Aeron Kreelan
Zeison Sha Adept
1. Apprentice To Knight
2. Knight to Master
With this in mind, feel free to request a master here if you require training.
- When an Apprentice's Master feels the Apprentice is ready for promotion to Knight, he/she submits the Apprentice's name for promotion to his/her Faction Administrator for approval.
- If the Apprentice does not belong to a Faction, the Apprentice's Master will submit the Apprentice's name to a Role-play Judge for approval.
- If approved by the Faction Administrator/Role-Play Judge, the Apprentice's name is submitted to a Board Administrator for Rank Promotion.
2. Knight to Master
- When a Knight's Master feels the Knight is ready for promotion to Master, he/she submits the Knight's name for promotion to his/her Faction's Force-User Masters for approval.
- The Faction's Force-User Masters vote and decide on whether or not the Knight is to be promoted to Master. Majority rules the vote, but in the event of a tie, the Faction Administrators are required to make the final decision.
- If the vote succeeds, the Knight's name is then submitted to the Role-Play Judges to be voted on and ultimately decided whether or not the Knight will be promoted to Master.
- If the Role-Play Judge's successfully vote that the Knight be promoted, a Board Admin will inform the Knight and promote him/her.
With this in mind, feel free to request a master here if you require training.