Disney's Princess

Prospecting the Rimma IV - Crag's Underground
Open to Adventuring Allies: (2 max) - (PM to join)
___Arctic High Forest World, Belair IV
Just outside Omega Space
Karen Roberts of Fondor was out prospecting again. Her journey along the Rimma Trade Route had taken her far out from Omega space and into regions now colonial. Belair IV was one of these such colonial establishments. A large blue planet with two massive polar ice caps, north and south; and a chilly forested expanse in between. It was mostly snowy vistas and endless quiet trees. A winter wonderland just waiting to be explored.
The Belfast Bruns held a few small colonies here. Most too small to be considered much more than a installation. However, underground it appeared they had quite a few cities and tunnel networks. Ingenious builders, I suppose. They had firepower, small frigates, and some elite droid guardians too. But their numbers were far too small to actually control much of the territory outside their city's limits. They preferred to stay inside their walls even when the snow was nice and warm. No. This planet belonged to the clear air and the high winter trees. With all it's strange white creatures and rosy blizzard birds. Only the crazy and the bold dared to venture out into the wilderness here. Which was perfect for Karen Roberts. Because she always considered herself something of both.
She stood in her winterized EVA waiting for a fellow adventurer to arrive. Standing atop one of the Bruns weather installations on the northern hemisphere of the large blue planet, she enjoyed a great forested view. The landing pad was nice and warm too. Heated. Just how she liked it. Letting the light snowfall melt against the hot concrete and giving her boots something slippery to think about.
She smiled deeply as a ship appeared on the horizon,
"Alright Corek. Let's if you still remember how to land that old thing. Hm."
[member="Noah Corek"]