Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Putting pieces in place, giving the future a chance.

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Naboo | OBJECTIVE: Meet with Shiraya | POST #: 1
TAG (ALLIES) : @Brana Sal-Soren | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Michael Angellus Michael Angellus
TAG (FOES) : @

The meeting with Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn had gone surprisingly well. So now it was time to “let it ride” and use that good luck to follow up with showing up at the Shiraya Sanctuary. The place was beautiful, a true testament to the people, landscape and overall cultural history of the planet itself. He was not truly surprised as this was the way of the Naboo and before he knew it, Caltin was lost in the architecture.

When approached and asked about who he was and why he was here, the big man just smiled and identified himself and asked for whoever he might need to talk to, not only about the future, but possibilities for someone else. Master Vanagor. I have an appointment with Briana Sal-Soren.

Truth is, Caltin was terrible at this sort of thing, networking, and rubbing elbows. He was not diplomatic, sure he had wisdom to share and could tell the daylights out of a story, but the charisma something like a meeting like this would require was not in his toolshed. He was confident in himself, but he knew that he needed to work on his interpersonal skills if he wanted to succeed, this was (or would be) a conversation, not a battle after all. He decided to take a course on networking and got to work honing his skills.

A representative walked him further into the grounds from the landing platform. The Refectory and the Meditation Summit both brought some great ideas out of him as he mentally took everything in, not so much to “copy” or “steal” but appreciate the surroundings some more. He tried to make the Shadow Temple blend into the natural beauty of Kachirho, this place just did.

It was back in the Refectory, the Dining Hall to be exact, that he was waiting. Okay, maybe this was where he started to look for ideas to “steal” the food looked AWESOME.



Outfit: XoXo | Equipment: Lightsaber, Echo Stone | Tag: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Ever since the second Cataclysm had hit, it seemed Briana's days were filled to the brim.

Whether by necessity or simple happenstance, her schedule and responsibilities therein had increased by two-fold in what seemed like a matter of days. Within the last week alone, she'd met with the leader of the Foundation, Mother Askani Mother Askani , taken on the training of two new Padawans, and flown half way across the galaxy to try and convince an old flame ( Astor Daaray Astor Daaray ) on why it was a bad idea to enter into an arranged, loveless marriage. While Astor assured her it was what he wanted — no, what he needed to do, she'd left him feeling somehow worse than when she'd initially arrived.

With a long sigh, she rubbed a tired hand down her face, fruitlessly trying to rub away the sleeplessness before she reached the refectory.

Stopping just outside the hall from where she knew Master Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor was waiting, Briana pressed a hand against the corner wall and let out one big, hearty yawn before continuing along her trajectory, praying silently to Shiraya that they still had some caf waiting for her.

The dining hall was overall sparse, most of the students having already eaten earlier in the morning and hurried off to their lessons, making it all the more easy for her to spot Master Vanagor. Not that it was a difficult thing to do. He was a rather large man, nearly comparable to a Wookiee in that sense, and not exactly inconspicuous, even in a condensed crowd.

Raising her arm half way, she gave a slight wave with her wrist and let a smile pull up the corners of her lips.

"It's good to see you again Master Vanagor," Briana greeted, approaching his table. "It's been a while." Her brows creased together, trying to recall when exactly the last time they'd met had been. Not since Romi's untimely death, at least — a particularly sobering thought that was quickly pushed aside. "What can I do for you?"

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Naboo | OBJECTIVE: Meet with Shiraya | POST #: 1
TAG (ALLIES) : @Brana Sal-Soren | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Michael Angellus Michael Angellus
TAG (FOES) : @

When Briana walked up he offered a smile. It had “been a minute” since they had run into each other, but he did not dwell on that thought, not worth thinking about. Today was a good day after all. Good to see you. This place is amazing, it really captures the teachings and feel of the Jedi, and the history and culture of the Naboo at the same time.

Caltin had not (other than a day trip here, a day trip there) been to the planet since his sister and brother-in-law lived here so long ago. Still feeling like a bit of a tourist, the big guy still caught himself looking around. It was when she asked him what she could do for him that seemed to snap Vanagor out of his trance.

A working partnership… He found himself looking outward as he brought up the general idea.

The Shadow Temple on Kashyykk is open, in fact we will be having an “Open House” soon, you should attend… anyway, I would like to propose an offer of “advanced training”... He went on to explain more about what the Shadow Temple was and what training is offered. Offering a datacrystal containing all of the information, he offered training to any of her staff who needed it or wanted a more “advanced path” depending on their archetype.

It was up to her, up to them, but the offer was there and standing.
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The whole place still felt off to her.

Or maybe it was her that was the off thing in this place. She hadn't yet seemed to settle in like the last time she had called this place home. Almost like wearing an itchy life day sweater to a family function everyday. No matter how she reflected and tried to center herself, she could never quite settle or relax. Spying the corners as she walked or measured everyone's step as they came into view. Listened to their departing steps behind her and took stock of everyone that was present in meetings.

Watchful, Sharply attentive. Still feeling that bitter taste in her mouth.

Maybe it would be a matter of time before she felt comfortable here again. Or maybe she would never be comfortable anywhere again until her daughter was returned. A thought that nagged at her now that the hope had been returned to her of finding Zeriana. But patience had never been in her repertoire of skills. Action and results suited her more than watching the results of some long term endeavor. The worry of later put aside for the time being as the business of here and now made itself known with the rumbling gurgle of an empty stomach.

Voices drifted toward her as she patted her thigh and felt the familiar weight of the blaster in it's hidden pocket. The doors to the dining hall opening as she spied her cousin and-

She paused and blinked in surprise.

"Master Vanagor. A pleasure to see you again." The crease in her brow easing as she smiled at him before giving him a respectful nod. Shifting her eyes to her cousin with a questioning arch in her brow. "The foods here are wonderful, you should load up a plate."

Looking to Caltin with a grin as she moved to do just that for herself. Keeping her attention focused on them as her hands moved almost automatically to get breakfast.


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