Apprentice of Malus
NAME: Prydden Gadd
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Apprentice
AGE: Early to mid-twenties
SEX: Cis female
HEIGHT: 5’8” (172cm)
WEIGHT: 58kg (127lbs)
EYES: Blue-grey
HAIR: Black, long
SKIN: Pale
(+) Duelist: After a sink or swim training style, Prydden is very skilled with a lightsaber; able to balance between aggressive or defensive styles, and rely on a mix of formal saber technique and in-the-wild instinct.
(+) Will To Live: Prydden has a very strongly developed sense of self preservation, which sometimes takes the form of a potent raw connection with the Force when she feels threatened. This survival instinct has also taken the form of realpolitik, with humility if necessary, without ego or ethics.
(-) Sheltered girl: After the traumas of her Sith training at a young age, Prydden’s memory of her pe-Sith life has gradually faded beyond a few scant mental images and half-untethered feelings. Because of this, she doesn’t have a very broad sense of personal identity. Only what skills or behaviours were useful for keeping her alive or for executing the will of her master. Like a human droid, with little idea how to mentally or emotionally operate outside of the textbook Sith thought process.
(-) A Life Of Fear: While her raw connection to the Force is very strong, it’s also blunt and unfocused. Still largely incapable of the kind of subtle nuance in abilities shown by true Force masters. This may partly be due to the fact that her emotional connection to the Dark Side is almost totally fear, rather than any kind of personal passion. Prydden lives her life almost always afraid on some level. Of her limitations, of her memories, of her recurring nightmares… Of the potential consequences of her fellow Sith detecting her fear.
(-) Prosthesis: Prydden’s left leg is a cybernetic replacement, required after a previous injury. It’s also slightly heavier than her natural right leg; an extra weight she has to factor into her calculations in combat. The area around where the prosthesis connects with the rest of the body also almost always aches.
What at first might appear to be a standard slender woman would be revealed, under her form fitting robes, to be a wiry muscular body that has been anything but pampered. Ghostly white skin; long black hair; a strong angular jaw; an intense, almost unblinking stare; a prosthetic left leg from the thigh down, which one might not notice unless they were observant enough to notice it sounded slightly heavier in its step than her right one; and a formal, military-like posture when at rest. As an apprentice who's freshly passed her Sith trials, Prydden has learned to blend in with the furniture in a room and keep her mouth shut unless either asked to do otherwise, or unless her life depended on dynamic action. Her body language is precise rather than graceful.
Prydden's memory before her Sith training is, by now, patchy at best. At the very least, she remembers that she wasn't born in Sith space but was taken there later. Stolen amid violence. From a normal girl to cargo, to training acolyte. After how many ships and exchanging hands? How many degrees of separation from her origins? By now, she couldn't remember and, outside of dreams in her sleep, didn't try to. It wasn't necessary anymore. The struggle of the Sith trials had required her to think of two things only: the here and now, and tomorrow. If she had anything to say about it, there would be many more tomorrows to follow.