Heir of Tenebrae
Pryde-type Sith Trooper Armor
- Intent: To create a new Sith Trooper armor.
- Image Source: Wookie
- Canon Link: Sith Trooper Armor
- Permissions: Jaeger
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Sith Mechanicum
- Affiliation:
- Sith Order
- Kainate
- Sith Ascendant Order
- Hand of the Heir
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model: Pryde-type Sith Trooper Armor
- Modularity: Yes
- Unit Designations
- Markings
- Numbers
- Officer Markings
- Pauldrons
- Coloring
- Plate Carrier Mount
- Helmet Side Mounts
- Hardpoints
- Four small/two medium on each thigh
- Two small on each arm
- One large on the back
- Visor Mounts
- Cloak/Kama Mounts
- Jet/Jump Pack Mount
- Unit Designations
- Production: Minor
- Material:
- Classification: Multipurpose Sith Trooper Armor
- Weight: Average
- Resistances:
- Energy: Very High
- Kinetic: Very High
- Lightsabers: High
- Sonic: Average
- EMP/Ion: High
- Elemental: High
- Corrosive: Very Low
- Disruptor: None
- The Force: Very Low
- Radiation: Low
- Helmet
- Mounted Flashlights
- Annunciation System
- Voice Scrambler
- Holographic HUD (360° Panoramic Display)
- Compact Sensor suite
- TunnelNet VPN
- Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System (Targeting Visor and Optical Assistance)
- Thermal & Infrared Optical Zoom
- Gauntlets
- Combat Protection Systems
- Energy Sinks
- Combat De-Ionizers
- Force Mask
- Body Glove
- Biorestorative Underlay (Automatic Kouhunin, Bacta, Adrenal, Stimulant, Application/Injection System)
- Compression Sleeves
- Reactive fibers
- Consciousness Retainer
- AEGIS Nanoarray
- Anti-Tracking Features
- EVA Systems
- Temperature Regulation System
- Environment Filtration (Integrated Oxygen Supply) and Air Recirculation System
- Radiation Badge
- Misc. Hardware
- Energized and Reactive Polymer Construction (Advanced Strength Augmenting Features)
- Power Armor Liner w/ Thermal Gel
- ES-7 "Osseus" Class Exoskeleton
- Pure Diatium Power Cells (Anti-EMP/Ion Automatic Restart System)
- B-11 Greitis Combat Boots
- Magno-grip Soles w/ Rockwalker Friction Grip
- Utility Belt
- A high-tension wire
- One grappling hook
- Two ion flares
- Energy rations
- A spare C1 military comlink hardwired against jamming
- One water packs
- One water packs
- Two medpacs
- Three blast energy sinks
- C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife Sheath
- Four Grenade Hardpoints
- SV-5 "Phanes" Class Survival Kit
- Very High Kinetic and Energy resistances
- High EMP / Ion resistance
- High Environmental Protection
- Low Corrosive and Sonic resistances
- No Disruptor resistance
- Low protection against Force abilities
"This armor shall serve as the foundation of a military united in purpose and direction against the enemies of the Sith Empire."
Therefore it is to be assumed that its design is not to supply further civil war or infighting, but to send the Crimson Legions against the enemy of the Sith - to bring them to their knees and crush every last bit of resistance. The Sith Troopers stand at the side of the Sith for battles uncounted and shall do so for generations to come, generations that see once again the conquest of the Galaxy by their rightful rulers.
The versatility and integrated combat systems of the Pryde-type speak for its fidelity, protection and value. It is designed for direct frontline combat, active communication and information sharing, a decent wearing comfort, to operate in difficult terrains and environments as well as versatility.
Out Of Character Info
To create a new Sith Trooper armor.
Image Source(s):
See Below
Technical Information
Sith Order
Pryde-type Sith Trooper Armor
Defense Rating:
Energy Resist:
Very High
Kinetic Resist:
Very High
Sonic Resist:
Thermal Resist:
Radiation Resist:
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