Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Project Reclaimer pt 2

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Time: 0900
Location: private workshop

The word workshop was a bit of an understatement, Patricia wasn't the kind of girl for humble little buildings with a chimney that had a pot of tea on to boil. That just wasn't her. Patricia had a small warehouse sized workshop filled with multiple high tech machines and equipment, for she couldn't use the force then she'd use the galaxies most high tech equipment to get the job done.

By her side she had plenty of worker droids that had been brought over from Demonsgate. The phrik bars were laid out in even stacks along three large ovens, but there was more than just that. There were going to be multiple components to this armor and she was going to see to it that they all came into play.

Ahead of her as stated was the phrik ready to be loaded up. On her right were three project exo vis exoskeletons and on her right were three of what looked to be experimental flak jackets, it all lead up to be what was going to be an awesome suit of armor. So in the words of the late great Walter White.

"Let's cook." Patricia said with a wolffish grin.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Load up that phrik and get her boiling. I'm going to get started on the exosuits." the woman said as she began to pace to the left.

The droids rushed forward and began to load the phrik into the three ovens, and quickly close the doors after the bars were loaded. Honestly Patricia needed the help of the droids, she was four foot eleven without her heels and a buck twenty at most. She couldn't lift any of these things to save her life and she needed them to do all the heavy lifting and moving of supplies, it was a little sad but it wasn't anything she was ashamed about.

"Hello Exo Vis, nice to see you. Let's break you down." Patricia said as she grabbed a wrench.

"You two. Come dismantle these other two, we're going to power this armor." Patricia said as she took the wrench to the exoskeleton.

The droids joined her and began to break down the components of the exo skeleton. She had to break it down and make sure she could make it work on the armor, which meant she had to ditch the cooling system and reconfigure the sensors around. She'd have to ditch the cooling system even. Figuring this out was going to be a pain but she was confident she could handle it.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
So the Exo Vis ran on three components. A cooling system, a CPU, and a hydraulic system, so they had to find a way to get these things into an armor. So this meant they had to make it smaller perhaps? They would loose strength but in return it would be small enough to be covered by the phrik plating of the armor.

"Let's go feed this into the printer and make a new set of hydraulics." the woman grabbed the pieces of the Exo Vis and quickly moved over to another machine.

With her droids carrying what she couldn't she looked up at the very large 3D printer and nodded, while she wasn't thrilled about having to print up and reconfigure a new system she would have to deal with it.

"Dump it." She said as she fed the metal into the printer.

The machine heated up and Patricia walked over to the console to type up some specifications to what she needed. Each individual part was wired into the machine and now they were going to have to wait for the machine to pop out what was going to be the suit's power.

But there was other stuff to attend to. There was a knock on the door and Patricia snapped her hands over towards the droids to get the shipment. She knew exactly what it was and it was right on time.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The door opened and a few droids carrying boxes marked with the Spaarti Creations logo on it were dropped off, this was excellent. Her Terentatek hide was here and she could get started on the next piece of progress on the armor. The under mesh for the helmet, the hide was going into the helm so the force would wash off the user's head and keep them safe from mental attacks.

"Break them open and let's get sewing!" Patricia said while clapping her hands.

The woman walked over to the now open boxes and grabbed a few armfuls of the heavy hide. Taking it in her arms she walked over to her crafting table and broke out her sewing machine and blades. Cutting and working the leathered hide the woman created a full mask with a slit for the eyes, she was a pretty good seamstress and despite what most people said about her in her family when the woman wanted something done she handled it.

Crafting the next two masks she set them down to the side and was finished in that department. Now she had to move on to other more important things.

The vests.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
These weren't your ordinary bullet proof vests, they were made to stop assault rifles and everything up to a 7.62. They were tough and surprisingly lightweight compared to most vests that relied on Kevlar or sappy plates. Not these, these were special. They were made with little ceramic discs that overlapped on one another. This caused shockwaves from bullets to be spread out and absorb kinetic energy rather than the more common method.

"Let's inspect these." she said to her droids firmly. As she picked up one of the vests and dragged it over to her craft table.

The woman placed the armor down on the table and she began to run through and inspect the armor itself. The discs seemed to be in place, the armor was comfy and loose by the looks of it and it all seemed to be in order. It was a sturdy piece of armor and it would most definitely work for what she had going on. Phrik wasn't a very slug friendly armor and while she certainly didn't want add weight when it wasn't needed this seemed like a necessary precaution to take for what could save someone's life.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
A loud ding went off and Patricia's head turned over to the printer, the hydraulic system was ready and able to go. Quickly walking over to the printer she opened it up and could see what looked like an incomplete body glove, it almost looked like wires running on a circuitboard and she snapped her fingers and realized what it needed. It needed an actual body glove to go over it.

So running over and grabbing a body temperature regulating glove she took the small powered portion of the system and began to lay it on the glove. She was going to have to build this part herself and she was quite excited about it. She knew her husband wouldn't need it and he'd be stronger without it, but for the average joe wearing the armor she wanted to them to be able to be stronger than the average human.

First thing was first was to hook up the the hydraulics to the small CPU and place the sensors around the body in key locations. Putting one on all the joints and areas that involved heavy movement the woman quickly wired up the electrical system but in order to configure everything she was going to have to get the helmet for the armor made, so for right now she just had to make sure this thing was going to function.

The body glove would be the cooling system as it would adjust itself to a cool and comfortable body heat whenever the hydraulics began to heat up, so she could ditch the gas. Now all there was were sensors, hydraulics and a CPU that was going to be placed in the helmet.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Make two more of these, please." Patricia said to her droids before walking off to handle the most important part.

She had readied the hide, the vest, and now it was time to handle the phrik. She had a mold of the armor made and the phrik was going to be dumped into it and the armor itself forged. While Patricia knew how to make armor by hand there was no way she could lift and bang a hammer for hours. So she had the very simple solution of droid labor. She was only the creative mind behind all this and she had to have the droids do the majority of the work.

"Is the phrik ready?" Patricia asked one of the droids.

"Yes Miss Blonde, we are ready to forge." the droid said back.

"Excellent. Let's get to work." Patricia smiled and clapped her hands to have the molten ore removed from the ovens.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The liquid phrik was removed quickly and transported over to the forging area of the workshop. Pouring it into molds the droids readied the water and Patricia walked over to the droids and put on a pair of arc contacts along with motion cap gloves and tools. The droids would follow her movement and the arc contacts would feed the droids optics of the ore into her feed. She was going to forge the armor through them, she wasn't about to swing a heavy ass hammer around and make three suits of armor.

"Follow my lead gents." Patricia said as she gathered in her focus. First up was the breastplate.

Dumping the liquid metal into the breastplates mold the woman cooled the metal and began to pound and shape the plate into perfection, it took a bit but while she was using her motion cap technology the droids were doing it times three hammering out any imperfections on the pieces of metal. After a while it was done and honestly Patricia thought it was time to call it a day. She'd been there for hours and it was time to rest. But the phrik had to shaped now so it she had to keep going.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia moved on to the helmet and started to bang out the shape and cool the phrik, it was a very careful process as was shaping any helmet but in the end it all paid off. It was a quickly job and within an hour the helmet was created. She then moved on to the grieves and banged those out as well over the course of a few hours.

The moon had started to come up and she was almost done with the phrik plating of the armor. She was wrapping up the gloves and when they completed she was done with three sets of armor. It was time to call it a day, so grabbing her stuff she ran upstairs and crashed on the bed. Tomorrow she was going to have to combine all the elements of the armor to create her masterpiece.

Falling on her bed she let the soft covers take her to sleep and dream of dreams of greatness. She loved doing stuff like this and she simply adored it, as she slowly drifted she sighed deeply and passed out.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The next morning Patricia held a cup of coffee in her arms and had to get to the hardest part of the armor, configuring the helmet and HUD to match up with the hydraulic power system. She yawned heavily and took a sip of her coffee after she had rinsed herself down in the emergency shower. Walking over to the body glove she grabbed it and dragged it over to the computer station.

Then she walked over to her craft table and grabbed one of the Terentatek hide masks. Taking it she paced her way over to the forge and took the helmet. Afterwards she took all of the necessary parts and placed them on the ground near the computing station.

Grabbing the CPU she placed it on the top portion where the tip of the spinal column would go, afterwards she padded it and placed a small digital transponder on the suit that would feed all the sensors information to the CPU. Then she put the Terentatek mask inside the helmet and sighed. She hated coding and she was going to have to bang out the system for the armor and sync it's movements.

"Put that glove on please." she said to one of her droids.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The woman now bored out of her skull watched a droid run through basic movements one by one, but with each one the sensors would catalog the movement and save it. It took a few hours but when it was finally done the sensor system on the body glove was ready to go. She made sure to wire that into the CPU. Now it was time to start downloading programs.

Placing an programable IFF tag inside the CPU along with an advanced HUD with real time holonet connection inside she placed another transponder in that could pick up a connection along with a basic comm unit. The helmet was just about done and the body glove was complete. So now it was time to pad everything and then armor it.

Grabbing a gel layer body glove suit the woman grafted it a top the temperature glove so the electronics would have sufficient protection against the rough and tough struggles and stress of battle.

"Fun part." it was time for the last bit of fun.

Armoring the suit.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The completed glove was placed on droid and Patricia watched as droids began to take the pieces of phrik armor, and like a king or knight of the old days the armor was placed on piece by piece with the ceramic vest being placed under the breastplate until the armor was complete and covering the body of the droid. Taking the helmet she smiled and made sure to add a small tank of oxygen that fed into the helmet that sealed. She had made a few tweaks to the armor like a holo projector in the wrist and a tool belt around the waist.

Really the entire piece of armor was beautiful and it really was her masterpiece.

"Damn I'm good." she said with a sigh before running upstairs to go and sleep some more.

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