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LFG Pureblood padawan needs to meet new faces

Heyo, I find myself in a rare opportunity of being both low on threads and interested in having more! Normally I'm looking to thread with Amani, but she gets all the attention and has had plenty of development of her own, so I'm finally trying to commit more of my attention to Resh here, in hopes of giving him the same treatment. It's been too long since I've fleshed out a proper newbie character.

Resh is a Sith pureblood, but not just any Sith pureblood. He is (purportedly) the clone of an ancient pureblood Sith Lord, grown by a dark side cult in the bowels of Coruscant. He never quite caught onto the whole Dark Lord thing as easily as his genetic template, and when a team of Jedi arrived and cleared out the cult, he went along with them.

Now being trained as a Jedi, Resh struggles to deal with fitting in, accepting his nature, and fearing that he is destined to become something darker after all. His current goal is to one day become a Jedi Shadow, but that's a ways off still.

Right now, I want to see him become acquainted with more Jedi, peers especially but knights and masters are also welcome. People outside of the Jedi sphere of influence are also on the table, he needs to see life beyond Coruscant, the cult, and the Jedi. Probably not looking to confront Sith or other malefactors rn, he needs to just get a feel for who he is before I really delve into that.

So yeah, if that sounds interesting to you, feel free to reply down below! Maybe we can cook something up.
Now, first off: I adore nature v nurture conflicts A LOT. This premise is amazing and I will be watching your career with great interest.

Which is why it saddens me, as your local Lightsworn rep, to have to tell you that this character must be destroyed at all costs for the balance of the Force to be preserved.

Sith Delenda Est and all that, you know. Just business. :/

If, in the future, that malefactor route opens up do give me a call.

Until then, I got an NFU Dante Iblis Dante Iblis who's currently undergoing a big arc w/ the Crucible that might be more your speed.
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Heyo, I find myself in a rare opportunity of being both low on threads and interested in having more! Normally I'm looking to thread with Amani, but she gets all the attention and has had plenty of development of her own, so I'm finally trying to commit more of my attention to Resh here, in hopes of giving him the same treatment. It's been too long since I've fleshed out a proper newbie character.

Resh is a Sith pureblood, but not just any Sith pureblood. He is (purportedly) the clone of an ancient pureblood Sith Lord, grown by a dark side cult in the bowels of Coruscant. He never quite caught onto the whole Dark Lord thing as easily as his genetic template, and when a team of Jedi arrived and cleared out the cult, he went along with them.

Now being trained as a Jedi, Resh struggles to deal with fitting in, accepting his nature, and fearing that he is destined to become something darker after all. His current goal is to one day become a Jedi Shadow, but that's a ways off still.

Right now, I want to see him become acquainted with more Jedi, peers especially but knights and masters are also welcome. People outside of the Jedi sphere of influence are also on the table, he needs to see life beyond Coruscant, the cult, and the Jedi. Probably not looking to confront Sith or other malefactors rn, he needs to just get a feel for who he is before I really delve into that.

So yeah, if that sounds interesting to you, feel free to reply down below! Maybe we can cook something up.
Anen might be fun to rp with, while his backstory is hardly the same, his father was definitely dark sided and in his dissipearance, caused Anen's mother to go insane. Anen, as a result, goes heavy lightside after being picked up by jedi. He's a biologist/doctor more in skill than standard jedi but still is a jedi padawan. (His race being very advanced in that area). And is so concerned about going dark sided he refuses to use the force for direct attacks. I think it could be fun to have them interact and see how they play, admittedly, not that much internal squabbling going on for Anen about 'who he is' or 'does he fit in' so to speak, but it could still be interesting.

He's also a very advanced shapeshifter, partly due to his species, partly due to his significant knowledge and practice of the skill.
Cool! Thanks for all the replies, folks! I'll start reaching out to folks about threads tomorrow. Can't promise I'll be able to thread with everybody, just depends on how stuff shakes out, so don't take it personally if I have to shelve some for the future!

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