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Approved Tech Pulsed Ion Engine Mk. II

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Pulsed Ion Engine Mk. II

Out of Character InformationProduction Information
  • Manufacturer: Stargo Defense Enterprises
  • Model: Pulsed Ion Engine (PIE) Mk. II
  • Affiliation: Stargo Defense Enterprises
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel, Magnetite, Misc. Engine Components
Strengths and Weaknesses
  • + Energy Efficiency: The Pulsed Ion Engine Mk. II limits the amount of wasted fuel expended through closely regulating thrust in the form of pulses. As such, vessels equipped with this engine can last longer on the battlefield and dedicated more power to other systems.
  • + Swift & Maneuverable: As a result of thrust regulation, speeding up/slowing down and sublight maneuverability are much sharper processes; thereby allowing pilots to enjoy a slight edge over the competition.
  • - Price Tag: It goes without saying that the Mk. II's production costs are much higher than that of a standard ion engine; thereby leading to higher prices for the starfighters that they are installed upon.
  • - Structural Fragility: When compared to standard, ion engines, the Mk. II is far less durable. As such, offenses on the battlefield may very well see vessels equipped with the engine decimated with greater ease.
  • - Warming Up is Vital: Despite its advantages, the Mk. II requires a much greater start up time than a common ion engine. While, at a glance, this may not seem a terrifying drawback, but it does have immense potential to break any fleet strategy. On the battlefield, every second counts; and precious minutes spent warming up an engine could place victory in the hands of the enemy.
  • - Use It, Or Lose It: In addition, if the Mk. II goes inactive for pronounced periods of time, danger is posed to its ability to function. In fact, the longer it is not used, the longer its start up time will be; until it finally ceases to function. This may lead to defunct starfighters in a capital ship's hangar, defeat on the battlefield, and repair costs to restore the engine to functionality.

Although Stargo Defense Enterprises had recently seen a major shift in leadership, the corporation has stayed true to its goal of innovation. After the successful development of its flagship product, the Pulsed Ion Engine, the corporation straightway began research on how to take the next step forward. Of course, the most obvious path was improving upon that which they considered a breakthrough. Thus, development of the Pulsed Ion Engine Mk. II began.

Originally, the engine was designed for usage on capital ships. Due to the numerous, moving parts that are not standard on typical ion engines, Stargo Defense Enterprises experienced difficulty conceiving the next logical step: a smaller engine for usage on starfighters. However, the potential benefits of such an engine were too monumental to pass up; and the design teams toiled away drafting a new concept. When all was said and done, the Mk. II was successfully born; albeit with slight differences from its precursor.

Aside from the differences in dimensions, the most significant changes to the design was the incorporation of magnetite as the basis for the engine's magnets. This material, which is the most magnetic, naturally occurring metal in nature, was then introduced to an electric current within the engine. Through fluctuating the magnitude of the current, the magnetic field of the material would be manipulated; thereby accomplishing the key function of the engine. From this point, the Mk. II functions nearly identical to its precursor. Ion particles are contained by the aforementioned magnetic fields before being released as thrust in the form of pulses.

This, as demonstrated by the Mk. I, affords a vessel a wide variety of benefits. First and foremost, the utilization of pulses over traditional "continuous burn" results in greater fuel efficiency: thereby allowing a ship to eliminate unnecessary waste and run longer. In addition, pulses allow a vessel to increase/decrease its speed quicker and to maneuver with greater ease; thereby affording pilots a slight edge on the battlefield.

On the other hand, where there are benefits, there are also drawbacks. To begin, the Mk. II is considered "fragile" when compared to the average ion engine. It contains a number of sensitive parts that are not found in standard engines, thereby making it even more susceptible to attack. In addition, the nature of the Mk. II results in a lengthier start up time when compared to other engines. Due to the nature of battle, where every second counts, taking precious minutes to "warm up" an engine could spell disaster for a fleet strategy.

Drawbacks aside, the Pulsed Ion Engine Mk. II is a continuation of Stargo Defense Enterprises' proud heritage of innovation. From here, only the heavens are the limit!
[member="Darth Metus"]

I don't see anything wrong with it. Well-balanced in its strengths and weaknesses and it's a slight improvement to sublight engines for starships everywhere. Just keep in mind if it's abused, we'll abuse you <3

Pending approval.
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