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Public Push to Secure the Future

Pantora League



The Supreme Chairman of Pantora has resigned his position after years of service. There are riots in the streets of Pantora City. Two groups with opposing viewpoints of how to bring Pantora forward have emerged, but neither has established a clear foothold with the citizens. The Cooperation Party, the group formerly led by the retiring Chairman, was in favor of working diplomatic avenues to secure Pantora. The opposition Expansionist Party was in favor of strengthening Pantora’s position from within.

The push for power was taking too long. The more the government flounders to find direction the more the streets turn to chaos. That was to the benefit of a group known as the “Forgotten”. This group did little more than stir the pot and advocate violent opposition to authority. Their protests were a nuisance to the military on the ground and a call to other groups to organize their own demonstrations.

In the shadows a movement starts within the heart of the Pantoran military. Tired of answering calls to end civilian protests and the lack of direction from the politicians, Admiral @Eremiagathered a group of trusted friends and formed the Pantora League to bring some sense of direction to their home. General Xiphais Deimos was the Admrial’s right hand, fellow Admiral Oren Rinral was her left hand, and Eironeih Dolomah was her eyes and ears. The League was strong and rumors of Sith rising from ashes were swirling in the Outer Rim. The time for action had arrived. For the future of Pantora the League was making their move…

Eremia Loigos

High Admiral of the Pantora League


Location: Tate-Class Heavy Cruiser Keraunam, Flagship of Adm. Eremia Loigos
Ally Tags: Oren Rinral
Potential Opposition: Gabriel Creed Gabriel Creed | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Lasmi Loigos | Mya Jesel Mya Jesel | Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian


Admiral Eremia Loigos has spent years trying to solidify the defenses of Pantora since the moon was liberated from the Sith. Her repeated requests for more military funding were rejected by Supreme Chairman Charl Masin who would rather converse with the Galactic Alliance to provide security to his people. The Admiral found ways around the Chairman and built Pantora a small navy as well as created a following for herself within the military. When the Chairman abruptly announced his intentions to step down from his position the Admiral knew the time had come. She had been working behind the scenes. She had worked with Akron Defense Labs and more specifically Panssonic Drivelines to begin development of a fleet, but so far that had only netted her a single Heavy Cruiser and several squadrons of fighters.

A productive meeting that @Khrusaesset up on Eriadu had managed to net the Admiral a much more impressive fleet in order to get her plan in motion. Now she looked out at the rag tag group of Pantoran ships along with the two Harrier Class Heavy Cruisers as well as a dozen Katana-Class Heavy Cruisers. The source of these ships would not be smiled upon by the citizens of Pantora Loigos was sure, but the fact of the matter is Pantora is far from the authority of the Empire now, and the Empire wasn’t the same entity that caused all the negative thoughts. They were no longer Sith. For some tastes they might be a bit strict, but most Pantorans knew the value of authority. There were Sith in the galaxy however, rumor was some were creeping closer to Pantora once again. And no matter who she had to ask favors of, Eremia was not going to let anyone, especially the Sith, take her home. And she certainly wasn’t going to wait around for someone to bail Pantora out of trouble. She was going to make sure that Pantora could stand on its own. And she wasn’t going to wait for politicians to slowly give her the means to do so.

The Admiral looked over her display and was satisfied that the fleet was in position. “General Deimos are things ready for my arrival?” she questioned.

“Yes Admiral. We have a speeder waiting for you on the outskirts of Pantora along with an impressive if not sizable escort,” the voice of the General echoed from the comm system.

The Admiral nodded. “Have my shuttle prepped. I will be leaving shortly.” One of the bridge officers gave a nod and was in motion. “Admiral Rinral, the fleet is yours. Remember the purpose of the blockade is to keep outsiders from putting their nose in our business. This is not intended to be any hardship on our people. Any incoming trade should be directed to Orto Plutonia, inspected, and ferried to Pantora on a regular basis. Aggressive behaviors should be a worst case scenario, so keep that in mind.

“Mr. Dolomah will be monitoring the situation from Orto Plutonia as well as running the inspection process,”
she gave the last bit of instruction. “In the case that a force of overwhelming size appears I will be reaching out to Eriadu and seeing if I was able to build some good will.”

Her half dozen droid bodyguards then appeared from the anteroom and it was time for the Admiral to make her way to the surface and make a political play that she never imagined she would be putting into action.
Eremia Loigos Eremia Loigos

"Of course I have bills of lading," Aeshi said, hands on her hips as she shook her head to the blue-skinned customs inspector. "And no, I don't know what happened with the Pykes in the weapon shop. I was just an innocent bystander."

There was a deep frown and a stare and then a shrug. Aeshi let out a long breath and slid over the datapad with her cargo. Or at least, most of it, except the stuff she wasn't technically selling. Mainly pamphlets lining her chair and the bunks. They'd read as normal insulation on any scanners, which is what they were.

It was part of an Underground op they had running along the galaxy's edge. Send out the free traders and the captain's coterie with pamphlets to distribute across all worlds that may come into the crosshairs of the Sith. Pantora was still fairly far off, but that meant more time for them to prepare and organize.

The rest of the cargo was benign. Foodstuffs, luxury trinkets from Imynusoph, electronics and tech from the Five Veils Route. A decent cargo for trading in a moderately wealthy world. She would probably turn a small profit.

But something was off. She couldn't tell why either, but there was an undercurrent of tension in the air. Some local trouble, maybe? She'd not seen anything on the holonews or heard any gossip.

It was like something was waiting.

Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian Eremia Loigos Eremia Loigos Pantora League

SHIP: IRSGMC Light Freighter Irven Rash I
ASSIGNMENT: Pantora Political & Mercantile Situation
As Irven Rash jumped out of Hyperspace, the thought occurred to him this was likely going to be a simple venture. It was mostly false. The planet, as he researched on his Holopad before apporaching it, was engulfed in a political crisis involving an apparent lack of decisiveness against an apparent presence of it on the part of the sector military.

Whenever a bunch of boom-boom-stick carrying institutionalists like the Pantoran Armed Forces take over a polity, it often means business. Credit business. Arms business. The kind of business IRS General Mercantile specializes in.

Keep Sith influence out. Affirm RTL agenda. Make moolah. Those were the goals.

Broadcasted to all RTL frequencies would be the following message: "Hail. This is IRSGMC Light Freighter Irven Rash I of member company IRS General Mercantile Corporation. We are here on a business and diplomatic mission. All friendlies respond."

Broadcasted to the political authorities on the planet would be the following message: "This is a request for a political audience. We represent the RTL and IRSGMC."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
it had been several days since he had secured the trade deal with the Hutt consortium, and the resources he had acquired from the deal allowed him to retrofit and upgrade the existing fleet he had acquired in the Kalinda system. with his skirmishes still ongoing with the Pirate lord Ubbal Dusat it was high time he began to meet his neighbors. haven heard of the political dismay of Pantora, he would stand aboard the bridge of one of the Faction's newest starships a Centurion class Star destroyer. the ship's design had since been retrofitted with Lilaste weaponry, and its armor was greatly modified. they showed up to the planet alone, with no supporting fleet and no escort only the starfighters in its hanger and the walkers in its storage. looking from the bridge, he would look out to the small blockade around the Planet of pantora. a light frown escaping his throat before shaking his head the moment they got within range, the fleet began to hail them, and he made sure to answer as quickly as he could

" This is High Commander Laphisto Div'atori Gix of the Lilast order, hailing from the Kalinda System, we have heard of your plight and come to render aid. it would be unneighborly of us to allow our neighbors to endure such a crisis on their own"

laphisto remained standing on the bridge, hands crossed over his chest before looking down to one of the navel officers " prep a shuttle and bring one of the walkers out of its bay, if we are to do business with the pantorans we should give them a good insight into what we can offer them."

with that, he would pin his ear back on his head, awaiting the response of the blockade as they approached. weapons and shields power down to help convey the message they hadn't come here looking for a fight

Oren Rinral
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