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Approved Tech Prototype Advanced Combat Biot

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Advanced Systems: Designed to be a highly advanced model personal assistance droid for aiding admirals, assembly members. With a number of systems built in to ease their day to day operations.
  • Self Repairing: Designed to repair themselves over time based on the level of damage done.
  • Over Engineered: Designed heavily to create a fast thinking and much more realistic droid biot. With organic components and crystaline within it. From the uplinks for tapping into computers to advanced slicing upgrades and interfaces. The biots have been given a slew of programming upgrades that can be activated or deactivated for different purposes.
  • Midi-chloroxian: A synthetic blood based off of human and made like the agena which can be manipulated with the force. Allowing a jedi with enough time to train a biot minorly.
  • Sasori Coating: Micro crystal skin layer that allows optical camo effects on the body.
  • Built in Weaponry
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the armor and systems of the vehicle but when damaged it is highly explosive.
  • Gravity: The advanced thrusters of the vehicle require gravity to function at full efficiency. Without it there can't counter gravity to get speed or thrust for the high speed movement.
  • Self Repairing: Built with a protective layer to patch the vehicle in the event of damage. The time table is dependent upon the amount of damage with smaller tears being easier and faster to repair then gashes which can take hours to reform.
    • Note: Only the layer can repair not the full plate armor itself the plating can be damaged still but the underlayer of Laminanium can reform and remain.
  • Sleg: A powerful energy enhancer, the sleg absorbs and channels the excessive heat generated by the operation of the droid. Making them maintain a stronger level of power but also increases the chances that they could explode from the heat.
  • Biological: The nature of the biot is living flesh and it is able to be infected with sickness or virus such as flesh eating sickness.
Designed by Sasori based upon their advanced biot technologies.... THen augmented in more ways, compared to the bulk of their combat models. The biot serves to protect ones it is assigned to as well as blend in with most environments. From their looks to their mannerisms that are using an artificial intelligence over a droid brain for programming. With a heavy amount of combat capability and being derived from their more impressive weaponry, it is able to serve properly among the rare unique models of Sasori's biots. The second largest factor of it was it being able to use upgrades from the new generation and their neutralizer models. A frontline projector allowing it to make a copy of itself albiet with slightly less capabilities, the ability to use synthetic connections to the force and an overly engineered suite of learning and combat libraries. ITs human looks and demeanor serves as well for it being able to adapt and go anywhere in the galaxy often displaying itself for scanners like a cybernetic being.
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