Eddak Manod
My Love
[member="Veiere Arenais"]
The time had finally come, Eddak finally got the audience with King Veiere he always wanted. Eddak had been a distant friend with the Commenor Royal Family for so long, at one time it was almost possible to see Eddak beside [member="Lady Kay"] as her honorable knight. Through all the support, the kindness, the respect and admiration the Commenor Systems Alliance, and Lady Kay, had given Eddak, he had given back so very little. The Galactic Empire had torn these two kingdoms apart and Eddak was fighting to bring them back. Years passed, and now the Queen was married. She had children. A King to lay beside. A Prince to teach. The Galaxy had changed so much in such little time, Eddak barely recognized it. Even with the Empires choke hold on Pzob, Commenor went out of their way to support Pzob and Eddak, bringing their people to prosperity. Eddak wished to pledge his service to the Commenor family, but there was still one member he had not related to; King Veiere.
Eddak pleaded for an audience with Veiere for a long time, however the man was tired, and always busy. Eddak took his time, and waited patiently, and one day he received a message. He got what he had been waiting for. Veiere told him the time and place to meet; how he would get there, where it was, and any security clearance he may need. He would find Veiere... at his home. All he could think about was hoping the man was in good health and staying strong, Eddak forgoed the thought of what he might say, or how he would say, what he planned to talk about. It unnerved him, and he wanted to speak in the moment, so Veiere could see his true passion and loyalty.
After getting authorization and permission, Eddak took a shuttle to the private landing pad that was to Veieres home in the mountains of Eldritch. After exiting the shuttle, he made the trek to Veieres home and approached the door. Eddak was well dressed in his proper jacket, as he wanted to show strength in uniform to the King of Commenor. He stared at the door for a moment before reaching out, taking a breath, and knocking on the door to his home.
The time had finally come, Eddak finally got the audience with King Veiere he always wanted. Eddak had been a distant friend with the Commenor Royal Family for so long, at one time it was almost possible to see Eddak beside [member="Lady Kay"] as her honorable knight. Through all the support, the kindness, the respect and admiration the Commenor Systems Alliance, and Lady Kay, had given Eddak, he had given back so very little. The Galactic Empire had torn these two kingdoms apart and Eddak was fighting to bring them back. Years passed, and now the Queen was married. She had children. A King to lay beside. A Prince to teach. The Galaxy had changed so much in such little time, Eddak barely recognized it. Even with the Empires choke hold on Pzob, Commenor went out of their way to support Pzob and Eddak, bringing their people to prosperity. Eddak wished to pledge his service to the Commenor family, but there was still one member he had not related to; King Veiere.
Eddak pleaded for an audience with Veiere for a long time, however the man was tired, and always busy. Eddak took his time, and waited patiently, and one day he received a message. He got what he had been waiting for. Veiere told him the time and place to meet; how he would get there, where it was, and any security clearance he may need. He would find Veiere... at his home. All he could think about was hoping the man was in good health and staying strong, Eddak forgoed the thought of what he might say, or how he would say, what he planned to talk about. It unnerved him, and he wanted to speak in the moment, so Veiere could see his true passion and loyalty.
After getting authorization and permission, Eddak took a shuttle to the private landing pad that was to Veieres home in the mountains of Eldritch. After exiting the shuttle, he made the trek to Veieres home and approached the door. Eddak was well dressed in his proper jacket, as he wanted to show strength in uniform to the King of Commenor. He stared at the door for a moment before reaching out, taking a breath, and knocking on the door to his home.