All that remains

Knelt before Darth Praesidius in a dimly lit chamber, the young raven-haired Zambrano bastard patiently awaited her orders from the enigmatic Sith Lord, eager to please him, and bring honour upon herself.
"Zambrano, the task I am going to entrust upon you is not an easy one," the Sith began. "The [SIZE=11pt]Baelors[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] are traitors, who have made the Empire [/SIZE]bleed long enough - but no more!" he exclaimed fervently, and curled his lips into a sadistic smile, revealing his yellowed teeth.
"I know you wish to do your family proud, to prove to your father that you are as worthy as any of his true-born children so, the time to prove yourself has come. You will kill the Baelor bastard, drive your blade through his heart, ensure that he is no more, and when that deed is done, you will rise as a High Inquisitor."
"Yes, my Lord," Annaliese replied in an emotionless tone, concealing her inner conflict. A long-awaited opportunity had presented itself for her to prove herself worthy but it was at the expense of her beloved. Duty or love? Something she had longed for since she was a child, or the first, and only man to make her heart race, her face flush, and her breathing difficult?
"Eine, Zwei, accompany Inquisitor Zambrano, and make sure that the deed is done," the Grand Inquisitor stood up, and gestured to two cloaked figures shrouded in darkness. "You are dismissed."
Silently, Annaliese stood up, and exited the Grand Inquisitor's chambers with two shadowy figures tailing her. With an apathetic facade, she followed the co-ordinates to Reinhard's location, unsure of what to do.
"Stop," she ordered the Grand Inquisitor's observers when the man she had been sent to assassinate was in sight. A decision had to be made. Honour, and recognition, or Reinhard - the man she loved? It was not an easy decision, and she did not have much time to think, but the Zambrano bastard chose to follow her heart. Status was something she never had, and got by fine enough without, but Reinhard. Reinhard was special, she knew it from the first time they met.
Having finally made her decision, Annaliese turned to the two that had been sent to witness her carry out the deed, and drew upon the Force to topple them over with a Force Push. While the pair were incapacitated, the Zambrano bastard extended her arm to launch a bladed projected through the skull of one, then pounced on the other, penetrating his skull through his eye socket with the hidden blade in her gauntlet.
With her sleeve dyed crimson from the blood of the one she had slain in close range, Annaliese approached the Baelor bastard, her heart racing. "The Grand Inquisitor ordered me to eliminate you, to drive my blade through your heart," she started, the blade protruding out of her gauntlet dripping with fresh blood. "But I will not. Before you, I formally renounce my ties to House Zambrano of Panatha, and pledge my allegiance to you, and you alone."
"[member="Reinhard [/COLOR][COLOR=#ffcccc]Baelor[/COLOR][COLOR=#ffcccc]"]," her breath tightened as she spoke his name. "I love you and from this day until my last day, I am yours."