Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Well sometimes you found yourself in strange places, really she hadn't thought it would be needed but given the expansion of their offices and work, the resources required and over all the training. She didn't want to go against one like Danger or her company... really she didn't want to fight just expand and work to better help the people who needed it and Sasori provided plenty of all of their things. Working to expand the products they have that could work on some of the things like the converters and sigils they had constructed, the factory ships that were self sustaining and the massive beast of a colonization ship designed to go out and make the stations they were designing to allow people to work and live out in the frontier. Never knew what you might be able to find since the mapping network was up and running working to show them new worlds and sectors of space few could think about. "Well it is time, lets go and get the mistress of trade on our side."