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Approved Tech Project RUUSAN: MK1. Ravenous Grenade

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Project RUUSAN: MK1. Ravenous Grenade
"Imagine it sir. Breathing in that thick, coppery mist, and then feeling it. Each and every microbe, by the thousands gnawing inside of you. Everything failing. That, is what we will punish the Jedi and Sith with."
- Maj. General Rupert Kessler
Head of Project RUUSAN Section Six Bureau

  • Intent: To create an interesting new grenade.
  • Image Source: u/TheCarrotz (x)
  • Canon Link:
    • Purrgil [For the whole blood] (x)
    • Badishah'Curazi (x)
  • Permissions: None.
  • Primary Source: Purrgil Blood.
  • Manufacturer: Prefsbelt Command [The New Imperial Order] (x)
  • Affiliation: New Imperial Order (x)
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Modularity: None.
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
    • Electronic Components
    • Blood
    • The ‘Ravenous’ (x)
    • Electronic Superheater
    • Freezing Mechanism
    • Aluminium Casing
  • Classification: Biological Grenade.
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Explosive Type: Biological discharge.
  • Delivery Method: Thrown or deployed from a grenade launcher.
  • Effective Range: Small
  • Area Of Effect: Personal
  • Damage Output: Very Low
  • Blood: The vessel upon which the Ravenous are employed. Prefsbelt Command breeds the microbes in the bodies of lobotomised purrgills or alternatively in the bodies of those who’ve perished at their labour camps. This is the source of the ‘mist’ the grenade uses.
  • Freezer Lining: Cased within the grenade is a freezing unit. This is organised from manufacture and ensures that the blood within the grenade does not deplete the midichlorian count as the Ravenous perish with a lack of them.
  • Superheater: Contained within the grenade is the superheater. Once the grenade is primed, the superheater activates after five seconds. Detonating and destroying the casing, but evaporating the blood within.
  • The Ravenous: Contained and feeding on the purrgil blood is the Ravenous microbe. Said microbe is the ‘warhead’ if you will of the grenade. Once it makes contact with tissue matter, the Ravenous enter the bloodstream, and immediately go to town, feasting on the midichlorians of their host.
  • Anti-Force User: A full dose of the grenades blast is enough to disorient and sap at the strength of a force users powers. Evening the odds between these Gods among men, and the average grunt.
  • Disorienting: Even amongst non-force users, the grenade has applicability as a weapon to disorient. A full breath of Ravenous will quite easily cause nausea. It may not be deadly. But it certainly can yield consequences and give friendlies an edge.
  • Penetrates Shields: The actual grenade uses steamed blood as to get the Ravenous into the system. Lest shields have some anti-biological or umbrella, the Ravenous can penetrate shielded targets.
  • Overrides PPE: While protective gear and sealed masks do help limit the pliability of the Ravenous, walking through the steam cloud generated by one coats the armour. And the Ravenous are so small, they can slip through the tiny cracks and chinks in the armour.
  • Ineffective Against Droids Or Vehicles: Since it is a biological, non-biological targets are unaffected. Although the mist may fog up a viewport at best.
  • Slow Acting: The actual grenades themselves carry very little in regards to the Ravenous aboard them. So should they enter the body, they need to take time to breed. It takes minutes for the microbe to slip through PPE and to enter a sentients body.
  • Nominally Not Too Deadly: Against your average soldier in full combat gear, the best case scenario is death. Of course that would rely on the target already being wounded or an underlying health condition. Worst case scenario is the exposure to the Ravenous is too small and too slow in the long run to damage or disorient.
  • Indiscriminate: The Ravenous do not differentiate between targets. Civilians, enemies, friendlies. They will enter the bloodstream of any and all, and feast upon them.
The discovery of the Ravenous strain of the Badishah’curazi was a boon to Prefsbelt Command’s Project RUUSAN. The project, designed to create weapons to feasibly exterminate and eliminate force users had for years been experimenting needlessly. Particularly focusing on mutating a Pa’Desh born microbe, the Badishah’curazi. The microbe in its base form however was benevolent and not a burden on the immune system. With it feeding off of bacteria found on midichlorians, and the midichlorians themselves, but not enough to cause any sort of detrimental effect. It was to be precise, a symbiotic relationship. The microbe proved resilient to most strains of mutation forced on it, and the project was to be shut down until a discovery.

One of the auxiliary projects, the Naraka III Overseer Worksuit, a device which includes a midichlorian breeder was contaminated with a naturally mutated strain. One which unlike the base species, ate relentlessly, and without care. Saved from the contaminated unit, Project RUUSAN staff developed the microbe and bred it in vats of purrgil blood. There they would stimulate the production of midichlorians, and allow for this new strain, codenamed Ravenous to develop. However a means of weaponization was yet to be found.

Enter the Mark One Ravenous Grenade. The means to develop the bacteria into a weapon capable, in theory, to strike down a jedi. Cased in a frozen prison, blood infected with the Ravenous is stored. Once the pin of the grenade is pulled, a five second countdown is initiated. And once completed, the grenade detonates thanks to a superheated charge. Which rather than destroying the blood, evaporates it into a fine mist. It is there, the Ravenous can enter, hitched upon the steam onto bare surfaces of organics. There they burrow in and quickly colonise and eliminate the midichlorian count in an organics bloodstream, in theory killing them. Or in the case of a force user, strain their connection to it.

In practice however, the grenade is a little less effective. The grenades carry too little in the way of Ravenous to really kill unless in the right circumstances. These being a concentrated dose, a lack of protective gear, and a pre-existing medical condition. Otherwise, the Ravenous struggle to claim a foothold. While they can slip through filters, its a slow process and the actual exposure may only be enough to disorient rather than kill outright. Still, it’s toxicity and potential is what makes the weapon so potent and produced.
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Really nice submisison Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber

Just got a couple of things for you:

Pa’Desh born microbe, the Badishah’curazi
purrgill blood

Could you please link the above items. Along with this could you add the Purrgill blood to your primary sources

Slow Acting: The actual grenades themselves carry very little in regards to the Ravenous aboard them. So should they enter the body, they need to take time to breed.

Can you be a little more specific? Minutes, Hours Days?
Could you please link the above items. Along with this could you add the Purrgill blood to your primary sources

I've done what you've wanted. I'm just sort of curious if you will though, as to the necessity of adding purrgil blood as a primary source? I always though the primary source portion of a sub, was meant to reference previous submissions or authors from whom you are borrowing from.
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