Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Punishment & Salvation


Finding the rats lair

Location: Bescane - Outskirts of Diarchy Controlled Territory
Tags: Kallous Kallous

In the aftermath of the invasion of Bescane; Rellik, Co-Head of the Diarchy had gone to his brother in the city center and discussed the operation. Diarch Reign Diarch Reign had spoke of the promise of one of their new students. Kallous, who had shown exemplary courage and tactical prowess. As the two spoke a new communication came over their private channel to the Network.

Reports were stating that people on the outskirts of secured territory have been going missing. Rellik having been in the space battle did not get a chance to see the sights of their new world so he volunteered for the opportunity to find the missing citizens. He questioned his brother on if Kallous had any tutor yet and if he knew his whereabouts. Reportedly after a short stint healing Kallous was spending his time looking for remnants of the imperials within the city.

Rellik had taken some time to track the promising warrior down. Arriving at a crippled building he entered and spoke loudly to the man who he could not see but could sense.
"Hello again, the last time we spoke was during the training session where you fought my brother. I have been hearing good things about your effort during the invasion and to see you here now hunting down our enemies is a welcome sight indeed. I have a mission for you. Come with me to the outskirts of the town and help me find out why citizens are going missing. Let us get moving."

The man came out from behind some rubble. They exchanged some words and the two left upon their journey. Rellik was not concered about it being an order. To him they were in the ending thrashes of a dying battle and it was still a command from the Co-Head of the Diarchy. They would be going to the outskirts and solving this problem.

Rellik noticed the planet itself had a temperature and topography similar to Dantooine but the industrialization of the world had taken over as time passed. Even here, far away from the siege sites and urban warfare; it was still buildings and factories as far as the eye could see. "Outskirts" was only for the definition of all the territory on the planet the Diarchy could consider secured. As the two men moved they saw a speeder rush by several blocks away.

The men went into pursuit, doing there best to remain unseen while following the speeders trajectory. The two men moved through several city blocks where they noticed the speeder had stopped outside a large warehouse. Several poor and disheveled people came out and began to unload supplies from it and into the building.

"Kallous, how would you approach this situation?" The Diarch questioned him as they looked unto the warehouse from behind the corner of a building nearby.

Kallous, after finishing with the general assault to finish the siege, had reported back to one of their own FOBs for some medical treatment, specifically a band aid and some water, before heading back out to mop up some remaining Imperial resistance pockets. Frequently calling in support to take prisoners, after all they could never have enough manpower.

He was stalking one such group of imperials when he was approached by none other than Lord Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik , who called him to another mission. Kallous of course didn’t refuse, and went along with the Diarch as directed. And they found themselves looking over a group of what looked to be poor people coming out to get cargo off of a speeder.

He was asked by the Diarch how he would handle it, and he considered this for a moment. First he would need to ascertain if these people were hostile or if they could be negotiated with. And secondly he would have to determine whether it was more viable to go loud or go quiet, and also whether it would be better to go loud or quiet. A lot of things to consider in a short amount of time.

He looked the people over, trying to see if they were armed. Were these civilians trying to stay fed during the fight? Or were these the enemy disguised as poor folk. He observed their positioning. Did they seem like professionals? Did they know how to move as a unit? Or did they just keep one or two lookouts to check for danger without the knowledge of how to do so efficiently?

“I would gather more information My Lord.” He said quietly. “Scope them out more thoroughly to identify what kind of threat they are, if they are a threat at all, and make a decision from there.”

Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik


Location: Bescane - Outskirts of Diarchy Controlled Territory
Tags: Kallous Kallous

"Fair enough let us go to higher ground so we may appropriately sight our target." The two men moved up towards the building next to the warehouse with Rellik seeming to not care to much about using stealth - Kallous could feel the air around them was manipulated with the force.. Rellik was using the force to create an illusion of the street around them as they moved. Anyone who looked would only see the street. - and made their way to the top floor of the building. The moved into a what appeared to be a classroom which had windows lining the walls.

Rellik looked into the warhouse, turning around with a disgusted look on his face.
"Take a look from here." Rellik said while putting his arms behind his back and moving away to watch Kallous decipher the situation. - The same aura filled the classroom. It would be Rellik hiding their presence as they looked through the glass. It appeared as though if Rellik wanted he could walk into the warehouse without being detected. His intention was to see Kallous in action and test his approach to things.

"From what I can see Kallous, the more downtrodden people appear to be our missing citizens. The men in uniforms are beating and whipping anyone moving to slow. These must be citizens who refused to fight in the battle. Enduring the blame of the empires loss. These are now citizens of the Diarchy." Rellik stayed standing there awaiting his companions response to the situation.

Kallous went up to the roof of a nearby building, The Diarch covering them with illusions to keep them hidden from sight while they got a better vantage point. And once there they were able to better see into the warehouse, and precisely what was being done inside.

Kallous immediately felt his blood boil. The compassionate half of him, newly sprouted but strong, fueling a fury from his other half towards those inflicting violence on their own people.

Immediately he began scanning for any other important things. A group of hostages. Men weren’t always so complacent, especially not average citizens. But if loved ones were held hostage it would explain why this was able to work, even in the short term.

If there were hostages it complicated things a little. If not, then he could resort to his usual strategy of simply getting aggressive enough quickly enough. Shock and Awe had become a favorite tactic of his, simply hitting too fast for the enemy to do anything about it, following the doctrine of “An imperfect plan implemented immediately and violently will always succeed better than a perfect plan”.

Already he was noting where he would start, and how best to sweep through the building. Speed coupled with extreme and sudden violence being his current solution, if no major complications could be identified. Because if he could force the soldiers to focus on him, they were less likely to think of using civilians as shields. Which wasn’t hard to bypass anyway.

“I would say get close at attack fast My Lord.” He told him. “Kill them too quickly for them to do anything about it.”

Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik


I sense a trap.
Spring the trap.

Location: Warehouse near Diarchy territory outskirts: Bescane
Tags: Kallous Kallous

Rellik could feel Kallous's rage. It was welcomed, he already cared for the citizens within their space. This was a necessary trait for all High Council members within the order. You could be a monster if you wanted, just not to the Diarchs citizens. With a smile and upbeat attitude he gave an idea.

"Let us step foot inside the building before we start our assault. We will approach the front doors, I will use Qâzoi Kyantuska on the first few guards. They will not even react to our presence. Once inside I want you to find the leader of these remnants and execute him. Some men will more than likely drop their weapons. Any who do not, receive the blade. I will alter myself in the force and move with a high speed to protect any citizens with Form III. If you see anything I might miss, take the duty upon yourself to protect them. To the galaxy, the Diarchy must be hero's. Only an animal will follow an animal, our citizens are more than animals. We must be true in our actions. Un-bidden by fake moral standards like the jedi. Ready to fight on behalf of our own. Not just say we will fight for them."

He looked at Kallous with pride. He spoke not like a teacher giving a lecture but like a sergeant rallying his men. He could sense within Kallous that he already shared these beliefs. He only spoke the words to ensure the young man that what they were doing was the right thing to do and so Kallous had a better understanding of who Rellik was. A man willing to kill to keep his word. A promise that his Father Kakus instilled in him. True leaders know war is ugly, destructive and violent but the warriors duty is to bring order by any means.

Rellik looked towards Kallous and gave a simple command.
"Follow me" - The two moved back down the building and to the front door of the warehouse. As they neared the building the guards stopped moving entirely. They looked as though they were in stone. The two entered the building and looked around. Anyone who met their gaze became entrapped in the same trance like state as the ones who were at the door. They looked up towards the open second floor, upon some rafters where soldiers were standing guard was an office. Built in to the catwalks and exterior framing of the building. "Killing the leader will install fear, there is your target. On your move we will begin"

Kallous listened intently to the Diarch’s words, and took them to heart. He himself had grown up as a Sith, being taught to feel nothing for anyone but himself. That selfishness was the only way forward, and that stepping on others to elevate yourself wasn’t just okay, it was required. And for most of his life he believed it.

He was no stranger to torture. When he was fifteen his Master had taken him on an expedition into ouster Sith space to secure a shipment of slaves. And he had done the same thing that these men were doing now. So Rellik might have thought that Kallous knew this already, Kallous still had much to learn about the Diarchy’s code of ethics. But he definitely understood that it was the right one. The Sith were too selfish, and the Jedi too complacent. He knew that this was right. Seeking power not for power’s sake but for a purpose. That was their way.

It wasn’t always easy to understand. And he knew that there was no such thing as ideal. There would be those in the Disrchy who sought to increase their power for its own sake. There would be cruelties on his side too. He knew this. But at the very least this group was trying to be better. That was what attracted him to the Diarchy in the first place.

So when the Diarch suggested something more specific, though similar to his own proposed plan. Cut the head from the snake and the body will wither. The quicker the better, the more violent the more effective.

He liked that plan.

Kallous nodded in acknowledgment and followed the Diarch in. Scanning around and finding the office where the ringleader would be. He nodded his understanding to Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik and leapt up to the catwalk, and made his way to the office. The two guards at the door would collapse to the ground, their necks snapped by Kallous as he passed. He decided that was the time to get loud.

He pulled up one foot, and channeling the force through his sole the way he would his palm when performing a force push, he kicked it against the metal door. The Force powered kick folded the metal door in half and sent it barreling into the opposite wall. Best way to make sure all the soldiers were experiencing the same shock was to make sure they all saw the spectacle from the start. That meant they had to be alerted slightly before the actual event. They wouldn’t think they were under a full scale attack yet, they’d want to see it first. And that was what Kallous was counting on.

He grabbed the commander with the force and threw him out the window and onto the lower levels. Where he would jump down to follow, and immediately the commander would be struck by a stream of intense lightning. He would die, but he would scream for a while first. The fluid in his eyes would boil and make them pop, his flesh would blister and burn, and the smell of searing flesh would fill the air all while he screamed until his lungs gave out. It wouldn’t altogether be quick. But it would definitely do the job they wanted it to do.


Tags: Kallous Kallous

Kallous had done a good job, he was impressive to behold. Their plan was working accordingly. Several of the imperials troopers dropped their weapons and ran. The few that remained began firing at the two, The civilians began to filter into a room in the back. A small group who had kept there weapons but did not fire were beginning to filter into a set of double doors the civilians went into. Presumably to kill the slaves.

This is where Rellik would move at lightning speed to catch up to them. Since he was behind the culprits instead of moving in front of the civilians he took control of their minds and had them shoot themselves through the head. As the men schlumped to the floor Rellik moved into the room. Listening to the lightsaber of Kallous cut through enemy troops behind him. What was within the backroom were mostly children. They were cowering from Rellik. Unsure of his nature.

Rellik who had not even un-sheathed his blade knelt down and spoke to them.
"Do not be afraid. My name is Rellik, I am the Co-Head of the Diarchy." Rellik rambled on reassuring the people for a while. The citizens explained that the imperial remnants wanted every citizen to fight. The people here were those who had young children they did not believe would have survived if they had gone out. One child without any parents stepped forward and thanked Rellik. Where in kind the Diarch placed his robe over the child and brought them out. Kallous had cleared anyone who dared challenge them.

He spoke to his companion.
"Kallous, these are citizens of the Diarchy. Would you care for them and get them back to our stronghold on the planet so they may receive aid?" This one was not a command, instead a question. One that would again, put Kallous into a test of character.

Kallous fried the commander in charge of the unit, he had also done what he could to kill those who fled. They were not permitted to leave and join up with other groups to cause problems later. Kallous ignited his saber and went berserk. The ruby red blade slicing through Imperial soldiers with hate. Dying screams could be heard even as Rellik went to save and reassure those who had been held captive.

It was a simple affair truth be told. There was little to challenge Kallous here, no one with sufficient skill that was against him. They were just foot soldiers and occasionally conscripts. Nothing truly dangerous.

So Kallous was done by the time Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik came out with the hostage civilians, and he asked Kallous a question he wasn’t prepared for.

Would you care for them? And see them to the stronghold to receive aid?

He wasn’t sure how to answer. He had never been good with people. Especially not young children. But he knew that these people were alone. And he also knew that Rellik likely had other duties to see to. He was surprised that Rellik had even been here to begin with.

Truthfully he wasn’t sure he was the right person for the job. He was Sith, formerly, he was a war machine, not a guardian or caregiver.

Who else do these people have?

He sighed inwardly, and after a brief moment he nodded. “Yes My Lord, I will.”


Tags: Kallous Kallous

The Diarch had no misconceptions about the ease of this mission. He could have done it easily himself. The point of bringing Kallous was to test him. Something that was probably obvious to him by this point. In Relliks own admissions it was easy to tell he was raised by Sith - Peace is a lie, there is only passion had crossed his mind as he looked upon Kallous. It would not be surprising to see him negate civil matters and fancy affairs to be a missile. Rellik could not blame him, he himself always enjoyed the assassination more than the gala where he would meet his target.

There was a reason Kallous was here though, with the Diarchy. Rellik could sense it inside him and see it in his actions sometimes. A battle of wills that would fascinate the Diarch. Maybe he could mold this raw protentional into something akin to his image. Kallous had a drive typically unseen among his peers at the academy. If his direct passions could be fully understood his limits would only be the ones he sets himself.

And than for Rellik, the final test was proven. He could choose to help people if he wanted to. Do not be misconstrued, Rellik himself has committed atrocities without blinking. It is the choice of action that determines the man. Why, whom and when. The Diarch was proud Kallous killed the runners. It was a smart tactical decision. This was the weapon the Diarchy could call upon that the Jedi could not.

Rellik showed more kindness than normal to see if it would disgust the recruit. Rellik would have helped Diarchy citizens of course but kneeling to them, offering his robe, these were another test to see If Kallous would see it as weakness. These people would tell the tale of their saviors and that in itself was the weapon the Diarchy could call upon that the Sith could not. Than he asked Kallous to look after them and he determined that he could do the job. That, is the Diarchy.

As the party began to leave the building Rellik used telepathy to reach into Kallous's mind and talk to him.
"You have proven yourself today. You proved you did not hold yourself back with false hopes of peace when killing those who ran. You proved you can see the bigger picture and be more than a savage by helping these people now. You have earned the trust of one of the Heads of the Diarchy. With my respect I ask something of you. Let me take you under my wing. What I can offer is a perfect defensive master to practice your blade on. A knowledge of Sith and Jedi throughout history, their failures and accomplishments including how they came about both. If you are not afraid as well - there is always the opportunity to dive into the darkness of Sith magic and alchemy. This, including having the authority of being my apprentice are yours. All I ask of you is this. You will never stop pushing to be the most you can be. For this is where my satisfaction will come from. I want to see the epitome of Kallous. I want to see it utilized for the DIARCHY"

Kallous did not anticipate such an offer.

He hadn’t seen the giving of his robe to the lonely child as weakness. He had noticed it and thought it a little far, he doubted he would have the kindness to do such a thing. But he couldn’t call it weakness. Not in the slightest. The way he saw it, the Diarch was powerful enough that he could afford to be so kind.

Kallous, after accepting the charge of bringing these people to safety quickly instructed the civilians to stay put for a moment while he went and checked the warehouse for any vehicles in addition to the speeder that brought the cargo in. If any were to be found he would call any civilians who knew how to drive them take a vehicle and begin loading people into them so they could be transported. And he communicated back to the Forward Base that they had refugees coming in for transport to the stronghold. And even went so far as to request a platoon of soldiers to assist with the escort.

Hearing the Diarch’s words in his head made Kallous briefly stop, and consider what was said. The offer of authority wasn’t all that appealing. It was an upside to be sure, but it was far from what he wanted. The promise of training, and a greater opportunity to be better. Now that was something he couldn’t really refuse.

Sith Alchemy and Magic had never really interested him much. But he couldn’t deny that it could prove useful in some way. So there was no reason not to test the waters there either.

After some consideration Kallous would reply to him, thinking in his head as he knew the Diarch would hear. “I am honored you would consider me to be your apprentice My Lord. And I am pleased to know that I passed all your tests. I will accept your offer My Lord, and I will not disappoint you.”

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