Son of Triam
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Intent: To create a highly protective, flexible, and possibly fashionable prototype for a protective line of clothing produced by A.S.Co. using non-restricted materials. As a side note, this is mostly produced out of Triam's necessity to protect her body and unborn child without the use of heavy armor that may adversely affect the growth of her abdominal region, or require regular refitting as a result of the growth of her abdominal region.
Development Thread: TBD
Manufacturer: A.S.Co.
Model: (Prototype) Impregnable Class Attire
Affiliation: Triam Akovin, A.S.Co and its customers.
Modularity: Other than the design of the "dress", no. In other words, it can take many forms of clothing but its basic function and features are not changeable.
Production: Unique
Material: Simple Cloth, a number of modified Individual field disruptor components (neck piece), Dampener aerosal infused fibers of shell spider silk
Classification: Anti-Blaster and Lightsaber Resistance
Weight: Typical Garment Weight
Quality: Kinetic - 1, Environmental - 1, Vibroblades - 5 Blaster - 6, Lightsaber - 7
Special Features:
- Shell Spider Silk, with fibers infused with inactive Dampener Aerosal
- Individual field disruptor necklace, specifically tuned to common lightsaber containment field frequencies
- Highly Blaster Resistant - With the natural resistance of shell spider silk combined with the fibers infused with "inactive" dampener aerosal, blaster effectiveness is drastically reduced into little more than kinetic "slaps".
- Highly Lightsaber Resistant - When the necklace activates its disruptor field, any standard lightsaber that attempts to pass through the wearer will have its containment field spontaneously fail, leaking its plasma contents onto the fabric, neutralizing its harmlessly. In practice, the effect is very similar to cortosis, although it is not a perfect analogue. Most lightsabers will be able to activate fairly soon afterwards, though potentially at reduced power due to loss of plasma energy.
- Vibroblade Resistant - As with the natural properties of the shell spider silk, most vibroblades will find themselves mostly ineffective against the fabric.
- Manual Activation - There is no inherent lightsaber resistance with the cloth, in order to survive a lightsaber strike, the necklace must be activated. A surprise attack with a lightsaber before a wearer can react, is likely to be lethal.
- Sustained/Repeated Damage - Even though the Shell Spider Silk is naturally resistant to blaster damage, its much higher resistance in this fabric is attributed to an aerosol infused in the fibers... when struck by a blaster or plasma, it is released into a gaseous form. So with a continued barrage of blaster bolts or lightsaber blows (assuming the necklace is activated), the "highly effective resistance" is quickly reduced in the places that are already damaged, to be liable for more damage.
- Slugthrowers - There is almost nothing stopping a bullet from tearing this fabric to shreds, as well as the wearer.
- Environment - It isn't advised to wear this in extreme environment, considering it isn't exactly winter or "lava planet" attire. It is flammable, and susceptible to other elemental damage types.
Primary Source: (Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)