Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connor Harrison

[member="Xander Carrick"] Enjoy yourself (not too much!)

[member="Sarge Potteiger"], Don't worry. I shoot first.

[member="Lora Tey"], Girlfriend is not a very picture person, but I will try to at least get one!

[member="Kei Amadis"], yeah, they are really fun!

[member="Silara Kuhn"], Well since this is my senior year, this is my last one. This one will be very special for me.

[member="Connor Harrison"], I get what you mean..... *winkey face*

[member="Isley Verd"], Okay. Will do Vod.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"], The kind where they carry guns apparently. And trust me, I will. :)
[member="Serena Bouie"], Yes I did. It was very fun.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"], No. Don't know if you guys know, I am Mormon, so its against our religion to "Get knocked up" Before marriage. The only "Scoring" I did, was some kissing. And I am fine with that. :) So no. Not quite.

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