Undead Cyborg
Step. Step. Step. Step. Bump agenst a piece of destroyed metal wall.
Light. So much light it over-loaded the optical senzors.
A1-22-X stoped, feeling the obstruktion. Its head slowly turned to one side. Then the other. Then up. Then down, to look at the glass-ed ground. The surface vas glass-ed completly. Some ruins in the distance. Char. Twisted metal. All thats left of a war that ended... eons ago.
Dust. Dust evryvhere. On the ground, in the air, in the sky... blocking the sun. A gray haze, but stil blinding to the unit, until its optics adjusted.
So long spended in the dark. How long? A year? Ten? Hundred? Thouzand?
"Why... can... I... not... remember?" A1-22-X vas a bit... suprised... to hear its voice sound out, after so long. Female. Calm... reazonable. Like a school-teacher asigning home-vork to her class. Void of emotion. The voice that did not belong to it. It belonged to a woman that vas killed violently, so... long ago.
Died. Then re-born. No. Re-animated, as a weapon of her enemys. Auspex-class. A proto-type. A pinacle of Rakatan cyber-nekrotic enginering, that they perfekted, using slave-species as test subjekts. A slave, dispozed of, then returned, as a enhanced un-dead shel, to fight the battles of its masters. Until the last one. The one that maked this planet burn to a krisp. Glassed... erased. But A1-22-X endured. It vas build to endure. The planet died. But it survived.
It did not remember. Any of it.
Step. Step. Step. Step. The unit kept walking.
Aniwhere. No-where. Its feet leaving deep steps in the glass-ed ground, its weigt presing down hard on it, on each step.
Optics adjusted. It culd now see more. The grey haze-y dust culd now be seen thru. More ruins in the distance. More flat, glass-ed ground.
A1-22-X looked around agen, thru the grey haze. Ruined husks of long-crashed ships, burned, chared. The unit rekognized them. The remenants of destroyed Rakatan warships. As the design vas rekognized, the unit's internal safe-guards reakted:
Over-ride direktive: Unit Auspex01. Report for re-asignment.
Over-ride direktive: Unit Auspex01. Report for re-asignment.
Over-ride direktive: Unit Auspex01. Report for re-asignment.
Over-ride direktive: Unit Auspex01. Report for re-asignment.
The hard-coded comand continued repeating it-self in the unit's mind.
The black-armor-clad walking corpse stoped, waiting for the konfirmation signal, that wuld direkt the unit to the closest functioning Rakata ship or base. Minutes passed. Then hours. Then a day. Then a week. All this time, A1-22-X has not moved, at all, waiting, as the over-ride direktive repeated it-self in its mind. Finaly, the self-aware part of its necromized brain decided that enogh vas enogh. There vas nothing out there left, that culd direkt a homing signal to folow.
"I... am... lost."
So... "she" keped walking. Trying to decide vhat to do. Vhile the over-ride direktive stil repeated it-self. But the more it did, the more it vas ignored. There vas nothing out there. Nothing but freezing, dust-filed air, that wuld have maked a living person's breth freeze, glass-ed ground, and ruins. Stillnes and death, evrywhere.
But, the planet, vith all the ancient ruins and wrecks of ancient ships, vas a haven for those making a living out of salvaging and looting. Especialy those interested in finding the fabulus Rakatan tech. It wuld only be a mater of time, before someone wuld come.
Light. So much light it over-loaded the optical senzors.
A1-22-X stoped, feeling the obstruktion. Its head slowly turned to one side. Then the other. Then up. Then down, to look at the glass-ed ground. The surface vas glass-ed completly. Some ruins in the distance. Char. Twisted metal. All thats left of a war that ended... eons ago.
Dust. Dust evryvhere. On the ground, in the air, in the sky... blocking the sun. A gray haze, but stil blinding to the unit, until its optics adjusted.
So long spended in the dark. How long? A year? Ten? Hundred? Thouzand?
"Why... can... I... not... remember?" A1-22-X vas a bit... suprised... to hear its voice sound out, after so long. Female. Calm... reazonable. Like a school-teacher asigning home-vork to her class. Void of emotion. The voice that did not belong to it. It belonged to a woman that vas killed violently, so... long ago.
Died. Then re-born. No. Re-animated, as a weapon of her enemys. Auspex-class. A proto-type. A pinacle of Rakatan cyber-nekrotic enginering, that they perfekted, using slave-species as test subjekts. A slave, dispozed of, then returned, as a enhanced un-dead shel, to fight the battles of its masters. Until the last one. The one that maked this planet burn to a krisp. Glassed... erased. But A1-22-X endured. It vas build to endure. The planet died. But it survived.
It did not remember. Any of it.
Step. Step. Step. Step. The unit kept walking.
Aniwhere. No-where. Its feet leaving deep steps in the glass-ed ground, its weigt presing down hard on it, on each step.
Optics adjusted. It culd now see more. The grey haze-y dust culd now be seen thru. More ruins in the distance. More flat, glass-ed ground.
A1-22-X looked around agen, thru the grey haze. Ruined husks of long-crashed ships, burned, chared. The unit rekognized them. The remenants of destroyed Rakatan warships. As the design vas rekognized, the unit's internal safe-guards reakted:
Over-ride direktive: Unit Auspex01. Report for re-asignment.
Over-ride direktive: Unit Auspex01. Report for re-asignment.
Over-ride direktive: Unit Auspex01. Report for re-asignment.
Over-ride direktive: Unit Auspex01. Report for re-asignment.
The hard-coded comand continued repeating it-self in the unit's mind.
The black-armor-clad walking corpse stoped, waiting for the konfirmation signal, that wuld direkt the unit to the closest functioning Rakata ship or base. Minutes passed. Then hours. Then a day. Then a week. All this time, A1-22-X has not moved, at all, waiting, as the over-ride direktive repeated it-self in its mind. Finaly, the self-aware part of its necromized brain decided that enogh vas enogh. There vas nothing out there left, that culd direkt a homing signal to folow.
"I... am... lost."
So... "she" keped walking. Trying to decide vhat to do. Vhile the over-ride direktive stil repeated it-self. But the more it did, the more it vas ignored. There vas nothing out there. Nothing but freezing, dust-filed air, that wuld have maked a living person's breth freeze, glass-ed ground, and ruins. Stillnes and death, evrywhere.
But, the planet, vith all the ancient ruins and wrecks of ancient ships, vas a haven for those making a living out of salvaging and looting. Especialy those interested in finding the fabulus Rakatan tech. It wuld only be a mater of time, before someone wuld come.