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Approved Armor Pulsiva Bodysuit Mk. II

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
  • Classification: Shield Bodysuit
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Weaponized Cold: Very Low
    • Weaponized Heat: High
    • Weaponized Acid | Corrosives: Low
    • Sonic: Average
    • Tensor: None
    • Electromagnetic | Ion | Electronic Disruption: Very Low
  • Intrinsic Shield - Protecting the wearer primarily through a network of miniaturized energy shield projectors embedded within the suit itself, the Pulsiva is very effective in mitigating energy and kinetic-based attacks.
  • Lightsaber Resistance - Surprisingly, the Pulsiva also has a high resistance to lightsabers, allowing the wearer to challenge such vaunted wielders of the arcane arts with a reliable degree of protection.
  • Modularity - The Pulsiva is highly modular, to the point where the wearer can attach additional armor plating, add enhancements, and yet more.
  • Low Profile - The Pulsiva has a greatly-diminished sensor profile owing to its coatings, while the D-baffling system makes it nearly dead silent. While these systems do not offer true stealth capability, they render the bodysuit more difficult to see and harder to detect.
  • Storm Pulse - EMP and Ion discharges are quite capable of disabling the miniaturized conformal energy shield projectors embedded within the Pulsiva, with the potential to seriously compromise the level of protection that the bodysuit offers its wearer, forcing them to depend solely on the protective material for protection. In such conditions, weapons which the suit might otherwise be highly resistant to, such as blasters, slugthrowers, flamethrowers, vibroblades, and others, now have a better chance of inflicting severe injury.
  • Mechanical Mutation - Like any piece of technology, the Pulsiva will be susceptible to mechu-deru and other technology-twisting powers if left unprotected. A talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce an overload or some other failure that might compromise the bodysuit entirely or demand precious time to fix, leaving the user vulnerable.
  • Acerbic Affliction - Unfortunately, acid weapons are very effective at eating through the bodysuit’s protective material to harm the wearer directly, potentially inflicting a host of dangerous effects.
  • Tensor - While optimized to mitigate damage from most forms of energy-based assaults, tensor weapons are indeed the exception. In firing compressed tractor beam waves, they can bypass most of the bodysuit’s defenses and affect the wearer’s body at a cellular level, with the potential to cause severe injury.
Like its predecessor, the Pulsiva Bodysuit Mk. II is intended as a relatively simple, yet robust combat bodysuit. Installed with a suite of First United Astral Engineering’s updated systems, the bodysuit comes with advanced and integrated comms, sensors in the helmet, basic life support functionality, and a full suite of utility systems. It retains the highly modularity of its predecessor, with magnetic attachment points that users can use to attach additional armor plates.

Still, even with these advancements, the Pulsiva retains a place as a fairly basic combat outfit by First United Astral Engineering’s standards, albeit now with modernized systems.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Update the Pulsiva!
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: Pulsiva
Modular: Yes
Material: Betaplast-Integrum Composite Armorweave - Primary Construction, TYI Flex-Armor and Shell Spider Silk - Joints, Shield Suit Components, Reifflex Cellular Padding - Comfort, BACS-X89i | Breytast Adaptive Camouflage System - Outer Coating, Skuggalegt I-pattern Polymer - Inner Coating, Programmable Matter - Various Applications
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Low
Radiation Resist: Average
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