Keepin Corellia Weird
Under the tutelage of [member="Darth Shadow"], Ostanes had slowly began to piece together his powers and abilities. Still, he was but a shadow of his former self, a pale echo of the once powerful man. Those closest to him knew just what he had lost. So while his Force related abilities began, again, to mature and grow and be regained, he looked elsewhere to build his power and knowledge.
As an alchemist for the company he worked for, that option was nearly infinite, and so he had begun playing corporate espionage and 'climbing the ladder' so to speak. There were more than enough gaps in the structure of the behemoth of a company for Ostanes to wedge himself, or his associates, into. It was not, perhaps, the most elegant of manuevers. but AEI was showing wear and tear after Rave's death. There was blood in the water, and the sharks were circling. Ostanes would not loose his best chance at regaining his power.
First thing was first, like with any business... They needed to ramp up production. They needed their product out on the streets and new product being designed. To do that, the first step was recruiting to fill in the gaps of various Alchemists, Force magicians and more that had been lost or wiped clean by his former employer in her vacancy. So to this end, Ostanes had wedged himself into a promotion from the Board, despite his weakened power, as Director of Development and Research. It fell to him to begin to restore day to day operations in the best way he knew how.
So to that end he had delegated, like any smart businessman. The dossier of various AEI certified alchemists were broken up by talent level/certification level. Ostanes himself would oversee the highest two ranks, and interview potentially 'unsigned' talent to offer them positions as Staff Alchemists, Trainers or more. So he sat, a Warden Cloak lined in crimson draped over a chair behind a massive hijarna stone desk, a long flared suit coat trimmed in jakobeast fur hung up on a coat rack, while his clothing, though not known, was a singlet designed to help resist against lightsaber blows (the shirt at least) and he even wore a much subdued variant of the bloodwalker boots into which simple tusken-cotton trousers were tucked. Overall, he looked the very image of a captain of industry as he waited for his meeting, a ledger and holo-quill out, taking notes. Very different from the frantic being of a few weeks ago indeed.