Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Protectors Blade

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] [member="Arisa Yune"]

Iridonia a world that had some of the most dangerous beings on it.. the sith and here Krass was looking to work with the jedi as the One Sith were engaged with the Rogue Sith groups across the galaxy. They had been developing something for the jedi to use against those who used the darkside and they wanted to test it out getting a new things that would be able to serve them well. The sith controlled blood diamond mines here. Such a rarity in the hands of the sith was dangerous and Krass was certain of a couple things, it was better and more helpful if they didn't have them. Of course liberating a mine by yourself isn't exactly easy and if you are smaller then it can be more difficult but she had a few ideas of how to do that.

"Send out the calls, we'll engage sith forces in the mines and try to make sure they can't use them against the galaxy." Krass was certain she could get the jedi protectors to come and help with the task maybe. Forging the blades with a nice edge out of the synthmesh would give them an advantage when using them and the lightsided nature of the mesh would ensure that anything cut with it was being cleaved by the lightside of the force. It would be in the reaction itself that came from the blade if she worked the forge correctly and developed it how she wanted to. Instead of just trusting her endeavors to a few smiths. The hammer she had on her belt and saber would also work to protect them.
Iridonia, a world that had some of the cutest beings on it.

For, lo, it was home to the hugglepup. And who didn't love a hugglepup? Who didn't love just saying the name 'hugglepup?'

Give it a try. Say it. Hugglepup. See? How adorkable is that?

Plus, they were good at sniffing out blissweed. Which could be a good herbal agent for treating depression, so Zak was hoping to bring some back for [member="Maya Carrick"]. Silver Jedi were just so serious. Some blissweed was definitely just what the doctor called for!

...of course, blissweed was also a key ingredient for making yarrock. And that... that the Silver Jedi definitely didn't need.

Or maybe they did. They did control Kessel after all. For all he knew, [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] was really some pimp Jedi drug lord.

In any event, this short stack Jedi blacksmith chick was out here to punch some Sith in the face. And that was a mission that the Nautolan could definitely sign off on. So he'd come along.

Something like this, you never wanted to leave home without the healer... er, that is, the Guardian!

[member="Krass Wyms"]​
Undin had finally been let out of the Temple, so he could help another Jedi that was part of the order defeating Sith in Iridonia. He knew not how this Jedi would look like or if he was going to make a big difference, but when it was presented to him the chance, he took it.

As he grabbed his sunglasses and pulled them up, he approached a site near the mine and saw a little girl, he presumed, that was smaller than him. With a smile, he greeted her, "Hello are you here to help out--", he cut his phrase as he didn't actually know if this girl was part of the Order, and waited for her reaction.

[member="Krass Wyms"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
[member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

Kras looked at the two who had joined her and she could do it with them, the three amigo's in the long run for a fight here against the sith as she spoke. "Welcome to the party." She grabbed the hammer and was prepared to work with it as she had a lightshield for herself as well. No need for a space dwarf to be undefended and she didn't want to use a log... that was silly. Looking over some of the things they had when she stretched out ready for a duel. "Well we got a mine with a chance to go down there and get some very nice things that will make some jedi happy with an idea." She knew what she wanted to use it with and how to do it but setting up here there were the mines and the real question they would have to ask themselves. "So how do you two think we should approach getting inside and through their people?"
Undin felt relieved that she was an ally, and answered her question "I suggest we throw a non-lethal implosion grenade and take their sabers when they pass out. Tie them up, and should be an easy sweep.". The boy then looked over at the Nautolan and examined him, or her, he couldn't identify exactly with the sunglasses on. He put out a hand and with a smile from cheek to cheek said "Hello, I'm Undin, you must be... Krass Wyms?".

The boy had only been given a name, and then he realized he forgot to introduce himself to the other Jedi, "Or is it you?", the young Padawan asked as he turned his head towards the smaller woman.

[member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Krass Wyms"]
Non-lethal what grenade?

That didn't sound very fun.

In fact, that didn't sound like fighting at all. So, what was the point of that? "I'm Zak," the Nautolan supplied, answering the easy question. He knew his name after all.

Most of the time, anyway.

As for the rest, "Why not just rush in and kick butt?"

They were Jedi. They didn't just punch Sith in the face. They pushed Sith in the face with extreme prejudice. And the Force.

Or in accordance with the prophecy. One of the two. He wasn't a Consular though, so he really didn't know much about the difference there. Was there even a difference? Did you really need a reason to punch a Sith in the face?

Deep philosophical thoughts, this one.

Now, in normal circumstances, Zak probably would have asked their names. He didn't, because his mind only had room in it for one question at a time... and, right now, he wanted the answer to if they were kicking butt or not.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] | [member="Krass Wyms"]​

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

Krass looked at Zak and raised an eyebrow as he gave a very convincing argument in terms of what they could do... Punching sith in the face was an important part of being a jedi. Meant they would be able to do a whole lot of cool things here and there. "Well we could do that but we have sabers, we don't need to steal their lightsabers. Just toss them away and I like the idea of going in. She stood there for a moment and looked at Zak for a moment.activating the lightshield on her arm as it hummed being adjusted to fit a good section of her body with her size. "Alright then, lets do it, we'll go with plan B.. improvise." Krass was good at that one while she was looking at the mine and they could charge it ready to go and fight in there.
Seemed like they wanted to go in for a fight. Undin wanted to go in all peacefull, but it seems these Jedi weren't ones for peacefullness, he liked that. He retracted his hand, and gave a quick and easy answer to the question, "Well Zak, we don't know how many Sith are in there. 3v50, possibly, wouldn't be very fair would it?", he laughed then and continued his phrase, "For the 50.". He took one of his sabers from his belt and held it in his lowered hand.

"Where are we actually supposed to attack? I heard it was a mine..."

[member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Krass Wyms"]
The spiky haired brah had a point.

"Eh," the green-skinned teen offered, with a lackadaisical shrug. Three versus fifty wasn't a fair fight. "Consider it a warm up," the youth offered, flashing a devil-may-care smile.

The short girl called it 'Plan B' but Zak called it Plan A.

A as in... awesomesauce.

As for how to know what they were attacking, or who they were attacking, or where they were attacking... That was all too many questions. There were no questions in butt kicking. There was only butt kicking.

Which did require that there be butts to kick. But sometimes you went to the butt, and other times the butt came to you. "One way to find out," the Nautolan remarked cryptically.

He had an idea.


Yes, you should be scared.


Hands cupping around either side of his mouth, the young Nautolan demonstrated the mighty power of a Force Bellow as he shouted loud enough as to have been heard from here to Voss-Ka.

"We know you're in there," the boy taunted, one arm raised as he waved it wildly in an effort to garner attention. "We know because we can smell you! Come out so I can punch you in your super-ugly face!"

And now, from out of the holes in the ground that he imagined were the mines that had been discussed, people were starting to crawl out of the ground like ants.

"Oh look, bad guys!"

Amazing how that happened!

[member="Krass Wyms"] | [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]​

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

That was not the way Krass would have handled it but it was working, the sith came out of the mine when she started charging as a small berzerker about them when she smalled the light shield into the first one and he went back. her force energies channeled into the hammer as it glowed and striking another one the explosive crack came sending a shockwave of sonic energy that sent the other ones flying. Krass stayed there for a moment as another one looked at her before the other jedi could move in and handle the situation. She could work with and make a hole for the others with a nod of her head for moving forward as she bunkered down using the shield to catch the blaster rifle shots and a lightsaber that struck at her. Her hammer smashing the siths foot as his leg crumpled to the ground with a scream punching him in the jaw to make him be quiet.
Well, there went stealth. But who needs stealth anyway when you can have glow stick parties? Undin examined the Sith's positions before activating his saber and slowly moving in.

As the boy approached a bunch of them, they seemed skinny, pale, human but with no life. The bunch walked slowly towards him, sticking their hands out, but with no weapons. Undin took two steps back to try and not get close to them, they may have been diseased, or maybe...

The boy had heard of Sith created zombies, but Sith zombie miners? He gave a quick slash at the hands of the one in front of him. The pale hand, if you could even called it a hand, fell to the ground before disentegrating to ash, with no reaction from the affected one.

He then went for his legs, with the plasma blade swiftly going trought the rotten flesh, the bottom half fell to the ground. He felt relieved, these things could be stopp---, What? It was up and going after him again?

With a frightened look on his mouth and his eyes which were covered by his sunglasses, the boy shouted over at the others "I..I think these are zombies!".

[member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Krass Wyms"]
Some old Jedi dead dude once said, Feel, don't think.

In the Eight Hundred Forty-Ninth Year since the Battle of Yavin, a brave, daring, and devastating handsome Jedi Knight would say Don't think, just kick butt.

But first, you had to have music to kick butt to. Reaching into his utility belt, the boy pulled a pair of earbud headphones from out of one pouch. Clipping the small speakers back into the mass of head-tails, the boy returned one hand to the belt. His thumb brushed over the side of the HoloBoy Advanced, before he clicked up the volume.

Cue the music.​

A burst of Force Speed transformed the Nautolan teen into a green blur. The curved hilt of Riptide fit the boy's palm like a glove. Leaping into the air, the teen twirled like a whirling dervish as the lightsaber came alive. A deep bass note transforming the usual snap-hiss into a percussive sound wave that echoed like a note from a subwoofer.

As he landed, the white blade caught an armored Sith mine worker across the head.

One unique thing about Riptide, the lightsaber was set on a non-lethal power mode by default. But it used a discharge energy cell in combination with a krayt dragon pearl, causing a power surge whenever its magnetic field connected with a solid object.

The result was a lightsaber that hit like a Besk'ar baseball bat.

The Sith's helmet came apart with the blow, separating into four pieces as the duraplast split along the seams and the visor shattered. The Sith came up off his feet even as he went flying backwards, spinning in mid-air from the force of the blow before crashing to the ground.

"I..I think these are zombies!"

Spinning the blade in his hand, the Nautolan glanced over at the spiky haired brah. Zombies?

Welp. This just became easy mode. Shutting down the lightsaber, the boy disabled the safety. As the white blade re-appeared, the bass note that dropped sent a ripple through the air as the weapon radiated at full power.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] | [member="Krass Wyms"]​

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

Krass was looking at them with a nod of her head when she saw Zak's lightsaber as it smashed a helmet revealing zombies fromt he sith. They were setting things up for this just to be an interesting time now as she wondered if there were going to be other dangers that come to them. She was spending most of her time on the bigger things until her hammer smashed into one of the zombies and not all of them were zombies with the sith undead being different then the zombies that were from the infected... SOmething was very different since these ones didn't attack and coordinates with a hive mind that was well documented with ways to fight all of them... the regular undead like the sith raised an on korriban... Just a matter of smashing them until they stopped resisting being dead. Krass moved with it and bashed the shield against another one who wasn't. "Not all of them are like that, some are normal One Sith likely here to observe."
The boy nodded towards his mission buddies as a warning to back off for a moment. The boy started walking backwards and as he did, the lightsaber's switch got switched again, to off mode.

Undin upped his left arm and aimed towards his bunch and with a press of a button on his wrist equipment, flames sprayed upon the undead, thus making their skin and rotten flesh fall off to the ground and turn to dust that spread trought the air while still on fire. Quickly, he switched modes and this time, acid came out and sprayed on the zombies' bones, making them melt into a puddle of acid.

He smiled as he saw his acomplishment, but out of the puddle, someone standed out. It wasn't pale as the other zombies, not sure if it even was a zombie.

A man, with holes in his robes, quickly jumped at Undin grabbing the boy. He was quickly held by his arms, and with a moment left before his mouth was covered, he yelled yet again "Hel---!".

The strange Sith examined the boy, he had to look down as a height difference was very clear betwheen the two. He seemed cunning, but strong at the same time. Maybe not Sith, maybe not zombie. With a look of despise in his eyes, he let out a "Damn kids, always getting in the way.", as he proceeded to slap Undin in the face, making his sunglasses come out of position. The action of the man, left a very red mark on the young boy's face.

[member="Krass Wyms"] [member="Zak Dymo"]
Spiky hair brah sounded like he was in trouble.

Which, Zak would have liked to help out, but he was up to his neck in about twenty-five different things. All of them annoying.

Spinning the lightsaber in his hands, the Nautolan's feet crossed one over the other as he twirled around in a pirouette maneuver. As he did, the was drawing in the Force around him, an eerie calm beginning to surround him as an unseen potential was slowly building.

Then he released it. Stepping forward and around, his arms moving in circular motions as a sudden wave of concussive Force radiated outward in all directions. It was a trick he'd learned while getting his butt kicked by [member="Jericho"] in a duel five years ago.

It had been a good trick then.

It was still a good trick now.

As the Sith around him were knocked aside or bowled over, the pause it created gave the green-skinned youth time in which to find the short chick. "Help brah out," the teen remarked, before raising the white blade and getting back into the thick of the fight.

He'd crack a few more of these zombie skulls, then check out that Creepy McCreeper that the black haired kid had dug up.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] | [member="Krass Wyms"]​

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

Krass heard Zak say that the other padawan was in trouble and she moved holding the hammer and raised an eyebrow as she shifted the handle a little for a moment. The leather was there but also the really powerful magnet that was a match to the one on her wrist and palm she could use to call it back to her. Krass was moving and triwled it for a moment to build up speed and then she tossed the hammer at the sith who was holding Undin with a crack coming as the force enhanced hammer impacted and the explosive sonic shockwave came out to scramble organs.... and then she was there as it was on the ground for a moment before rushing back to her hand the next so she could reel back swinging in a reverse grip to stop another zombie offering a small grin on her face. They were all working hard and she was prepared to add to the fight with her own skills smashing one of the crates they were bringing out as the stone was there.
As the shockwave came, the man threw the small child into the ground, and with a reverse back flip, he dodged it, and it hit the entrance to the cave, which made some rocks block it.

The Padawan, still with pain, got up and looked over at the dwarf with a temper, "Be carefull with that! You could have taken me out aswell!", the boy then looking towards the enemy who was clearly angrier, he charged in the direction of the small woman, pulling a lightsaber from his belt's back and activating it, with the blade aimed at her.

As he did that, the Padawan tried to concentrate to save the... What would be a nice short name for a small woman? Maybe, swomall. Yes, swomall was perfect.
Going back to Undin, he sticked his hand out has he tried to Force Pull the man and stop his raging charge. With, a wave of Force sent trought, the enemy stumbled on himself, and his lightsaber cut him trought his head and chest.

The boy was shocked, relieved and scared all at the same time. At once, he had been able to do an efficient Force Pull, and with that, the enemy was out of sights, but in another news, he had just killed that man.

Trying to diverge the attention from that, he shouted over "Errrr... I'll try to unblock the cave entrace... Give me cover."

[member="Krass Wyms"] [member="Zak Dymo"]
The young Nautolan had half a zombie trying to get a hold on his shoulders, another half caught around his legs, and about twelve of their cousins all competing to be the object of the teen's attention.

Suffice to say, this was the most fun he'd had all week!

If he'd known it was going to be like this, he'd have said that they should have invited Theo along. "Cover," the teen echoed, repeating back the request, even as the boy struggled to stay on his feet as he wrestled back and forth with the undead mob.

"Got it!"

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] | [member="Krass Wyms"]​

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

Krass looked at Undin as she had soemone coming at him and the hammer returned to her hand while her shield was up. Lightshields were an important thing compared to many others, lightweight, able to block energy attacks and in some cases it had a containment shield for it that allowing the shield to be able to cut. her own couldn't do it with a look on her face seeing the entrance of the mine when she went over to more of the things. SMashing the zombies before she charged into a small group of them tossing them up into the air with a nod of her head. to go and give Zak cover while she was moving and prepared to fight with him and Zak. THis was getting to be rather fun was the one thing she thought about and so going to be worth it if they got the blood diamonds for this which she could see. They would need to bring out a repulsor sled to set it all up with a nod of her head. They could carry a few tons of it for the forge and processes. "We got your back."
The boy, went towards the entrance of the mines, where some boulders blocked it. With a flick of his lightsaber, the blade started cutting trought the rocks, making them into smaller and smaller pieces.

The entrance wasn't clear yet, but it was the best he could do, with zombies coming for him. Undin climbed over the 50 cm stone wall that stayed at the bottom part of the entry, and with it a small hand motion was sent towards his fellow comrades.

The mine itself looked empty of souls, like everyone had left to go outside and protect it, leaving the mining equipment inside. The cave itself was dark, with shining colours inside, crystals, diamonds, other gems and metals.

Undin awaited the arrival of the others before continuining.

[member="Krass Wyms"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

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