Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Protecting The Future

[member="Veiere Arenais"]

The time had finally come, Eddak finally got the audience with King Veiere he always wanted. Eddak had been a distant friend with the Commenor Royal Family for so long, at one time it was almost possible to see Eddak beside [member="Lady Kay"] as her honorable knight. Through all the support, the kindness, the respect and admiration the Commenor Systems Alliance, and Lady Kay, had given Eddak, he had given back so very little. The Galactic Empire had torn these two kingdoms apart and Eddak was fighting to bring them back. Years passed, and now the Queen was married. She had children. A King to lay beside. A Prince to teach. The Galaxy had changed so much in such little time, Eddak barely recognized it. Even with the Empires choke hold on Pzob, Commenor went out of their way to support Pzob and Eddak, bringing their people to prosperity. Eddak wished to pledge his service to the Commenor family, but there was still one member he had not related to; King Veiere.

Eddak pleaded for an audience with Veiere for a long time, however the man was tired, and always busy. Eddak took his time, and waited patiently, and one day he received a message. He got what he had been waiting for. Veiere told him the time and place to meet; how he would get there, where it was, and any security clearance he may need. He would find Veiere... at his home. All he could think about was hoping the man was in good health and staying strong, Eddak forgoed the thought of what he might say, or how he would say, what he planned to talk about. It unnerved him, and he wanted to speak in the moment, so Veiere could see his true passion and loyalty.

After getting authorization and permission, Eddak took a shuttle to the private landing pad that was to Veieres home in the mountains of Eldritch. After exiting the shuttle, he made the trek to Veieres home and approached the door. Eddak was well dressed in his proper jacket, as he wanted to show strength in uniform to the King of Commenor. He stared at the door for a moment before reaching out, taking a breath, and knocking on the door to his home.
His former visit to Pzob felt like it had been undertaken within another life, so long ago that had it not been for [member="Eddak Manod"]'s insistent request for an audience with him, Veiere Arenais might have well forgotten him and the world both. His days in the present seemed to blur, he had lost consistency of sleep and spent much of his time toying in his workshop out back. His wife, [member="Lady Kay"] had remained in contact with Eddak though she rarely touched upon Veiere's appointments with others. Still, she had suggested that he meet with the man given their personal relationship and see to what he might ask of the Silent King of Commenor.

Nothing between Eddak and Veiere had been particular negative in their last meeting, though it had been all business and Pzob's proximity to the Imperial Remnant back then, now the Empire for which the Systems Alliance held connections with, had made things somewhat more complicated. Regardless, Veiere had thought nothing ill of his previous dealing with the man and he had otherwise been like many other business dealings for their government. Kay knew well that he had never enjoyed dealing in acts of political import, especially back then where he had been so loyal to the code of conduct among Jedi and taught to abstain from such influences; yet things as they were, all leading to this proposed meeting today, Veiere felt most comfortable meeting with the man within their own home. Kay having already spoken well enough to justify inviting him into their private sanctuary away from all the noise of Commenor itself.

Finding his way to the front entrance to their Estate, he wore the old rustic garments that resembled much of a retired practitioner of the Force. A tunic similar to the Order's rhetoric, neutral colors most at home with the feel and running theme of the land around them, a sandy tan with a brown cloak draped upon his shoulders and flowing in behind his every step. Pulling the door open and stepping aside to allow Eddak the moment to enter, he offered a brief smile and dipped his head in greeting, trying to portray more the former attitude that accompanied someone with enthusiasm as opposed to his typical mindset on otherwise quiet days there at home.

"Eddak, Come on in...".
[member="Veiere Arenais"]

As Veiere opened the door, dressed in his rustic attire and catching Veieres words, Eddak felt a trembling shudder in his chest, and he saught to stop it by throwing his arm up and hitting his chest with his fist. He nodded, "Thank you," as he entered Veieres home. Out of respect, Eddak removed his boots, casually, not giving them any mind as he did so. "I feared I may not get the chance to speak with you, King Veiere. The last time we spoke it was like you were a raging fire... now all I've heard.... all I've seen.... you are becoming a flickering flame." Eddak did not mean that Veiere had become weak, but that Veiere did not have the opportunity to burn bright, for that he was no longer fueled, but outside forces were attempted to snuff him out. Whether they were adversaries, or stress of the mind. Standing up straight, Eddak squinted his eyes very slightly as he took in a breath. Just one of those random moments where the body needed more oxygen than a normal breath; perhaps it was from this tender moment. Eddak looked around for a place to sit so that Veiere did not have to stand, giving a gesture for him to lead wherever he may like to continue this chat, and following right after. "I wish I could say, how are you, my friend, but I regret not knowing you before now as well as a friend. But, how are you?"
[member="Eddak Manod"] was a many of more than a few curious words, his choices in speaking and conveying himself seemed rather blunt, yet not disrespectful; simply curious to Veiere. "Please, no need for such titles in my own home, Eddak. Just call me Veiere...-Being King over Commenor was not my preference, I took on the position because without it, Kay and I could not be". This might surprise the other man, the fact that Veiere did not much care for the position of royalty nor authority. He had been a Jedi for so many years, ascended their ranks and at one stage stood as Grandmaster of the Jedi Order over Deneba and even so, he had enjoyed it little, forever seeking to treat others with the equal respect and level that he saw himself upon, no more and no less.

"As for my flame, as you call it..." again, a curious thing to bring up especially from one that presumed they were not close friends; Veiere exhaled quietly under his breath and forced a brief smile in would-be bemusement seeking to shrug it off, clearly not needing to be told of where he himself was in life and status; "I'm doing well, thank you" he disagreed politely. Needing to remind himself that Eddak lacked the knowledge of the experiences that Veiere had overcome across the recent years since his venture to Pzob, the Iron Contingency among some of the more extreme, the approval of his wasn't exactly highest on his list of priorities, nor did he feel Eddak needed to delve into his private affairs so soon after having entered his homestead upon introduction and invitation.

"What brings you to Commenor, Eddak?" Veiere soon questioned, turning the subject upon the fellow King of Pzob whilst Veiere himself sought to enter the Kitchen, open and free to roam between that and the living area, he sought the cabinet nearby for a bottle of whiskey and two glasses, soon motioning to the seats near to the bench in case the man wished to sit; a glass soon being poured for each of them, half full so that it was enough to saver the drop without going overboard and ruining the drink with excessive limits.
[member="Veiere Arenais"]

Eddak stayed hushed while Veiere spoke, nodding and listening intently and thoroughly so he would understand Veiere. Right now, they weren't Kings, they were just fellow men; friends. As much as Eddak was respectful, and followed the ways of ranks, this was new to him. But it felt good, it made him comfortable. He was still nervous, but less so than before. "I understand, Veiere," Eddak commenting, still feeling a little bad for bring rank into his house. However, when it came to Veiere's response for how he was doing, Eddak couldn't help but think there was more to it. He could tell on the mans face that he had been doing so much, for so long. His past experiences would surely outlive Eddak a hundred, or a thousand times. Though he did not pry, as he felt it was not his place, in any occassion. As the question arose of his purpose being here, he wished it was a more sociable reason, perhaps just to hang out, have a round, and a good laugh. But he knew Veiere, as much as he may like that, would more than likely not have the time for such a thing. Eddak straightened himself up and took a breath, "I wished to come see you. I understand we are friends, I meant I wished we were better friends." He followed Veiere slowly but didn't enter the kitchen, instead leaning on the wall, "you know I've known the Commenor Royal..." he paused, thinking of ranks again, "The family for so long. I don't actually know if I knew them before you, but of course that doesn't matters. Lady Kay was always there for Pzob and I, and at every turn she continues to support Pzobs independence. I would not have accomplished all that I have, without her. I've taken it upon myself to swear loyalty to this family. I only wish," he looked up, seeing Veiere pouring glasses and gesturing him over. He stood up from the wall and began walking over, "I knew you more, Veiere. These are troubling, scarce times for everyone. I wanted to make sure... I wanted to get to know you a little better, Veiere. I wish he had been friends long, long ago."

Eddak agreed, and slowly took one of the glasses. Eddak rarely drank alcohol, but it wasn't like he was against it. He kept away from alcohol, so that when he did drink it, he could savor the flavor, no matter how hard, how sour, strong or bitter. What mattered is it opened his eyes for the moment at hand, moments like this. He walked over to the bench and slowly sat down, waiting for Veiere to take a seat. Only when Veiere took a drink, he would take one himself. But before he drank any, he would offer a mock toast in praise, in appreciation for the drink, simply holding it up to Veiere; whether he wanted to clack drinks or not was up to him. Eddak took some of the whiskey into his mouth and let it run down his throat, he clenched his eyes and tilted his head, "Aaah, good stuff." It showed to Veiere Eddak was not an often drinker, but he appreciated the glass as if it were worth more than his life; being very appreciative of the gesture, as no other could offer something better. "I came here seeking your answer, for something, Veiere," he looked down, looking into the glass, "It's very serious, and knowing our connection, albeit small, I felt it best to ask you. I'm sure you'll understand. But first, may we go outside?" At this point Veiere could see he was very nervous, but Eddak kept himself straight. Eddak emphasized his words that he wanted to ask this outside. Whether it be morning, evening, or near night as the sun was going down, Eddak wished for Veiere's presence outside.
[member="Eddak Manod"] seemed very intent upon expressing an interest of sorts in their continued business together, less so surrounding politics and more so of a more personal nature, Veiere couldn't help but be a little surprised by the mans approach. The last time he had visited the World of Pzob, it had been when Eddak had expressed his concerns towards the growing Empire and hoped that Commenor and their amicable relations with the Empire might better ease the tensions away from Pzob and allow Eddak the freedom to rule over his own land like all world leaders had the right to do so. The Visit had been rather intriguing, memory served to tell a tale of Eddak's distrust in force users and his need to see Veiere removed of his weapons before they would conduct their appointed meeting. Back during these days, Veiere had been between the Jedi Order of Deneba and helping his wife with the Systems Alliance, things were very different back then compared to today yet nothing had changed in the sense of Veiere's opinions over the man he sat across from. Eddak was an emotionally expressive man and a genuine one which was more than could be said for the rest of the Galaxy; his compassion for people and his distaste of conflict did well to close the gap between their differences, few in number and never an uncomfortable moment between them.

"I'm sorry if I've given you the impression that I do not care for your company, Eddak" Veiere responded gently as he soon began to stand once more, his right arm extending to gesture in the direction of the veranda overlooking the plains of Commenor and the distant Capital Chasin City, agreement to his guests requests to visit the outdoors. "My wife has a gift for socializing with all kinds of people where as I tend to find myself at times struggling with the constant business of Politics. Being appointed King has sadly removed my social life instead bringing about most frequent discussions of business between governments and as much as I like to help others, I find it difficult to trust in the people who's pockets are lined with credits...-It's no different from the politics of the Jedi Order, I'm afraid" he wasn't entirely certain how up to date Eddak was on Veiere's current livelihood and whether or not he knew of his leave from the Jedi Order quite some time ago now.

Eddak had mentioned a request of sorts, unfortunately. Such meetings never going without some sort of need from himself to be given to others; such was the freedom and splendor of his own company not being reliant upon by all but his own needs, free to delve into the new found artisan works that had become a recent hobby, tinkering away in his workshop out back and honing his skill in the metal works and several other departments, some darker than others.

"I'm all ears, my friend".
[member="Veiere Arenais"]

Eddak shook his head towards Veieres response, "No, no, my friend. The words I speak are those that which I do not make assumptions." Eddak slowly stood as he clutched the glass to his chest, "I can not stand here and say either of us would take a bullet for each other. I can't say I know you like a brother. It's my way of trying to tread the line of being a friend, a good friend, and not crossing that line." Eddak walked with Veiere as he continued to speak, bringing up his wife. That made him think for a moment, and his chest felt empty for a moment. A deep emotional moment struck him as he remembered Lady Kay, and the reason was here. It was not of love or passion, but loyalty and happiness. Eddak gulped as he took his steps. "Your wife is wonderful, Veiere," he continued, still taking slow steps, "I have no use for credits but to help my people gain a better life." He stopped, for a mere moment, looking out as he clutched the railing, looking down at the railing and feeling it before looking back out over the ocean. "But there truly is nothing I can do, compared to what Lady Kay has done." Eddak turned his head to Veiere, slowly, "nothing compared to what Commenor has done for my people." He released the railing and walked around to the stairs, into the grass. He took a few steps outward, hoping Veiere would follow him, but he didn't make any motion for him to. He stared at the water, taking a breath.

"Veiere... The Royal Family has pulled Galderra out of a sink hole, they have provided the support I need. The rope to save my people. They provided the tether, the goal, and the strength to lead the people of Galderra into a future that means they are no longer afraid of the galaxy. No longer afraid of the wars, machines, or plagues. Dammit, I will." He turned to Veiere, "The Royal Family has done all of this for me. The people of Galderra praise me, for knowing who to trust, where to put our loyalties. Commenor is deserving of everything we can offer." A small tear fell from Eddaks eye as he started to speak from his heart. "My friend, I have betrayed you. In my earlier days I looked on at the woman who saved me and my people with lust and ideals. Then I stripped us of our communication as I took my own fist to the Empire as they strangled me and my family," he implied the Galderran people. "I fell. I was pathetic to a great woman, and weak to a great Empire, and it has all tarnished me. But you listen now." Eddak pointed to the ground as he took a proper posture.

"King Arenais; Husband of Queen Kay, Leader of Commenor, Savior of Pzob. I must ask you of this." Eddak pulled his hand back and reached for his sword, gripping it, taking a deep breath, and unsheathing it. He held it in front of his chest and gripped it with both hands, before dropping to the ground, kneeling, the kind a Knight sworn to the allegiance of his King. He pushed the blade into the ground and removed his grip; one hand to his side, one on his knee, and he bowed his head. "I request that you accept my oath. My oath to protect the Commenor Royal family, blood or not, with my life. To pledge service and loyalty to ensure the royal family is never harmed, never betrayed, never disgraced. I am your sword, your wifes shield, and your childrens Guardian. No matter the cost, no matter the struggle. I pledge to follow the family until the end of days, I only beg your acceptance, King Veiere Arenais." He bowed his head even lower, as if all he could see was the grass. Eddak was filled with so much emotion, perhaps Veiere thought that Eddak was over reacting, or acting without thought. But Eddak would refuse to stand or listen until Veiere gave his answer.
Such guilt, so much credit offered to Veiere and his family, his wife deserving of it perhaps though he didn't believe himself to be of equal worth. The Commenor Systems Alliance had helped the people of Galderra out of a bind in a time of need but this was what the Systems Alliance was built for, he and his Wife [member="Lady Kay"] had wished to provide the Galaxy with a place of peace and security, deterring the probability of conflict reaching them by befriending and securing trade agreements with as many worlds and other governments as they were able. They'd established Embassies that peoples of opposing natures might be encouraged to come and open up to one another in diplomacy, their hope that this would discourage war between the two sides. The Government of Commenor and her neighboring worlds were there to support and help whomever would ask it of them, [member="Eddak Manod"] had been little different, only his relationship with Veiere's wife had a history apparently more intimate than most.

Truth be told, Kay Arenais wasn't estranged from the desires of other men yet neither did her nature welcome such pursuits for his wife had only ever been loyal and committed to her Husband. Before Veiere, had been Shaw Ku. He had been murdered by a Sith Lord and Necromancer of the Dark Arts of the Force. Kay had suffered and for years after, she had remained alone, focused upon her career as a senator for the Galactic Republic before she and Veiere had met one another. He had been employed as her bodyguard, followed her where ever she went and was responsible for her safety; it was only natural that they would become close and Veiere was very fortunate that he was able to come to know Kay Larr so well before the entered into a Relationship.

Eddak was ever so passionate however, Veiere felt that he was taking this all a bit too seriously though the man felt he had wronged Veiere in some regard. "Eddak..." his left hand lifted for want of pause in his guests apologies and given oath, "You go too far. You have not betrayed either of us and Commenor does what it can for all peoples who might need our support, you have nothing to repay, you don't owe us anything and we would never demand compensation for our efforts..." how would he feel, Veiere wondered, were he to be informed that his King was positioning himself to resign and set his sights upon other pursuits. This offer of support was curious in that respect, Veiere coming to wonder what Galderra might be able to contribute to his new Order. He had not yet taken into action with his intentions, yet chosen the appropriate Planet well out of the way of most Political spotlights for the organization to one day come to life.

"I will accept your offer" Veiere concluded, though not without a request of his own, "Only should you stop this groveling and hold your head high. Neither you nor anyone else are beneath my Wife and I. We want nothing of such praise, we prefer to walk alongside our friends, not stand over them...".
[member="Veiere Arenais"]

Eddak slowly stood in agreement with Veiere's request. Eddak sought for the mans forgiveness, "I only wish to wipe a clean slate between us, Veiere." He reached out, putting a hand on his shoulder, "However, that clean slate.... it wouldn't extend to your private stash, would it?" He grinned, wiping his face with his other arm as he came to peace with his past. The private stash he implied to be Veieres alcohol. Eddak didn't plan to raid the stash, however, If he was allowed to knock and simply enter Veiere's house, should he felt the need, he would enjoy a single, solitary drink to himself. "My friend, I know you see that I am not obligated to repay what you and your family have offered me. But I planted my sword... into," Eddak looked around quickly, "what seems to be.... your... wonderful yard - I ought to fix that. But," he stared at Veiere, "When I pledged my loyalty and servitude for this family, it is not a bond I will break, it is an oath. It is part of my culture to offer services when another has been too charitable. We are a working people, Galderra and I, we pride ourselves on balance of workload. You deserve a break, you deserve to have someone watch your back from now on - after you've watched everyone elses."

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