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Approved Droid Puppeteer-Alpha Class Droid, "C1RC3"

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Manufacturer: Karl Von Strauss
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Height: Large
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

  • Manufacturer: Karl Von Strauss
  • Affiliation: Karl Von Strauss
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: C1RC3, Puppeteer-Alpha Class Assassin Droid
    • Gender: Femmine Programming
  • Modularity: Yes
    • The Cape can be modified to be a full-cape, half-cape, shoulder-cape (see picture above), or a shawl
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
    • Armor: Hexalloy-Impervium Plating with a thin Cortosis plating on the palms and chest plate (front only). All with a Laser-Reflective coating
    • Endoskeleton: Turadium
    • Cape: Shield Weave
    • Ion Shielded Internal Components

  • C1RC3's droid brain is equipped with a heuristic processor allowing her to learn by doing rather than by just knowing. And a positronic processor allowing for her to "seduce" intelligent computers.
  • C1RC3 was designed to be a puppeteer before an assassin droid. Equipped with an advanced infiltration suite and her positronic processor, she can remotely slice enemy electronics (droids, ships, anything with an electric 'heartbeat') and attempt to turn them into thralls acting for both her and her maker. However, she does have to be within a certain proximity to be the puppeteer she was meant to be.
  • C1RC3 was fed training data from numerous sources allowing her to be the best possible security droid she can be.
  • With her Personal Concealment System, she can stay close to her maker and keep him safe at all times. She is always at a minimum of 2 meters behind him or in front of him if he's entering an unknown room.
  • C1RC3's databank is stored on The Nucleus. Everything is always being transferred to it allowing for a backup to be made if the primary body is destroyed. Although, a new body will still have to be made. With each new reiteration a line from his wife's code will delete itself until it's just the first two words. Removing the most important one first.
  • C1RC3 is sentient. She is her own droid, she can choose to leave her maker at any time, but more than likely won't (more info in the description).
  • Stealth
  • Advanced Slicer
  • High Defense
  • Fast
  • Internal and External Weaponry
  • Sentience
  • Maker, before Herself and others.
  • Limited Mechu-Deru Defense
  • Limited Lightsaber Protection
  • Advanced Equipment Interferes with Other Advanced Equipment
  • Weak to Sonic and Disruptors
Droids were never Karl's strong suit, he wouldn't have delved into them if it weren't for the other talented engineers on The Nucleus. He discovered the program for C1RC3 when he was transferring the contents of his office from ship to ship, it was a datapad stuffed in a box. A box he had forgotten about, a box with his late wife's belongings. She was the droid and slicing wizard in their marriage, and she had almost finished the code for C1RC3 but never got the chance due to complications with Augustus' birth. Karl took it to the robotics section and had them look at it; they were astonished by his wife's work, but also confused. There were certain pieces of coding that they couldn't understand, and would never understand.

After a while, they were able to figure out that the programming was made for a puppeteering droid; an advanced one made for either defense or offense at that. It can remotely hack into droids and take over their systems turning them into thralls. The robotics division wanted to erase the weird lines of code, but Karl stopped them with a resounding "No." He wanted to make one droid using his wife's code once it was completed by a member of the division. After that, they could make a copy and then push it out for lesser droids. However, after deliberation with the robotics division and his head of security, they decided that this droid should have added security and assassin protocols to keep Karl safe as his bodyguard.

It took weeks of careful modifications, but eventually, both the body and the program were done. All that needed to be done was to connect the two and start the power unit. Not knowing if his wife inlaid a message in the code, he asked if he could privately power the droid on. When everyone left he broke the inhibitor chip the team had placed in its head, not wanting his wife's creation to be bound by any one man or faction. When he powered it, its photoreceptors came to life and the droid sat up, holding its hand to its head as if it had just woken up from a long slumber. Karl watched as it looked around the room before its gaze settled on him, it obviously scanning him, checking who he was from the small database they gave it as a start.

When it spoke, it spoke with a tone Karl was unprepared for, the same voice as his wife, "You are Karl, C1RC3's Maker?" After a brief pause and cry Karl responded with "Yes." After a moment he asked if it had any messages for him, it didn't, but that didn't bother him. He let C1RC3 know that other scientists were going to come look at her and after that, he'll explain some things. Unknown to both the robotics team and Karl Von Strauss, they didn't need security protocols installed in this droids program, it had a set made specifically for it. The code that the team couldn't understand was meant for that purpose it was meant for Karl by his wife, for C1RC3. When C1RC3 first awoke in that lab, a mission was already given to her.

Protect Karl, he is the only one that matters to me and to you. His life comes before your own. Make sure he is always safe. Listen to him, obey his orders, and provide advice. And most importantly, love him.

Unfortunately, C1RC3 wasn't made to understand emotion, so the last sentence evaded her understanding, instead, she took it as "importance above all." which was a good thing to take it as, as his bodyguard.

OOC Description:
C1RC3, like her Greek counterpart, is meant to "puppeteer" other droids or anything she deems a threat to her nymphs (Karl); although not by turning them into pigs. She is usually stealthed up so as not to draw attention to herself, and keep the facade that Karl is undefended going. He's just an old guy, he doesn't need a security detail. WRONG. He has one, literally one, C1RC3.

She is also well-suited for any type of combat situation, be it CQC or longer range; although defense is her game. Actively defending Karl, and passively doing whatever keeps him safe, potentially giving up her life for his. She will "Mr. President get down." However, the armor that Karl had installed would allow her to take a beating before she would power down.

While her slicing proficiency is high, it doesn't mean that it is infallible. Some systems are too difficult to crack, such as higher functioning droids (those controlled by players), and flagships (like those controlled by players) [it would be up to her opposition to say whether the slice was successful or not.] With her puppeteering ability, she has the ability to take over three standard droids, things that are extremely advanced she would only be able to take over a maximum of one, with difficulties.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an advanced droid that works well in multiple ways. And to be a beta test for future droids.
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Karl Von Strauss
Model: Puppeteer-alpha Class Droid (Security and Assassin)
Modular: Yes
Material: See Above
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: FAE/M-02 Energized Gauntlet Vibroblade (Left, Under the hand like a hidden blade)
FAE/M-05 Kinetite Shockwave Strike Weapon (hands and feet)
FAE/EMW-01 Plasma Chakram Projector (Right, Wrist)

One Blaster from below (depending on the mission)

FDS-4P Blaster Pistol (Normally)
CBC-25 Compact Blaster Carbine
Plasma Disruptor Rifle

Can use light to heavy weaponry, but favors light and medium
Droid Classification: Fourth Degree
Miscellaneous Equipment:

Standard Equipment:
Advanced Vocabulator (capable of mimicry and altering her voice, but C1RC3 tends to stick with the same one, the tone of a mother)
Advanced Optical Sensors with multi-spectrum settings
B-10 "Tensai" Droid Brain
FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix
Gabonna Memory Crystal
Heuristic Processor
Positronic Processor
Magnetic Thigh Plates for Weapons/Accessories
Magnetic Feet and Left Hand
Advanced Equipment:
FAE/S-10 Personal Concealment System
FAE/C-05 Infiltration Suite
FAE/MDW-01 Active Defense System
Phase III "Dream Sight" Combat Electronics System
Integrated Remote Slicer
Internal Socketguard
Advanced Slicing Countermeasures
Anti-Mechu-Deru Implant

Defense Rating: Extreme
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: None
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Low
Other Resistance(s):

Disruptor: Low
EMP/ion: High
Lightsabers: High | Extreme - Palms and Chest Plate

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