Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Protection of the Innocent

Asbjorn Olafsson

[member="Katagiri Ike"]

Bespin was the planet Jasmine had ended up this time. Because she was not a Republic Jedi, not anymore. She was free to do whatever she wanted to, as long as she followed the Jedi Code. The Protectorate, however, was a faction which was so helpfully aiding planets. And that is why she had come to its lands. But also to discuss some things with a lady known as Katagiri Ike, who was most likely a politician of the Omega Protectorate. Because had she not been one, Jasmine wouldn't have decided to meet her. It was a teahouse, probably a lovely place, where they were supposed to meet as Jasmine would have never wanted to be involved in governmental stuff.

The girl was in the Cloud City, walking on the streets of the place to find the tea house they were supposed to meet at. Using a holomap, she had come close enough to it, but she still needed some aid as she had never been to city, nor the planet before. Even though the planet was a gas giant which didn't support a life, but...

After minutes of wandering around, she noticed a sign which said "Shangayea House of Tea and Meditation". Was that the place where thet were supposed to meet? Her map told so, but she was not sure whether it was the right place. But as soon as she stepped in, she noticed how wonderful it actually is. It was somewhere on the outer areas of the Cloud City and it looked so cool, even had its own park around it. It was a calm place indeed, not many people were there at the moment and all of the ones who were there were quite quiet. Some talked, but they weren't loud at all.

What a wonderful place to meet at.

Jasmine was wearing a traditional Jedi robe and a lightsaber on her belt as it was a sign of a Jedi. Interestingly, the tea house's workers who saw her didn't want her to give the weapon into their hands. No, not at all. In fact, they even bowed to her, maybe they were also following the faith of the Jedi but weren't Force-sensitive? She had never heard of such a thing before, though.

She calmly walked to a table and started waiting for the woman she was aobut to meet. It had to be an interesting meeting.
[member="Jasmine Lancaster"]

The planet well station in the cloud was a lovely place. As Katagiri stood at one of the sections just breathing in deeply the scents all around. It was a strange thinness with the air but had her white hair blowing all around. while the chrono alerted her she had five minutes. Then she was turning on her heel and walking as she straightened the robes and kimono underneath. Heading over to the tea house though was easier while she entered and went to a table that was white metal and high backed. She presented a theme and allowed the full visage of white hair, white clothing and a white electrum saber on her waist fill it all out. Black orbs in pale skin before she spoke and offered a tight lipped smile to the woman who was there waiting. "Ah welcome, I am glad to see you got here safely. I am Katagiri of the Protectorate."

Asbjorn Olafsson

[member="Katagiri Ike"]

A woman had come, probably an Atrisian. Jasmine had seen Atrisians in her past. And the woman who had come was the person Jazzy was supposed to meet. She looked kind of majestic like that as she was wearing a kimono and robes. Jasmine just looked like a simple Padawan. She should have come in better clothing.

"Hello, miss Katagiri. Nice to meet you. Jasmine is my name," she said with a smile on her face as she stood up really quickly. Even if the woman knew her name, it would be polite to introduce oneself, that's what the girl knew. "The travel was nice, but a bit tiring. It's good to be here now," she continued.

She was quite talkative that day.
[member="Jasmine Lancaster"]

Katagiri look in the sight of the woman as she rose up and spoke. Her eyes dilating a little to see the grey eyes and pale skin, friendly voice and Katagiri offered a bow of her head. "Jasmine a lovely name." The joke wouldn't be lost on her as she sat down and ordered jasmine tea from the tea house. A fresh pots worth and she was looking at Jasmine. "Bespin is a lovely place for clearing your head, so tell me Jasmine. Why the Protectorate? The jedi order surely could use your talents."

Asbjorn Olafsson

[member="Katagiri Ike"]

"I have been a member of the Jedi Order and I left because of a better opportunity. I no longer desire to go back there as it is in a war I do not wish to be a part of. That is why I seek to become a member of the Protectorate, to do something far greater than just learn the Force, but to be who Jedi were meant to be. I don't want to work along with a specific order or a faction, but your faction stands out by its actual wish to proctect those who need it - which is the whole galaxy," Jasmine spoke, then smiled.

"I truly believe I wouldn't work only with the Protectorate, but this would be my main focus." She thanked the worker of the tea house when the pot of tea came to the table and then continued conversation with Katagiri. "I wish to work alone and a new beginning would be the best to accompany my wishes."
[member="Jasmine Lancaster"]

Listening to it was something that she knew well. While she had no problem fighting wars were tiring after a time she would prefer just sitting down to relax with tea while Jasmine finished speaking. Her goal was good and sensing her she found no hints of large deception, she wasn't going to press making her explain everything but a jedi always needed to be trustworthy. "Commendable, as much as I enjoy fighting I try to avoid warfare it is messy and people overreact. Make mistakes or use it for their own agenda's I see you wanting away from that as something noble enough and would gladly have you in the protectorate."

Asbjorn Olafsson

[member="Katagiri Ike"]

"But I am rather unsure. Would the Protectorate really welcome me here? You are a military faction, at least so it seems to be, and having a peaceful Jedi here could ruin your style," Jasmine spoke, pouring tea first to the woman's cup and then to her own. She took a sip of the hot tea and released a silent sigh. It was a good tea, but a bit too hot. She would have to let it stay for a while so that it would turn a bit colder. Only a bit, though. Otherwise it would have ruined the tea traditions. The taste of this particular tea reminded her a bit of something she had had before, but she couldn't understand what it was was. It was a good tea, but realising what kind of drink it was was really difficult. A fruit tea would have tasted a bit more exotic, so she was caught up between herbal and berry tea. Because she had had a berry tea with a similar taste. It may have been a combination of these two, though. It was more likely because berry and herb teas were so different.

Or it could have been something different, of course.

"That is what troubles me. I am trying to find a faction which is good and willing to have Jedi amongst them."
[member="Jasmine Lancaster"]

"The protectorate is a military force, well the Pyre is some people forget that they are two sides of a whole. The ones who oversee the worlds and the men and women who defend them. Jedi have been part of it for awhile coming disenchanted from the order because of whatever reasons they have. They have been welcomed though finding a home here and serving as defense or advisers maybe ministers. The Exarch from Thyferra is a former jedi herself.. or himself it is really hard to tell with shapeshifters." Taking a sip of the tea she even looked more. "The Lord Protector himself is a force user, not a jedi well maybe at one point it is up in the air but those who wish to protect life and better people all have a place here be they jedi or regular people."

Asbjorn Olafsson

[member="Katagiri Ike"]

"So I wouldn't be too disliked here?" Jasmine said, then putting her hands on the table. Her thoughts raced in her mind, trying to come up with the best way to make things work out. Like the woman had said, there are many people sensitive to the Force in the Omega Protectorate, thus they had to allow them in the faction. But a Jedi... Some people in the galaxy really believed Jedi are no longer able to protect the innocent, so probably Jazzy would have to change her alignment a bit.

Maybe join a different Lightsided sect?

"But... shall we change the topic? May I ask, how well do people live in this faction?"
[member="Jasmine Lancaster"]

She raised an eyebrow and thought about that. How did people live in the Protectorate? Well they did live pretty good for the most part going towards war with the CIS/ASA whatever. "It is pretty good when it comes to some things as it goes. Not everyone is wealthy or rich but they have homes, have food. Citizens who follow the law are given plenty for their own means to enjoy and if they wish o make more money there are plenty opportunities for employment. Be it for lowly workers or the highest government officials all have a chance to live and succeed in their position." She continued to look at the woman and took another sip of tea.

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