Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Proxy-One: a code-name that might even be prestigious, if it didn't rub shoulders with some of the most classified information in the Sovereignty. The galaxy is much too dangerous a place for many of the esteemed leaders of the Sovereignty Office of Naval Intelligence - not only for them, but also for the Sovereignty itself, as these esteemed men and women are trusted to handle some of the most vulnerable information in the nation; this applies more than ever to the naval intelligence directorate, who are known only as a concept to almost all bar themselves. Yet how are these leaders meant to run their organisation if they are too important to exist? That is where the proxy initiative begins.

The purpose of proxy operatives is straightforward in the most complicated way: where the commanders of naval intelligence must not exist, proxy operatives exist in their place. To call them the right hands of their puppeteers is an almost insulting understatement: by all accounts, these operatives exist on their commanders behalf - yet really, would anybody with the clearance to really know the truth be in a position to share it?

At the helm of the proxy program is Proxy-1, who acts on the behalf of the intelligence directorate and as the commander of the proxy program. That is all that is officially known about the elusive operative of the same name. Where do they come from? What do they look like? What gender are they, or what species for that matter? Few will have an answer for a curious observer, but almost all of them will be conflicting. Allies and enemies of Sovereignty Naval Intelligence alike will claim that the operative has "a thousand faces", faces that disregard both species and gender - yet, enemy intelligence agencies would never settle for something so abstract.

So who is this operative, almost as mysterious as the directorate they represent? By all accounts, nobody seems to know.



Species: Shi'ido - although he rarely, if ever, takes his natural form as a Shi'do; even when wearing his uniform, he takes a humanoid form to be more subtle.

Gender: Male ♂ - although this isn't always consistent, as his disguises often involve other genders.

Age: 327 (Three hundred and twenty seven).

Appearance: Naturally, Proxy-1 stands at 6 feet and 10 inches tall with a sickly gray complexion, wrinkled skin, an extremely lopsided figure that favors the left arm and the right leg, and a receding snout clad in marks and spots. As aforementioned, he rarely takes the appearance of his own species, let alone one of himself.

Homeworld: Lao-mon, the Unknown Regions.

Occupation: Employed by the Sovereignty Office of Naval Intelligence in the position and under the persona of 'Proxy-1'.

Physical Abnormalities: Other than several scars and marks, nothing out of the ordinary for a 350-year-old Shi'ido.

Psychological Abnormalities: Nobody really knows how Proxy-1's mind ticks, even the spymasters that make up the SONI directorate. It's suspected that there are at least a couple abnormalities, with identity disorders and post-traumatic stress disorders ranking at the top of the suspicions, but there has never been any reliable confirmation.


Strength - Venerable: Proxy-1 has seen more years of the galaxy than most, being so blessed - or cursed, as debated by some - with a naturally long lifespan and enough luck to see the most of it. For Shi'ido and other long lived species of the galaxy, what is considered a master for most is merely a journeyman for them. With many years comes more time to gather wisdom and mastery of trade: making Proxy-1 not only a master spy, even against the higher standard, but also incredibly worldly and wise.

Weakness - Aging: As the years go on, the centuries continue to add to Proxy-1's growing age. As he continues to hear the big 4-0-0, his body begins to wane, challenging him in ways he originally never was.

Strength - Skinchanger: Like many Shi'ido, Proxy-1 has the ability to radically change his form: whether it be rodent or rancor, these abilities surpass species and gender alike. While this come with some limitations, such as extreme forms trapping Proxy-1 in them for anywhere from weeks to months, this allows him to become the many-faced enigma he's acclaimed to be.

Weakness - Lost in a thousand identities: When life becomes a roulette of covers and alter egos, one comes to live those fake lives - even at the expense of their own. For Proxy-1, his own identity has been hidden away beneath a plethora of replacements, leaving him with almost nothing outside of his career. Who can be sure what challenges it puts on him, if any? After all, he never makes it clear - not while he has another constructed persona on.

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