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Project: KRATOS - Super Soldier Program


Intent: To even the odds between NFUs and FUs, hopefully bolstering NFU activity whilst providing story for the Sith Assassins.
Development Thread: Project: KRATOS [In Progress]

Manufacturer: Kalor-Tech
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Sith Assassins

Modularity: Most human-like species are compatible.
Production: Limited
Material: Modified Gen'Dai DNA, Protein, Steroids, Artificially Mixed Performance Enhancers

Description: Ever since Kalor-Tech established a science facility on Csilla, they had been working on ways to aid the Assassins in the form of enhancing performance in regular soldiers or assassins. The research remained low-key and on the backburner, until one day Lord Ferus himself called upon them in need of a small army. In response the project became their priority and it's files were continuously encrypted and guarded to ensure no one but the select few knew of it's existence. Initially they tried out various substances and chemicals known for enhancing performance, then they moved on to experimenting with species such as Gen'dai who were known for their muscle growth. After many trials trying to find compatible materials and substances, the first serum was created. It was designed to be able to keep producing and flowing inside the subject's body to avoid the need of regular injections to keep it's effectiveness. By working with the natural proteins and nutrients, it bolsters their effectiveness drastically and keeps it in steady supply through the body. It is not infinite however; a suitable diet and lots of exercise are required to keep the levels high enough to maintain effectiveness.


The serum enhances nearly all capabilities, mainly labelled as Physical and Mental. Physically the subject's body gains extraordinary strength, surpassing that of most of their species yet limited by the peak of their biology. Most subject's tend to sit above the Athlete's and Warriors of their race in terms of physical capabilities, in successful cases being able to lift 850 pounds over their heads and run at speeds around 20 miles per hour. Stamina is greatly increased, as the serum combats the acids in the muscles which cause it, allowing the subject to maintain physical activities for extended periods of time. Mentally the subject experience's heightened brain growth and function. Images are processed faster allowing for faster reactions, senses are enhanced so smaller details can be noticed both in and out of combat, and generally their intelligence is of a higher level (although their learning is focused towards combat skills and tactics during their tests).Regeneration of cells on both skin, muscle and brain tissue allow for accelerated healing rates, at up to 50% increased rates. The effectiveness of this aspect was decreased after orders to focus on strength and intelligence.

The serum doesn't come without it's weaknesses. It's first subject developed chronic pain in their chest during the procedure, requiring the aid of a mask to quell it. This along with many other problems show how varied results can be from the serum. Most of the time it is accepted in the system, but sometimes rejection may result in severe poisoning, convulsions or brain seizures. The serum is aimed to work with human-like species, examples being Human, Twi'lek, Epicanthix and Togruta. Species with a biology drastically or moderately different from Humans are likely to experience lethal side effects during the program. Also, individuals with a high midi-chlorian count (that of force sensitivity) are extremely likely to have a violent reaction to the serum. Higher amounts of midi-chlorians reject the serum and trigger the violent reactions detailed above. For this reason the serum can not be used on force sensitives.

In terms of on-the-field weaknesses, the heightened senses of the soldiers provide some vulnerability. Most subjects are equipped with continous static transmitters in their ears, allowing them to focus their senses on the sound and prevent overloading. However, this does little to prevent against an enemy purposely trying to overload them with excessive sound, light or extreme cases of pain. Although the soldiers are trained to increase their pain threshold, having it broken results in them experiencing an excessive sensitivity to the pain.

In summary, the serum allows its subjects to match the enhanced strength, speed and reactions that force sensitives employ in their abilities.

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