival of her fiancee, beginning the planning phase for a drastic augmentation program which would eventually culminate in Project: HYDRA. Knowing full-well that traditional medicines and technology would not be enough to ensure the recovery of the comatose Teth, a team of scientists hand-picked by the Exarch began their studies, soon identifying nanotechnology as what was sure to be the most effective means of treatment without severely altering the appearance or capabilities of the subject. Developed in secret and classified to all but the highest levels of Confederate Governance, Project: HYDRA was laid out as a prototype for future nanotechnological, physiopharmaceutical and cybernetic procedures for potential application in military or intelligence personnel.
The nano-augmentation involved in Project: HYDRA began with the injection of nanites retrieved by Srina Talon from a black market auction on Coruscant into the subject, and the subsequent replication of those nanites within Aryn Teth's body. The first stage of this process is the viral-replication stage. This involves the use of a host cell (a normal human cell) to make multiple copies of a protein shell normally belonging to a virus (a caspid). The second stage involves the duplication of the nanomachines themselves. These nano-components (receiver-transmitters and CPUs), once replicated, are inserted into the protective viral capsid. Once this is complete, the receiver-transmitters send a microwave signal holding the information to create a new strand of RNA. The CPUs process this information and make sense of it. At this point, the information is saved to a datachip and locked away in The Citadel on Geonosis, kept safe behind a firewall which can only be accessed by Exarchs and above.
Once the synthetic RNA has been assembled, it can be used to create a corresponding strand of DNA. This DNA is independent of the DNA contained within the subjects own chromosomes. Instead, it exists as a separate loop referred to as a plasmid. These plasmids contain the information needed to create new proteins which, when introduced to the body, result in it being significant enhanced. In this way the nano-augmentation utilised in Project: HYDRA, although involving significant use of nanotechnological components, is fundamentally a biological process. The enhancements to the subject's body are not caused directly by the injected nanites (with the singular exception of the subjects healing factor). Instead, the nanites allow the body to create organic proteins which give it abilities not granted by natural selection.
Upgrades to previously "installed" augmentations can be applied through the use of additional ROM modules. These ROM modules (apparently shaped like flying saucers), diffuse through the blood once they've been ingested. They then attach to a long spine of nanite CPUs and essentially act as software upgrades.
The base development of Project: HYDRA has led to a number of specific augmentations to the subject's body, including a dramatically increased healing-factor, musculoskeletal development, a strengthened immune system and strengthened nervous system. The results of these augmentations have led to significantly increased reaction times in the subject, along with dramatically increased strength and speed and endurance thresholds, meaning that for all intents and purposes, Project: HYDRA has essentially been designated as a 'super-soldier' project.
However, being a prototype process, Project: HYDRA has led to a number of drawbacks upon the subject which were not anticipated in the initial planning process. The ever-present possibility of the injected nanites being reprogrammed to cause harm to the subject has necessitated almost all information regarding the project to be highly classified, even to the subject himself. Overall only three individuals are permitted to know all of the details of Project: HYDRA, the two Exarchs and Vicelord of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. An unexpected side-effect of Project: HYDRA which would easily have gone unnoticed in another subject has been the gradual suppression of the subject's connection and capabilities within the force.
As the nanites continue to replicate within the subjects body, they gradually override the presence of the midichlorians naturally residing within the body, with projections suggesting that this suppression will in time grow so significant that the subject can no longer use the force for any practical applications whatsoever. It is unlikely that the subject would ever lose his existing bond to Srina Talon or all of his telepathic abilities in the force, as the nanites themselves are not damaging or removing the midichlorians still residing within the body, but it is unexpected that even any basic telekinesis will be possible for the subject beyond a few months.
Regardless of the drawbacks associated with Project: HYDRA, Confederate scientists consider it a great success and advancement in Confederate understanding of nanotechnology and augmentation technologies, and it remains a likely reference point for future developments in these fields by the Confederate Ministry of Science.