Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Project: Starbird Rising




It is with great hesitation that this program is initiated. So many lives have already been lost, and it is only inevitable that more are swept into the fold of needless violence. But how does one navigate peacefully among the galaxy? How does anyone sit idle and not bear any scars? The sentiment of a unified society and government has dissolved. What remains of the Republic's fragmented survivors and power is minute in the grand scheme of other conglomerates and political giants. They take the reins of what has been lost, re-configuring it into an unrecognizable thing of injustice, and with a distinct lack of regard for civilian lives.

Our backs are against the wall. While moves are made to pursue alliances and establish footholds, those of us that dwell on the brokenness are left with nothing but to rebuild - to grow stronger. Military funding and presence has dwindled, leaving the Republic itself to rot and fade into the inky backdrop of space itself. A void creeps ever closer, threatening to swallow all of us if we aren't careful.

It is due to these pessimistic observations and detriment that a new wave of military action be taken. After an extensive, tedious conversation between one [member="Darius Sedaire"] and an unknown individual with previous special forces experience, a compromise was reached to create a task force capable of undertaking the risks and horrors that desire to breach and destroy the government's fragile existence.

These new soldiers are to be the shield and sword against all that threaten the Republic - candles in the dark, unwavering to the shadow.

They are the scalpel made to cut away at the tendons and arteries of their sworn enemies.

They are the S.F.S.D.


Location: [REDACTED]
Status: Vital Signs Normal
Description: Undergoing prerequisite procedure, stabilizing host body to be able to adapt and accept further experimentation.

Subject Name: [REDACTED]
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 144 lbs
Blood Type: [REDACTED]
Gender: Male

Candidate appears to suffer from bipolar mood swings and exhibits micro mannerisms most comparable to post-traumatic stress disorder. Candidate also appears to have damage to internal organs consistent with that of an alcoholic and avid drug user. Tar and the build-up of other internal hazards were found within the lungs and joints, almost instantly disqualifying the candidate from induction; however, an exception will be made and a recovery course will be implemented to ensure a successful product. Other candidates are currently underway to be tested on their physical and mental aptitude before augmentation. In this way, placement of cybernetics are appropriated and aligned with the host in question in order to better suit their strengths, and in turn, the Republic's values.


"Vermin Five, what's your status? Over."

No response.

"Vermin Five respond, what is your status?"

Tatsu stared ahead, his eyes transfixed on a vaguely familiar battle-worn building where he could see his past comrades hanging. Their limbs and spines misaligned and broken. Then they started to move, their faces and necks adjusting and cocked at unnatural angles to gaze upon their still-living squad member. Smiles spread across gaping, bleeding mouths, their teeth blackened and vile - the faces of the dead themselves distorting and becoming evermore unrecognizable and taut as their teeth began to burst through the thin lines of their lips. Then in unison, they all began to cry. It rattled Tatsu to his core, making his bones lock with fear, his muscles acting in an involuntary manner of spasms and twitches.

The world around that screaming building was as black as pitch, and so too did the darkness rise with a voice of its own. A kind of droning hum that forced its way into Tatsu's ears, nose, eyes... even his very soul. It violated him. Rapture coursed throughout his every fiber, his every nerve. No invention of Tatsu's mind could ever produce a melody so profound.

All the voices collided into a massive collective of what could only be described as pure madness before an abrupt silence.

Tatsu then opened his eyelids slowly to the living, waking world. Attempting to look upon the room from the operation table he laid on. Bright phosphorescent lights blurred his vision as his eyes gradually adjusted to moving shapes and figures running tests, among other obligations they needed to tend to.

A sigh of relief escaped from the operative's lips as he readjusted his gaze to the ceiling.

Further down the rabbit hole...

...We all wait for you...

Location: Deep space emergency facility, in the [REDACTED] sector
Status: Vitals signs normal​

Description: Undergoing prerequisite procedures, further tests required

Subject name: Anders O’Tor
Height: 1.7 meters
Weight: 78 kilograms
Blood type: B Negative
Gender: Male
Rank: Unavailable

Candidate displays below average health of a human male. Individual is lacking in some vital nutrients, minerals, and other essential substances. At moderate risk of kwashiorkor -- distended stomach remains a concern. Further tests required. Muscles at moderate but wavering strength -- linked to improper nutrition. Treatment available. Subject contains a multitude of scars and lacerations over body -- ordering six standard hours in a Bacta tank. Mental status a concern. Candidate displays signs of major depressive disorder (MDD) and anxiety symptoms. Brain implant recommended. Few available.



Droopy brown eyes blinked faintly, recovering from a harrowing black nightmare. Vision blurred, the glaring white of the incandescent lights beamed into his waking eyes. Anders vaguely made out anomalous objects floating around him or feeling over his legs with what seemed to be electrical monitors of some sort. Beeping, jittering, whispering -- the sounds of medical equipment and shrouded voices became louder and more apparent. He looked around slowly in what appeared to be a medical bay, remarking how oddly spacious it was, with obscure moving shadows in its veiled recesses.

Suddenly, his heart plunged deep into his stomach. The creepy, unfamiliar environment bothering the still disoriented man. Paltry quivering rapidly morphed into violent shaking as he fought against robust manacles. Guttural screams and shouts bounced off the walls as he oscillated deliriously over the operating table.

LET ME OUT!” he bellowed hoarsely. “LET ME GO!!!!!!

Remain calm,” said a monotone hovering droid. “Please, remain calm.

A cacophony of shrill alarms blared as he convulsed madly like some feral beast, his wrists grinding against metallic constraints. A cohort of droids appeared on nimble legs and glittering repulsors -- operating the machines as one placed a breathing apparatus over his face. The hovering droid unveiled a terribly sharp needle -- injecting the serrated object in his neck.

Inoculated, his breathing and heart rate slowly returned to normal as he drifted back into a disturbed, tenuous sleep.

The low droning of multiple machines and computers surrounded Tatsu, two free-floating orbs expanded outward in a synchronized motion as a collection of needles and surgical tools unfolded. A thick yet slender tube was inserted into Tatsu's neck, he grimaced from the pain but soon after found himself drifting off into a deep slumber. His muscles loosened and his eyelids fluttered, his breathing now shallow.
The operation was now in effect.
Razor sharp scalpels and knives sliced into the man's flesh, the underlying muscle tissue being probed and inserted with peculiar rectangles that found a new home within Tatsu's body. Within his torso, an even larger piece of tech was crudely anchored inside, subsequently being hardwired to his major organs with graceful precision and speed, the droids having done their primary function quite well, and with minimal scarring to any surrounding vitals.
We'll find you..."
The skull was taken apart revealing Tatsu's brain, a perfect half sphere was being held by one of the medical droids as another pierced the fatty mass with three needles forming a triangular shape, injecting a microchip within. Afterwards the skull was resealed back into place, any deep cuts were corrected to appear as if nothing had ever happened. For a few more hours, Tatsu's body was a grotesque spectacle of flayed skin and raw nerves, yet those of a more scientific demeanor would possibly comment on the beauty of such a thing.
The precise nature of the machines, the reconditioning of a human being to become something more. Transcendence.
Suddenly, he was awake. There was nobody around him, nor any particular thing for that matter. A still silence hung in the air of the medical lab, the sterilized environment glinting with a healthy sheen. Tatsu put his hands to his head and slowly rubbed them over his face, holding them there momentarily before pushing himself from his operation table. His bare feet met with icy durasteel flooring as the rest of his newly modified body tensed. The muscles themselves flexing much harder than before, his senses undeniably sharper and honed to an almost supernatural degree.
Tatsu drank in the world around him, feeling every speck of dust floating in the air - tasting the metallic stagnation of the medical facility, thick with generic chemical cleaners and various artificial drugs. A profound sensation of oneness and completion resonated within Tatsu's chest and nerves. A slight smile came over his face as he reacquainted himself with his clothing and gear.
A new beginning, truly.
[member="Anders O'Tor"]

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