Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Project: Imperial Krayt

Valc system, Imperial Remnant space

A fleet of ships bearing the logo of Krayt Industries dropped out of hyperspace on the edge of the Valc system, many of the ships were carrying supplies and modules for the construction of the commissioned shipyards that the Empire had contracted Krayt to build. A few of the ships were of the mining variety, Darth Arcanix's gesture of good faith to the Empire for allowing the deal to go through, and on the outer perimeter, several Elytra-class frigates acted as escorts for the convoy.

On the bridge of the largest construction ship, Taeli stood looking at the planet that would be the site of a large Krayt production zone and she smiled. She was glad that everything had gone through and they could begin forging a closer relationship with the Imperial Remnant.

"All escort craft stand down," she ordered before turning to the com officer and nodding.

"Valc System Control, this is Krayt Industries Construction Convoy Alpha requesting permission to enter the system and begin the construction of the shipyards. Standing to for inspection."

Taeli certainly hoped the Commodore would be present to oversee the process, she certainly enjoyed her interaction with [member="Caius Flavian"] and it was always nice to have pleasant negotiations.
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

The Valc System home to the Imperial Remnant's 'Capital' world, protected by the 1st Imperial Star Fleet whose fleet composition consists of several Star Destroyers.
Line Battle Group Pillar of Order
Line Battle Group Triumph
Line Battle Group Regent
Formation Strength of an individual Line Battle Group
Formation Composition: One to Three Imperator Star Destroyer IIIs or Equivalents Star Destroyers/Battlecruisers; Nine Absolution Star Destroyers; Six Crinan Destroyers; Twelve Merciless Class Frigates; Three Noble Class Frigates; Six Extinguisher Picket Corvettes

Klaxons waxed and waned through out the vessel. The ISD I Pillar of Order was at general quarters. The detection of a large mass in hyperspace approaching the system had put the entire system on high alert. Provisional Governor of the Carrion Sector, Commodore Parra stood in the Strategic Combat Information Center that was just behind the doors to the Bridge. The Fleet had positioned itself at a combat ready stance and a distance just outside of assumed weapons range of any typically capital ship of equivalent size.
"Sir incoming message from the Opposing Force" A communications officer of ensign rank reported
"Put it through" The Commodore waved a hand at the ensign in annoyance that he had to say it.

"Valc System Control, this is Krayt Industries Construction Convoy Alpha requesting permission to enter the system and begin the construction of the shipyards. Standing to for inspection."

"KI-CCA, this is Commodore Parra of the 1st Imperial Star Fleet, thank you for standing by, continue to maintain position" The Commodore replied back to the voice on the other side. He turned to the ensign "Keep this line open I'll inform the Empress"
"Yes Sir!"

The Empress Kista Fel sat in a hover wheel chair at the view port on the bridge flanked by a cadre of female Storm Troopers from the 2nd Imperial Storm Legion. The amber glow basked the monarch. She wore her Imperial Knight armor and light saber at her side. Her left hand was poised at her chin in thought. The bridge was a buzz with activity.
A naval officer of Commodore rank strode down the aisle and uncomfortably walked in between the storm troopers. He made a short bow and then saluted the Empress.
"Majesty it appears that this flotilla of vessels is from Krayt Industries"
"Thank you Commodore Parra, inform the fleet to stand down"
"Yes your Majesty" he again saluted and bowed then proceeded to again tip toe around the storm troopers whose stone wall gaze bore into him unrelentingly. Parra made his way back to the SCIC and carried out his orders.

Kista Fel sat there for a moment longer eyeing the vessels with scrutiny.
She waved for one of the troopers to assist moving her. A level of irritability not uncommon to those who had just recently given birth was rising inside of the young monarch.
Despite the birth having taken place not but a week ago the physical recovery was going to take some time, as usual with this sort of thing.
"Take me to the Throne Room," She instructed the storm troopers. They silently carried out her wishes. As they passed through the SCIC the Empress paused for a moment to say "I'll communicate with the leader of this flotilla in just a moment"
"Yes your Majesty!" He replied clicking his heels.

A few moments later the Empress was in the throne room which had been converted into a nursery/Kista's bedroom. The Twins lay in their crib next to each other cooing softly. She smiled at them with a look of joy. This section of the ship was heavily guarded. Nearly twenty check points had been setup up by order of the Legate of the 2nd Storm Legion. She would have argued it was unnecessary but even the Crown couldn't sway the matter. Her personal detail consisted of a entire platoon of strictly female storm troopers. Only the Imperial Knights, the Commodores, and of course her husband would have direct access to her quarters. A moment of struggle as very much tried to sit in a presentable manner on one of the thrones. The Emperor Vedarric had always made it a point to sit in the left for some unspoken reason, to Kista Fel it really didn't matter, a throne was throne, a chair a chair 'At this point dealing with the karking cramps I would prefer a damn bean bag chair...'
After a moment of rest and some water the Empress nodded to the one of the storm troopers "Put me through" A very serious look came over the Empress as she faced the Holoprojector.

"This is Kista Fel, Empress of the Imperial Remnant, I presume that [member="Darth Arcanix"] is leading this flotilla?"
Taeli blinked once from surprise as the Empress herself appeared on her holo-projector. She had not been expecting such a welcome, or even an audience such as this for some time. The fact the Empress herself was addressing this issue showed Taeli just how serious the Empire was with both this agreement and their desire to show they wanted to be taken seriously by their business partners. The Remnant just went up another notch in her mind, as it was a brilliant move by the Empress.

"Your Majesty, this is highly unexpected but not in the least bit unwelcome," Taeli said, bowing graciously towards the image of the Empress. "Darth Arcanix, at your most humble service. I have to admit though I was expecting to speak with Commodore Flavian again when my ships arrived in system. Regardless, your Majesty, we have brought all the necessary components and materials to begin the construction of the agreed upon shipyards so they may be operational as quickly as possible."

Deciding that she would make some inroads here, and hopefully make a good impression on the Empress and that she was most certainly not the stereotype Sith, she said, "I had heard you were with child, so I certainly hope you gave birth to healthy children that will only make you proud and happy throughout your life. I sadly don't know what it means to be a parent yet, but I can imagine how you feel from what my own parents have said."

Gratitude, humility, and well-wishes, all carefully given and sincere. Taeli really wanted a good working relationship with the Remnant that could eventually grow into diplomatic relations rather than just business.

"On the main subject though, how would your Majesty like us to conduct ourselves while in your system as I am open to being observed while we build except for the anti-matter section as those are trade secrets."

[member="Imp NPC"] / [member="Caius Flavian"]
"Thank you [member="Darth Arcanix"] I always aim for the unexpected. Such kind words and I detect the sincerity in those wishes" Kista adjusted herself hoping to the celestials that she didn't look like an oversized wamp rat. The projector had been carefully set to be displaying her from the top of the shoulders up. Still though cameras as they say can add ten pounds.

"Commodore Flavian is tasked with governing the Carrion Sector and presently will no longer be handling diplomatic affairs unless it pertains to his designated sector. Not to worry though I'm certain he'll pop in on the holonet to see how the progress is going. He and I spoke moments after your meeting with him. I swear that man may have more caffeine in his system than red blood cells." She mused for a moment. Now that the pleasantries were done and over with it was time to get to the business at hand.

She had spent the better part of the last nine months reading through every page of data on every report, book, story, hearsay about the numerous factions that existed. In order to protect her citizens and ultimately the imperial domain she needed to understand the intricacies of politicking. She was a warrior first and foremost. Her husband was the politician and a shrewd one at that. Their marriage was purely Political, and despite that she would still love her children to the grave. This dealing with the Sith Company was calculated step into securing non aggression from the galactic west. Just as with the mando's and the republic the Imperial Remnant sought peace on all fronts and was hoping to spur the economic growth of this edge of the outer rim.
The seeds were being sown. It was not how the fruit was grown and bore from the tree, no it was how the fruit fell from that tree and possibilities to come. A lesson she had recently learned from the old Archmaster of the Imperial Knights.
First and fore most security in strength as was the new motto taken up by the Imperial High Command.

"Darth Arcanix the 1st Imperial Star Fleet will be maintaining two of its Line Battle Groups here above orbit in and around the location designated for these shipyards. We recently have had an intrusion from an unknown enemy that has struck into our territory from the galactic north. Thus we are presently in a state of heightened security concern. Commodore Parra will be condcuting an initial sweep of your fleet as per protocol and after that is complete you may begin working right away. All further incoming vessels will need to be cleared at the following coordinates" She waved a hand at one of the Storm troopers who relayed a message to the bridge. A data packet was transmitted with coordinates just outside the system proper. "Once cleared they can then make a hyperspace jump if they want or take sublight speed to get to above the planet proper. They'll be meeting with the LBG Triumph and under go scans. I understand for propriety reasons that your anti-matter research facilities and materials is a company secret. To keep in line with the contracts we'll refrain from physically looking through the cargo of any ship you designate to be carrying those materials necessary. However we will be performing a weight check and standard scan of all ships that enter this system. Due diligence. My Intelligence and Security Bureau Agents assigned to the scanning are sworn to secrecy you have my word on these reports. You are free to redact any wording in these reports prior to them reaching my desk. If for any reason there is a breach in security I will handle it personally."
Her serious tone broke and a smile crept onto her face.
"Now walk me through how you wish to proceed with construction, what will be the first parts laid down?"
[member="Imp NPC"]

Taeli was slightly disappointed that she wouldn't be dealing with the Commodore much more, but it did speak volumes that the Empress herself was overseeing such things. Perhaps, she wasn't as far away from her goal in achieving diplomatic relations than she thought she was. All in good time though, she didn't want to push or rush anything.

"I understand of course," she said, nodding at the mention of these northern aggressors. Even though the Empire might be secretive, civilians were not so much and rumors about this mysterious new enemy had reached the One Sith. She was curious, but cautious and she knew that dealing with such . . . annoyances would require a large and powerful military to stave off any aggression.

"Commodore Parra is welcome to begin his sweep immediately and my ships will stand to at our current positions until the sweep is done," she said. "Although I would say, given this revelation, that we begin work as quickly as possible. It seems the Galactic Empire needs more forces immediately and we will be working feverishly to make that a reality."

Gesturing, her com officer received the data package for when her second wave of ships would arrive and she also had the transponders of the ships carrying the anti-matter materials and such transmitted to the LGB Triumph and to the Empress.

"The transponders we just transmitted are the ships carrying the modules and equipment for the anti-matter portion of what we will be building," she said, a smile gracing her lips. "As for what we will begin with, we will be handling the construction in three phases. One of our Mark I anti-matter facilities, which is mainly in its individual modules on board the ships will be constructed first. Then we will begin building two of our Type III orbital yards to maximize production. All in all, the facilities we are building will be able to work on seven ships 2200 meters long simultaneously, and smaller ships if they are not occupied with the larger models."

She continued by saying, "It shouldn't take us more than a day, maybe two, to completely do the work, but the process could faster if we had some of your highly efficient and reliable workers helping with the construction. We might have the majority of components all ready to be assembled, but I think you agree when I say speed is key here, yes?"
"Expediency and Efficiency is a tenet of any decent government my dear. The 4th and 5th Expeditionary Battle Groups will be arriving within an hour as they have been performing a humanitarian mission to the Parshoone System. You'll have the personnel of nearly 180,000 Army, Navy and Storm Troop units to aid in the construction of these shipyards. Will that be a satisfactory amount? You may begin construction immediately, Commodore scan each vessel as they make their way to the construction site" Kista Inquired, a brief flicker of discomfort crossed her face before recomposing into a smile.

Commodore Parra was also on the line though had refrained from saying anything until addressed "Yes your Majesty, [member="Darth Arcanix"] proceed with this initial phase. I'll direct the Legion units from the 2nd and 3rd to assist in this initial start if needed. That will be an additional 16,000 personnel to assist you."

He motioned to the Captain of the Pillar of Order to initiate the process.
Dozens of shuttles and barges across the three Line battle groups mobilized in a matter of moments several hundred additional transponder contacts would be visible. "Have your crews coordinate with whatever assets we can provide and where you believe us most needed."

The Commodore then turned to his Fleet Flight Officer "Mobilize the Void Wing Pilots as well. I want 100% defensive protection posturing for the next six hours and then we will begin rotations"
[member="Imp NPC"]

"All ships begin moving to the designated zone," she ordered. She had noticed the brief flash of discomfort on the Empress's face, but she thought it more polite not to mention anything about it. It wasn't here place to say anything unless the Empress expressed herself on what was wrong.

"Commodore Parra, we are advancing now and my engineers will be in contact about we need help with the most," she said over the com channel with the Empire. Turning to her commander, she said, "I want our forces linked up with the defense cordon the Imperials are establishing, work together with the Commodore and keep any unauthorized ships out of the area."

"Yes, Lady Arcanix," he said, snapping a salute as Taeli turned back to holo. All around her, the Krayt convoy began to advance, making sure that the Imperials would have easy access with scans to the cargo holds. Construction drones and ships began to move into the primary zone, offloading individual modules for the Mark I anti-matter shipyard.

"Empress, Commodore, if your personnel can help with assembling the modules and going over the power supplies while my engineers begin unloading the anti-matter equipment from their protective cases and moving them into the modules assembled, that would be appreciated," Taeli said. Her datapad started pinging as her workers informed they were ready to begin. This wasn't going to take nearly as long as expected with the amount of help they were going to have.
Understood Darth Arcanix” The Commodore replied.
My 2nd Legion and the Commodores 3rd Legion shall deploy our Zero Gravity Assault Storm Troopers, their elite training shall provide the necessary skills to aid in the finesse construction. I see that you have large Unmanned Void Craft, errr drones. I’m certain that our units can assist in conjunction with these drones.” The Empress Kista Fel waved a hand to the Sergeant of the body guard. “Inform Legate Dresden of my orders”.
The orders were issued and would soon be carried out. The Flight Officers on board the Imperial Star Destroyer the Pillar of Order began directing the appropriate personnel to aid in this part of the initial construction. A large number of Gamma Class shuttles laden with Zero Gravity Assault Storm Troopers of the 2nd and 3rd Storm legions were launched. These troopers were not equipped in the standard issue gear. They were instead were issued heavy construction equipment. Their shoulder mounted grenade launchers were instead replaced with Servo-Arms and a series of mechadentdrites allowing for fine manipulation of small materials. These troopers were trained to perform boarding assault missions primarily, but they also were trained in and well versed in construction and repair work. Experts in rapidly assessing how to break down and through an enemy hull the Zero-G Troopers used those same skills to construct and repair damage done to ships. The engineering skills needed to perform these tasks carried a high standard of competency as a storm trooper. Each platoon consisted of one squad of the larger bulkier armor types while the other three squads were of the form fitting exo suits allowing for dexterous work.
Accompanying these Gamma Shuttles were also several squadrons of Sentinel Class shuttles. The Imperial Naval Personnel that accompanied these shuttles were some of the best and brightest the Imperial Remnant’s navy had to offer in terms of engineering and technical skill.
The Star Destroyer Triumph and its Line Battle Group slowly moved to initiate the picket line.
"[member="Darth Arcanix"], how fares your companies financial growth?" Kista inquired. A bit of curiosity had taken hold of the Empress while she had been in the final months of pregnancy. She tried to familiarize herself with the handling of economics. The Emperor Vedarric Pallopides was well versed in this arena but Kista desired to be just as knowledgeable about these sort of things. Commodore Flavian certainly understood a great deal about these things as well. Which is why she often sought his advice and was also the one who appointed him as an Agent of the Crown.
[member="Imp NPC"] [member="Caius Flavian"]

Taeli watched the drones and the two different group of workers began moving and assembling the modules for the Mark I. It would take a very short time apparently as the Imperials were moving with such high skill and efficiency they were making her specially trained workers look like amateurs. Yet another sign to her that the Galactic Empire would be a worthy ally.

"Things go well, your Majesty," she replied to the Empress's question, still watching the workers. "We just recently established a new division to produce droids on Galantos and new shipyards have been built in the Sev Tok system, with plans to expand into the Widek, Alderaan, and Erida systems as well. Plenty of new designs and technology are also in the works, the ship I'm standing on is just one example."

She appreciated the gesture of asking about her company's growth, it showed the Empress wanted to make sure this was worthy investment. Even as she thought that, her datapad pinged that the convoy with the parts and materials for the first Type III would be arriving within the hour. It brought a pleasant smile to her face. Her smile grew even larger as she watched the glow of plasma torches light up to begin assembling the modules. Her teams were moving very carefully with prepping the anti-matter equipment to be moved once enough of the facility had been constructed.

"I must ask, as it is only polite that you asked how we were doing, how fares the Empire currently beyond dealing with an unruly neighbor to the north?" she asked, genuinely curious.
The Empress evidently seemed pleased to hear this. She pondered for a moment about what she could speak about. Despite being the Empress and had every right to say whatever she wanted, Kista knew that national security was certainly a top priority of the Intelligence & Security Bureau. She weighed what was viable to speak about. Her words would either be chosen carefully or just as Darth Arcanix had spoken, short but informative.

My dear politeness is the bedrock of proper manners. The unruly neighbor is a moderate concern for there is a host of priority issues that take precedence. If you look at the galactic map we occupy only a sliver of space. Yet our sliver of space has increasingly become a beacon of stability. I know full well that as a Sith you likely have fought on the many battle fronts against the Republic. While militarily those victories have brought much glory I’m sure to you and the many other sith lords. The consequences of both belligerents’ have had wide reaching effects. The war in the core worlds has left billions displaced. A large number of refugees have been spilling into our space. I’ve commissioned several Hospital ships to help curtail the amount of disease, injuries, and other ailments that many of these people have brought. I’ve always made a few in roads with the use of my husband’s nationalization of the Flavian Star Corporation, I’m attempting to galvanize a sufficient effort across multiple star systems to increase food yields to accomadate this large influx of people. Commodore Flavian since his appointment as Governor of the Carrion Sector has been actively seeking to build sufficient refugee centers on several of our client state worlds. Yet they have been increasingly reluctant to provide the needed space due to the fear of disease and the disruption of public order. Between suppressing riots and trying to determine a long term solution to these problems I would have to say that my Empire has shouldered a hefty level of responsibility.” As she spoke her youthful eyes increasingly faded to a look of worry and stress, her gaze for a moment became distant. Her memories had flashed back to a few weeks ago when she had taken a tour through a refugee camp in the Parshoone system to see firsthand on the ground the plight of those ill fortunate souls. She had met a chiss child who wished her babies to be happy children. Later that same day a riot had broken out and that child had died in the mob. A small tear formed at the side of her eyes, but she batted it away and attempted to regain composure. As if sensing the despair and anguish the two bright newborn souls began to stir and cry.

Kista cleared her throat having found that composure “My apologies [member="Darth Arcanix"], but I must break away from our conversation for a while… The call of motherhood is an order even an Empress cannot ignore,” She motioned to the pair of female storm troopers to tend to her kids for just a moment. The two storm troopers having received minimal training only just recently on these sorts of things awkwardly held the two newborns in their arms as if they were cradling their rifles, Kista with a tone that could cut a durasteel hull issued an order “Commodore I expect hourly reports until 2100 and a night SITREP at 0630 and no later. Is that clear?”

Yes your Majesty! Your will be done!” Commodore Parra responded in a professionally cool tone not wanting to incur the wrath of a post pregnant woman, especially that of the Empress.

She turned back to Arcanix with a the friendly conversant tone she was using earlier "Good, now my dear Darth Arcanix, perhaps we could do dinner? I have no doubt our respective subordinates will being carrying out our joint venture with ease. I'm sure the state room here on The Pillar Of Order will suffice as a view port to watch your handy work form?" Perhaps it was the militancy bred in the genes of the Fel family that being cradled like a rifle had soothed the twins a just a moment longer for the Empress to pose this question.
[member="Imp NPC"]

Taelie nodded along with the Empress's small speech, and she could agree with most of everything she said. The war was causing chaos to grow within the galaxy, displacing and killing an untold number of people. If she had any say in the matter, she would have the Sith start establishing colonies for displaced people and show that they weren't the monsters they were made out to be.

"Your efforts are certainly commendable," Taeli said, nodding as the Empress turned to talk with someone off holo and as she turned back after issuing her order to Commodore Parra. "It would be my pleasure to have dinner with her Majesty. I feel we have some things to discuss while we partake of food and drink and watch the work continue. I shall be along shortly."

Bowing one more time, she turned the holo off and turned on her heel.

"Jaxson, stay here on the bridge and keep everything moving smoothly and inform the Commodore that our scond convoy will be arriving within the hour."

"Yes, my Lady," her chief engineer said, moving off to carry out his task with a zeal. Moving to the shuttle bay, Taeli walked onto her personal shuttle and took off for the Pillar of Order. She decided the respectful thing to do was make sure she didn't have her lightsaber on her, show that she meant no harm at all to the Empress or the Imperials in general.

As she flew to the command ship, she could see the shipyard already taking shape, more and more modules were being attached and the first drydock was being added on. It wouldn't be long before enough of the station was constructed that they could move the anti-matter facility inside and the other modules and drydocks were built onto it.

Reaching the Star Destroyer, she landed in the designated zone and lowered her ramp to walk down it, her light blue dress swishing around her legs.
Kista sung a few songs to her children, tales of war and stories of peaceful times. She had spent some time with her body guard setting the room up for newborns. It would be their home for the foreseeable future. The storm troopers aided Kista in changing out of her armor and into some light under clothes, a loose fitting tunic and a purple robe to that covered the majority of her body. The robe had the Imperial emblem embossed on the upper left torso along with an even larger symbol on the back. Once dressed the squad escorted the Empress out into the hall way in her hover chair. A small cadre of four Imperial Knights had arrived, fully armored along with their fully enclosed helmets that resembled the ancient Royal Guard helmets. “My loyal knights, let us head down to the hangar bay and greet our guest” Wordlessly the knights moved to take up a formation around the Empress. Two squads of storm troopers moved in front of the Empress with a second one bringing up the rear. As they moved through the ship down to the hangar bay the corridors and passageways.

The formation came to a halt as a young navy ensign presented himself with a report from the commodore. The status report indicated a rapid progress on the unloading of the modules. Under the direction of the Krayt technicians the project seemed to be coming to fruition. As they continued down to the forward ventral hangar bay of the star destroyer the Empress began to consider the initial possibilities. The first project she had in mind was the construction of a number of smaller vessels of the older and tried and true designs. The Imperial Remnant needed to continue to diversify its military might.
Now came ideas. The broken and down trodden refugees needed to begin new lives. The Shipyayards built here and the ones at Rodica would be hungry for resources. The desire to give these people a chance to begin new lives under the Imperial banner while aiding in the endeavor of improving the scales of defense.

The small procession reached the forward ventral hangar bay just in time to greet the Sith. Kista had to bear in mind that Darth Arcanix was not here as a representative of the One Sith but of her own company of Krayt Industries. The reception before the Sith though was nearly four hundred storm troopers and naval personnel standing at attention. As the Empress arrived there was a shout from a storm trooper officer “Attention on deck, Hail my Empress
Hail my Empress!” The formation bellowed in reply.
Followed by an absolute silence which filled the hangar.
The storm trooper squads that were escorting peeled off and took up formation. As [member="Darth Arcanix"]’s shuttle arrived, the Empress and her four Knights stopped just shy of a two dozen paces from where the shuttle’s landing ramp would presumably open.
Kista Fel got up out of her hover chair without assistance and stood ready to greet and meet the supposed CEO of Krayt Industries.
[member="Imp NPC"]

"Your Majesty, it's an honor to meet you in person and not just over holo," Taeli said with a pleasant smile, bowing respectfully to the woman. She could sense slight guardedness and suspicion from the Imperial Knights, but she made sure to keep her movements obvious and in full view of them. Her lightsaber was still on board and she would keep her Force presence wide open so they could sense her intentions.

"Shall we proceed to wine and dine together and discuss whatever happens to cross our minds?" she asked, again with her pleasant smile and proper manners. For all the world, besides her dark side aura, she didn't look the part of a Sith and she knew it. That was important to her, to differentiate herself from her colleagues.

Her datapad pinged and she knew it would be an update on the progress of the shipyard, but she didn't move to grab it out of her satchel. It would be rude to do so to someone as important as the Empress. If she had checked, it would be a message from Jaxson reporting that the first anti-matter equipment was being moved to the station since the center modules that would contain the equipment had been fully installed and activated. A second drydock area was also nearing completion.
The four knights weapon hands twinged at the malignant aura of the dark side. This pensive movement was noted by the commander of the storm trooper companies present, although no order was given the Commander had over the internal helmet comms had his men snap from parade rest to attention. The boldness of the Sith was audacious in the eyes of the Empress’s bodyguard. Kista raised a single hand to stay the knight’s protective nature and in doing so distilled the tension that had suddenly arisen. Her gaze unwavering as she looked upon Arcanix taking note of the absence of a light saber. Kista appreciated the loyalty of her warriors, their protective nature was certainly something to be admired. Kista could sense no ill intent in the sith lord despite her powerful connection to the dark side.

One thing was for certain that history had taught us all that the dark side was not often the beasts or monsters we tell children at night so that they brush their teeth lest a sith come and nab them. No the darkness that led to evil actions needn’t inhabit the denizens of grotesque. All creatures were capable of being imbued with sinister darkness that could corrupt ones soul to committing acts of the unimaginable. Her husband’s great ancestor was perhaps the epitome of such darkness and the levels of power that you could achieve by giving fully to the darkside. Few of those who claim to be Sith were likely to ever reach such a level again. Still though the cunning and the level of intellect that would lash a lesser mind to oblivion that was what Kista could sense of her guest.

The honor is my own as well to meet you [member="Darth Arcanix"],” The Empress spoke with sincerity. Kista Fel’s own connection to the force was just as potent. However her own ability to use it was fairly limited. The Empress would not however display her aura nor allow her connection to the force to be as visible. One principle she had learned in basic training was that deception was a primary means of hiding ones strength. The trust was building slowly. Perhaps the two would converse the differing aspects of the force while eating. That dress is very befitting of you” A warm remark as she stepped forward from the body guard and proffered a hand to shake. She took note of the ping, it was likely similar to the report that Kista had read not but five minutes ago. The ISB was scrutinizing every movement of Krayt Industries for they had to take an extreme level of prejudice in pursuit of ensuring the safety of the Empress and the capital planet below. Kista could just imagine the hundreds of naval personnel and storm trooper personnel presently working on the drydocks. Kista knew that the moment these shipyards were finished that there was already an immediate slot to filled.
[member="Imp NPC"]

"Why thank you," Taeli said, smiling even as she eyed the Imperial Knights and the troopers around them. Touchy people it seemed, and she hadn't even done anything that would have denoted any hostile intentions. Taking the Empress's hand and shaking it, she knew that revealing her presence currently would reveal part of her full power, but she made sure to keep several tricks up her sleeve as well as hiding her full power. It wouldn't do at all to allow anyone to know just how powerful she was.

"Lead on, your Majesty," she said graciously. "I'm looking forward to this dinner very much. It's not everyday one gets the chance to eat with a nation's leader, well one of them at least."

As the Empress and her guard led the way to the chambers where their meal would be held, Taeli made sure to remain open and docile. She didn't want to tempt any trigger fingers or anger any of the people present. They would have preconceived notions of what a Sith was, but she was trying to show one could be Sith and yet not be a monster. Only her enemies saw that side, and even then she liked to be more persuasive unless she lost her temper.

The shipyards would continue to be constructed, the first of the anti-matter equipment being carefully installed and the second dry dock completed and the workers, along with the Imperial personnel, began to work on the next section of the station.
As the duo made their way through the ship in silence Kista decided to speak in regards to her warriors nature “My apologies [member="Darth Arcanix"] if my knights and warriors seem a little abrasive. Our own practice of the force abhors the dark side and we remain neutral from the light side. They are both my body guard from the dark side and my executioners if I should ever fall to it. Every member of my body guard are parents, not just my knights but also the storm troopers and naval personnel you’ve seen. As both their monarch and also a now a mother I’ve seemingly achieved some sort of zealous guardianship more so than before I even announced my pregnancy. Not to say they were not loyal before, but now it seems the drive of security is of utmost importance…” She trailed off as they made it to the wardroom.

This was one of the several wardrooms on the vessel. Like the previous encounter with Commodore Flavian in the wardroom on bard the smaller Absolution Class the traditional Imperial aesthetic design could be seen in the wood working along with several banners along the wall woven together. The room was akin to a restaurant with booths lining the bulkhead with militaristic 90 degree angels and brown leather plush cushions. In the center of the room was a round table. There were two chairs side by side facing the view port which dominated the starboard The rest of the chairs were nowhere in sight, likely removed from the room for this occasion. The chairs themselves were also of a plush brown leather.

Kista moved to sit down but first she pulled her guests chair out from the table “There see now we have the best seats in the house and can watch the show. “ A look of relief briefly flickered across her face as she was surprised that she had walked such a distance. She had been quietly using the force the entire time to lend her some endurance. The journey from the forward ventral hangar bay to superstructures wardroom was quite the distance.

The four knights and the stormtrooper squads that accompanied them took up positions in the room and outside the room. One knight stood just outside the door of the wardroom barring the entry with a squad of storm troopers in the outside hallway shooing away any officers that apparently did not get the memo that this wardroom was closed. Two squads lined the walls of the room each trooper standing at attention next a banner. A second knight mirrored the first standing in between two storm troopers at the entry of the wardroom. The last two stood a few arms length away to either side of the chairs.

((Edited: Cause I forgot something))
[member="Imp NPC"]

"No need to apologize, your Majesty," Taeli said, smiling. "After my dealings with the Commodore, I engrossed myself in the history of the Empire and those groups that made up it. I congratulate your knights and personnel for taking such things seriously, as they should. But, I mean you and the Empire no harm at all."

As they sat down in the wardroom, Taeli caught sight of the construction underway on the third drydock area of the Mark I and she knew that it this point the anti-matter equipment was being carefully installed to avoid any implosions or catastrophic failures. It was impressive seeing the speed of her workers and the Imperials helping them, they would need that speed when the other convoy arrived and she could see the security cordon of her ships and the Imperial forces were keeping a tight watch on the work area.

"So now that we are comfortable, what would you like to talk about first while we wait for the delicious food you Imperials are so fond of making?" she asked, adding a small laugh at the end.
"I must say, this is a much more cozy wardroom than the Commodore's but then I would expect that from a woman of such refined tastes and hobbies," Taeli said, nodding at the Empress with her smile.
Ah yes, the Commodore spoke fondly of your intellect. His report mentioned that you had attended the university at Lorrd. I would dare to say that even Emperor Palpatine would have likely view you as an ideal pupil,” She gave some praise in regards to the lady’s career choices.She kept her gaze focused on the shipyard. “There have been many claimants to the galactic empire of old… and even before that the Sith Empires and an others that have come and gone. Even republics fall and return. It can sometimes seem pointless to even try given our own mortality. Still though individuals such as us will always strive to make a mark In history somehow.” She trailed off a moment while gazing at several of the drones making a few passing [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]maneuvers. Kista guessed that these were likely double checking that whatever mechanisms were in place. [/SIZE]

Now unfortunately my dear [member="Darth Arcanix"] you are dining with someone who went through the same basic training as these storm troopers that surround us and the knights that ever guard me. I’m as much of a ground pounder and voidsmen as the rest of the warriors on this vessel in the fleet. I’ll be only partaking of the same rationing that these fine women and men are eating. You however are a guest in my home and I insist that you enjoy whatever you like. Sergeant Mariah if you could retrieve a menu for our guest?” A storm to the left of the women snapped to attention and with a parade ground march moved to the kitchen. “Now then if you could explain to me the technical details of how this particular shipyard works? I see that that the second drydock is under way right now.”
[member="Imp NPC"]

As the Empress explained what the Commodore had said about her and she gave her small speech about the history of the Empire, Taeli came to respect the woman even more. The fact she herself was trained as an Imperial Knight and didn't lord her position over her subordinates was intriguing, especially since she ate what they ate. How very interesting.

"The shipyard our people are currently building is actually a leftover from Darth Banshee when she ran the company," Taeli explained after the Empress asked her question. Turning into business mode, she launched into a pitch about the shipyard.

"The Mark I shipyard is primarily invested in the research and production of anti-matter weapons, components, anti-matter itself to be sued as fuel or in research projects, etc. The main area where this takes place is reinforced and heavily shielded in case of any problems that occur so it can be sealed off and allow the personnel the chance to evacuate. The yards also come with several dry docks to build ships. Sadly, it can only work on one 1000 meter and longer ship at a time, 2 between 600 and 1000 meters, 4 between 400 and 600, 8 between 200 and 400, or 16 ships of 100 to 200 meters. Those can all be mixed and matched depending on the current development projects for the yard."

Taking a breath, she continued, "Also the shipyard itself has a hyperdrive to allow it to escape a system if attacked, but all work must be halted before it can make the jump. But, that yard is not going to be primary ones for building ships for the Empire. The Type III yards that will be arriving on the next convoy will be. I'll explain more about those when they arrive."

"I hope that adequately answered you question, your Majesty," Taeli said with a smile as the a trooper returned with a menu. She wasn't too hungry, but did ask for the pastry she had before with the Commodore and a large pot of Bastion black tea if they had it.
You are quite the saleswoman, I can see how you enraptured my dear Commodore with that silver tongue of yours…” Kista smirked at her jibe. Her mind began to [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]meticulously[/SIZE] mull over the design of this shipyard. A space station with hyperdrive capabilities was not unheard of, the death star was one of the first examples she could think of.
Most Intriguing...” Her voice was filled with fascination as Arcanix gave her pitch. “I’ve done my own research into anti matter technology. I would presume that the power generators are perhaps a refined Anti Matter furnace then? I’ve read somewhere that anti matter was used long ago by the Galactic Empire for micro anti-matter mines. As well as being used by the jedi long ago in the clone wars to provide their jedi star fighters hyper drive capabilities. Ancient stuff of course. Thank you Sergeant” Kista said to the Storm Trooper who smartly saluted before leaving to fetch the pastry and tea for [member="Darth Arcanix"].
Darth Banshee… Darth Banshee…” Her voice lingered on that name for a moment recalling the report from the Commodore Flavian of the Order of the Phoenix. She decided to leave that subject out of the discussion. “Hmmmm, well no matter. Now what would be needed for your anti matter research to proceed in achieving a break through to larger vessels?”

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