Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Project Lineage

Ciana Teigra

A sleek chrome courier slowly descended through the cloudy skies of Kashyyyk, landing on an empty pad within the campus of the Silver Rest.

From the courier stepped out Ciana, the ambassador without her usual entourage of aides and bodyguards. She wasn't on official state business this time around, and she felt safe within the stronghold of the Silver Jedi.

She took some time to poke around the campus before reporting to the reception center. The architecture of the new temple complex was very pleasing to Kiribian, who favored structures that meshed well with its surroundings. While still reeling from earlier setbacks, the Silver Jedi seemed to finally be on the road to recovery.

Eventually, she finally made her way to the reception center to officially check-in. The receptionist at the front desk cleared her to check in with the medical office, but Ciana decided to remain there, and wait for Dresari to meet her here.
The day was a fairly nice one at Kashyyk where the Silver Jedi had recently set up. Though Dusaro had been absent for the entire transition as he had been working and training with the force elsewhere, he had more recently done some exploring of the area. The biggest thing of interest that drew him in was the less explored areas, the deep parts of the forest and especially the Shadowlands. That would be waiting until another day how ever, he had a meeting today.

The meeting was not much of a surprise to him, after his healing factor had been rather plainly shown after Mirial he had figured it would come up in some form. Though he hadn't expected something quite like this. He at first was not all to sure what to make of it, but after some thought chose to go along with it and see where it would lead.

Arriving at the reception center, Dusaro was wearing his standard fare of space boots, tough cargo pants and vest. It was rather easy to spot the flak-vest he wore under the plain vest, his ever present lightsaber and shattergun carried on his utility belt were just as open and obvious. Though given what had been happening with the Silver Jedi recently as well as Dusaro's background as a Mercenary, this was not really out of place to anyone who had done their homework.

"Greetings and welcome! Sorry if i am a bit late ma'am, Dusaro Dresari at your service." Dusaro said with a polite nod of his head, the two toned blonde/silver hair of his race easy to see. That along with the golden skin openly marked him as a Firrerreo. He was fairly used to meeting prospective clients from all sorts of status and rank when he was a Merc, so this meeting was nothing that really bothered him, Dus staying just as relaxed as always.

[member="Ciana Teigra"]

Ciana Teigra

"No no, you're right on time," she said, offering a hand to shake. "I am Ambassador Teigra of the Galactic Alliance. It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance."

With all the calm and poise of a diplomat, she remained serene, but she was quite elated to finally be meeting with the Firrereo in the flesh. Many had thought the whole race had gone extinct, but one of them was standing before her. Exciting times.

"Thank you for agreeing to see me today. I know my request may have come off as a little peculiar, but I assure you, it's all for a good cause."

She motioned for him to follow her to the medical center with a hovering droid guide, then began to walk.

"So, how long have you been with the Silver Order?"

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
Dusaro would accept the hand shake, a nice, firm grip from his right hand. She would notice even through the leather glove and sleeve he had on his right arm that his hand did not give way like normal flesh would, meaning it was most certainly a prosthetic. Though if she had done much research at all into Dusaro and his past, Teigra would already know this.

"Never have left a client waiting, though usually the ambassadors don't come out to meet me in person." The former Merc-Man said in a friendly, even slightly boisterous tone. While he didn't mind the change in pace, it was still something he was getting used to. As a Jedi, the middle-men he was used to dealing with had vanished. Now it wasn't 'meet this contact who works for this guy', it was just 'meet the head guy' most of the time now.

"Mmm, well, mildly strange but not surprising. My species being both rare and exotic, in more then a few ways." In truth, Dusaro had an incident or two happen like this before. Though only once had he actually accepted a contract for someone to more deeply examine his body. That had not been a pleasant experience, not one bit. So he had been a bit leery about the idea at first, but after a bit of research he chose to give it a shot.

"For around two years. I joined after i ran into one [member='Josh DragonsFlame'] when me and him both teamed up to help liberate a slaver camp. After seeing my performance, he thought i might be sensitive to the force. Turns out i was and so here i am." Dusaro explained as he followed behind her.

[member="Ciana Teigra"]

Ciana Teigra

They shook hands, Ciana feeling the cold hard grip of Dresari's prothetelic. She found it interesting that he possessed a bionic, which may have suggested that a baseline Fierrerreo's did have some limit to their incredible healing factor.

Soon, she would find out for herself.

"Your race is indeed quite rare. Do you maintain contact with anyone else, or is it just you now?"

She would love more than one specimen, but the one beside her would suffice.

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
"I have never managed, in all my years to find another Firrerreo. Only one i knew is my father, who is deceased. Mother was an Echani, though species wise i didn't 'mix'. Only way it showed at all was in the hair, according to the last medical i had."

To show what he meant he pinched some of his hair. It was two toned, platinum blonde and silver in color, the silver coming from his mother. Though for all he knew, Silver was a natural color for his species he liked to think it came from his mother.

"I have heard of a few others of my species kicking around here or there, even investigated a few leads but never found any others." His father had told stories, something about ancient sleeper ships of their people or the like. Dusaro didn't really much stock into those stories though, so he didn't bother mentioning them.

[member="Ciana Teigra"]

Ciana Teigra


She perked up at that revelation. Ciana was also an Echani hybrid, from her father's side. There were many more like her running around on Kiribi, which had become host to a large Echani population descended from mercenary armies hired by the Union.

"As far as researchers have been able to tell, Echani's traits are mostly recessive, so they often bear little resemblance to their Echani parent. This is probably the consequence of beginning their existence as a pet project of the Arkanians."

She began to ponder if hybridization diluted his healing factor. This was an important question to consider, as her plans involved splicing.

"Until today, I had thought the Firrerreo had been relegated to history, but you proved me wrong. Now like to think there are at least of few of you running around."

The had come to the end of their short walk to the medical ward. Reserved facilities awaited the pair for her initial survey and sampling. She checked in at the reception area, and from there, an elderly Ithorian Consular would take them to the room. Ciana took her time looking through the room, looking for the syringes and vials.

"With your consent, I would like to draw some blood for testing. Then I'd like to take you through some other medical trials. Testing respiration, blood pressure, etc. All to establish a baseline."

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
"Mhmm." He would nod a bit in affirmation, it wasn't the most uncommon thing he found, people being part Echani. What was hard was telling since just as she said, they rarely resemble the Echani side of their parentage. The only real way to tell with Dusaro was his hair, two toned like all Firrerreo, half blonde, half silver.

"Though, the halved Firrerreo and Echani heritage does not seem to have effected my body any." He said, taking a guess as to what was on her mind when she went silent for a moment. "I have completely recovered from a cracked spine among other things." Though he figured, being a sceintist and the like that Ciana wouldn't be pleased until she had more solid proof than just his word for it, so he left it there.

"I too like to think i am not the only one left running around, though given what tends to happen to rare things in this galaxy i would rather not image where the other precious few might be."

He curiously wondered how strenous this was going to be. He had blood taken, that was actually fairly regular. Given that he was his only source of blood if he ended up bleeding to much, he actually had his medical droid fairly regularly draw blood, just in case he somehow managed to take a bad enough of a bleeding wound that even he might succumb to blood loss.Not likely, but Duasro was not one to take chances.

"That is fine, but i do have a few questions." He said, a few things having been on his mind. "What exactly do you have in mind? While i could be wrong, i assume its more than just Scientific curiosity." Given that all he knew about her was her status as an Ambassador, he was somewhat curious as to her longer term intent. He didn't know much about companies like Panacea and the like, so he didn't end up drawing that connection. That said, he did have a reasonable understanding of the potential usefulness of genetics like his could potentially have, so he figured she was here on behalf of some group like that.

[member="Ciana Teigra"]

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