Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Purely Human


The Sith Pureblood didn't sport his hood on this day. Korriban was the birth place of his people, he belonged here, even if Korriban City hardly held any Sith. With the Resurgent Empire led by the Dark Council, more and more Sith were answering the call that was issued. Most were aliens, though oddly enough, Vraukt was much more welcoming to them than humans.

It had been a human who had crashed a moon into Dromund Kaas years ago.

It had been a human who had rained turbolaser fire on Korriban City almost a year ago.

It was the Sith who brought stability to the Stygian Caldera.

The Sith had returned, and so had the True Sith and en masse.

Vraukt crested a sand dune. Up ahead, there was a collapsed temple, fallen into ruin. Much of it was concealed by the sands that were beginning to pick up around him. A sandstorm, he knew. The collapsed temple likely went deeper. It also happened to be the closest structure, and the Pureblood didn't possess the ability to out run a sandstorm.

He made for the temple, or more aptly, tomb.

Connor Harrison

Her third visit to Korriban, but her first under the fresh ascension of Knighthood.

This was her calling. It had taken over a year, but she had found her place in a new Empire, with a new leader and a new destiny on the horizon.

Standing before the next ruin to explore, Joon stood with her fur-lined robe wrapped around her body. The wind was picking up, causing tiny grains to stick in her black and white hair, her robe and to the side of her face. It was nothing but nature, and she didn’t move.

The Dark Side was longing to be freed within her, for there was so much more so discover about the Sith, the Empire itself and also Joon; the former clone who once was on the verge of death on this very world but now stood before it as a warrior.

Without warning, she turned. There was a presence of a Dark Sider nearby.

In the distance, a figure was walking towards the temple, and her eyes squinted to get a more focused view and to protect her from the sand.

”Who goes there,” she called.

The frame seemed to match that of Vrak – but he wouldn’t be here. Not yet.

Her hand moved down to her waist, and her weapon. She would defend this place with her life. She would defend her Empire and those who served it.

Vraukt continued forwards through the sand dunes. It was hot but he continued anyway. There was a presence up ahead, one that was Dark Sided as well. He didn't seen to care either way, he merely continued onwards silently, even when he heard the person in the likely barely cooler shade call out to him.

It took him a koment to attune his senses, but he felt as if he sensed hostility.

Interesting, considering they didnt even know each other.

Vraukt strode forwards until he could conpletely see the figure and answered in his hoarse, yet deep voice.

"Vraukt." No House name to follow it, and no titles to come with it either. He had not been made a legitimate member of the Graush household. His flesh may have been crimson, but he was treated only slightly better than the common slave on Tantorus.[/font]


Connor Harrison

The figure came closer, with no apparent weaponry or support. It struck Joon he looked much like Vrak – a Pureblood. From what he had told her of his people, she felt a little less wary. Only a little. Her fingers moved away from the hilt slightly.

”You are Pureblood.”

She stood up straight and looked at him.

”My name is Joon. Are you here as an ally or an enemy of the Resurgent Empire.”

Hopefully, he would be an ally – if the Pureblood myth was true, then they were in this together and Vrak would know of this…. Vraukt. Even the name sounded the same. Were they some relation?

Vraukt had only the slightest idea as to who Vrak was. A Councillor for certain, but other than that, the young Pureblood had yet to meet his kinsman. Though, he doubted a Lord of the Sith of Athiss would lower themselves to converse, or even take an interest in an Acolyte. Not one like him anyway.

He showed little ambition.

Vraukt was merely a servant.

You are Pureblood.

It seemed obvious, he didn't need to give that a response. His orange hued orbs just watched her silently as she continued on to say more.

"I serve the Resurgent Empire."

And he was here under orders, by a lowly Sith Knight that had claimed him as an apprentice. He had given him a task, and so Vraukt had come. This was only one stop of many that he sought to make.

"Your name now."

He had begun to speak more Basic, learning as time went on. Perhaps within a few months he'd be an extrovert.



Connor Harrison

As the Pureblood spoke, it was clear Basic was not his primary language. He understood, so it seemed, but he did not speak. Joon narrowed an eye briefly, but understood more than many the issue with broken communication.

She walked forward and placed a hand on her chest.

”Joon. Joon.”

She pointed to him.

”Your name now.”

Communication was key to success; that had been instructed of her from day one. Learning languages, cultures, locations, everything you could to communicate and build trust and allegiance with others.

There was an inclination of his head in greeting as the woman gave her his name.

She asked for his name for a second time. Chances were she hadn't heard it the first time, or hadn't understood him that well because of his rough voice.

"Vraukt," he said, this time without as much as his natural accent involved as possible.

"Here," he said waving a hand up to the structure. "Why?"


Connor Harrison

Nodding the head in return to this Pureblood, Joon looked at the ruin following his question. First her hand went to her chest, and then out to the old temple.

”Me, explore. This belongs to the Resurgent Empire. This is ours. Make safe.”

She didn’t break eye-contact, for that was just as important.

”Vraukt and Joon, In.”

Mocking walking steps with her fingers, she led his gaze to the temple they were stood before, as the wind started to pick up. She took a few steps over to the ruins, and guestered with her hand for him to follow.

Vraukt nodded.

She was here to explore too?

That went perfectly in line with the reason that Vraukt was there. And then she went about the motions of indicating that they go inside, deeper, to avoid the sandstorm that would be upon them within the next moment. Sand was already scraping at the back of his head in great speeds. Going inside would most certainly be preferable.

"Terentatek," he said in his deep voice. "Search for."

That was part of why he was there.


Connor Harrison

Joon nodded, and started over to the temple, holding her arm out to shield herself from the sandstorm. Her robe blew sharply to the side as she fought the warm, stinging wind and grains of sand battering them.

It took less than a minute, but it felt a lot longer, and eventually she came to stand inside the decaying arch that led into the ruins, sheltered from the sandstorm and letting it blow over and across them.

”What is Terentatek,” Joon asked the Pureblood as he hurried in beside her.

The sandstorm was upon them, sand whipping around their faces. Vraukt's skin, on account of his race was already rough. Ridges across his flesh gave it the impression of scars that had healed improperly. His angular face structure turned, raising a part of his black cloak to shield him from the sharp winds as they made their way into the sanctity of the tomb, deeper they went.

Her not knowing what a Terentatek was surprised him, though not enough to break the disciplined features of a highborn Pureblood, it was only illustrated via the raising of his eyebrow, or rather, eyebrow stalk with how thick that part of his face was. He took the time to think on how to describe what a Terentatek was, deciding to almost entirely ignore her as he walked further into the archway, hand reaching down to the glowstick that rested somewhere within his robes.

He broke off the end, allowing the light to fill the room beyond the archway, to which looked to be a collapsed atrium, multiple pathways leading off in every direction, some caved in by their own archways, but for the most part evidence of it having once been a vast structure.

"Great Sith beast." He said, "Jedi Killers.

Live in tombs."


Connor Harrison

With an arched eyebrow at the Pureblood, Joon shook her hair to rid herself of as much sand as possible.

”Jedi killers? Good. Good.”

She nodded and held her hand forward for them to walk into the closest passageway, and the one that wasn’t caved in. Her eyes glanced around, wary of the erosion that had taken place over the years and unwilling to become a permanent resident.

”Will you,” she pointed to her head, ”control the beasts?”

That would be interesting to see happen – mind control. Or did they simply need to be broken in?

The Pureblood shook his head in response to the primitive seeming girl.

"Resistant to the Force," he said with a nod of his head. Their skin was, anyway. He meant to kill a Terentatek and take its hide for his own, have one of his Master's Kissai and Zuguruk underlings fashion it into the robes of one of his cloaks if possible. The Pureblood looked upon the walls as they walked deeper into the temple, more akin to a tomb than anything else.

"Kill the beast."

However simple the terentateks were, Vraukt didn't possess the innate ability to control lesser beings.

He merely killed, followed, and killed some more.


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