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Approved Armor PROJECT: SYMBIOSIS - "Bio-integrating Combat Weave"

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Manufacturer: Vergessen Contii
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy

The Bio-integrating Combat Weave is a self-sustaining and "living" armor lab-grown for the purpose of combat. It is a large, pale lump of flesh that wraps around the user's torso like a chest piece. The armor is then connected via an umbilical port directly into the back of the neck, which initiates a symbiotic merge between the user and the Combat Weave. The Combat Weave will then form a permanent attachment to the user and grow with the biomass of their own body. When the user eats, sleeps, or develops physically, the Combat Weave grows and sustains itself in tandem. When the armor is inactive, the flesh of the weave will dissolve into the existing biomass of the user, only to emerge when reactivated. The only evidence of its existence in its inactive state is the umbilical plug extending from the host's neck and down their spine.

The Combat Weave will adapt to stressful environments and threats by rapidly developing "adaptations" on the user's body to retaliate. For example, if the user is being attacked by kinetic gunfire, the Combat Weave will use the nutrients, fat and nourishment from the host's body to force the growth of armored plates across the body, that can reliably deflect bullets. The Combat Weave could also adapt to the user's immediate desire, such as the need for more strength to lift something heavy. The Combat Weave will compensate - forming dense fibers of muscle in the arms and legs of the host to fulfil the necessity.

The Combat Weave can only adapt to one major threat at a time but will comfortably swap between different growth "forms" at the user's command.


  • The Combat Weave is capable of adapting to immediate threats to the host's body. This can vary from developing large, armored plates to deflect bullets, or constructing dense muscle fibers in the body to fulfil a physically demanding task. The user can only use one adaptation at a time (but can swap between adaptations seamlessly), and in order for an adaptation to be created, the user must be damaged by the threat first.
  • The armor is highly versatile and incredibly dangerous. It can be used for both offensive and defensive measures, and it can be reliably maintained as long as the user cares for their own wellbeing.
  • The Combat Weave has a particular weakness to fire and will burn easier than regular flesh.
  • Overly complicated adaptations to the user's body can lead to irreversible changes to the host body.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Vergessen Contii's personal magnum opus.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Vergessen Contii
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Biomesh, Exo-carapace Plating (Der'vergeben DNA Trait), Lab-Grown Muscle Weave (synthesized from living biomass), Self-Sustaining Microbiome Adapter, Stem Cell Inserts (sourced from biomass), Primary Organ Insertions (sourced from biomass), Der'vergeben DNA, Contii's Genetic Signature, "Voodoo People" DNA
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Extreme
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Extreme
Sonic Resist: Very High
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Extreme
Other Resistance(s):

Thermal Resistance - Low (Fire)
Pierce Resistance - Very High
Blunt Resistance - Extreme
Plasma Resistance - High

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