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The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate

A coalition of alien species all hellbent on taking control and power in whatever manner they see fit. A miasma of cultures, exotic aliens and extra-galactic terrors awaits.

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Protectorate Warpaints

Warpaint, a popular Draelvasier method of homogenizing troops. One that extended to their Vaydralen, Ungulloi, and Akhenaton allies. Warpaints began with Tathra Khaeus in the Gladiator pits, white paste worn to hide his wounds upon his next testing. This practice now extends throughout the entire species, denoting generations and rankings among their species.

Paints -

White - Worn by the Chieftain, a harsh paste made from the ashes every species brought to extinction by the Draelvasier. Including themselves.

Blue - Worn in tandem with any caste or institution's colours and markings. Signification of a minor or low rank. Typically as a stripe across the bicep and breastplate.

Red - A denotation of an ally, due to its colouration resembling Draelvasier skin, red warpaint is typically used on weapons, equipment, vessels and more recently, Myka war-harnesses and Neti vessels.

Symbols -
Symbols and colour both work in tandem to designate rank and structure among the Protectorate. For example, initiates into the Kaerd-Ma, wear a cerulean blue ranked symbol of a three-faced Decapi Spiderling placed on the left shoulder of any initiate upon entry. Two blue stripes follow, on the right bicep for the completion of segments of the Kaerd-Ma training.

Juggernauts -
Adorned with black warpaint on their faces, arms and chest, the Juggernauts proudly boast the sable-black blood of a Brumak as their coat.

Zealots -
Zealots wear a the symbol of a burning sun on their backs.


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