Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Pyppa





Sass Merchant
Place of residenceNo Fixed Abode
AgeYoung Adult
Personality TraitsRude
EducationPartial Tertiary
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Force SensitiveYes, but unknown
Character AlignmentNeutral
WeightSkinny thing

  • "Pyppa" is the assumed name of a Chiss refugee that roamed the Galaxy, following the annihilation of Csilla.

    Very little is known about Pyppa and she's very unwilling to share. Chiss refugees aren't exactly rare nowadays, and Pyppa flits in and out of them. Turned up at different processing centers around former Chiss space, just out of the reach of Maw slavers. Since then, she's slipped in and out of different camps, groups and worlds. Various different starports and ships have had her pass through, but never for long. The few people that get close enough, quick enough, to talk to her learn very little. Just a dismissive eye roll and a bit of a snarl.

    What few people Pyppa trusted with information died with her homeworld. Now, forced out into a cruel Galaxy before her time, she tries to live as independently as possible. She stays on the move all the time, convinced that slavers, Sith and monsters linger in the shadows behind her. Her family ties and past is a mystery known only to herself, one that she is not eager to share.

    Now, after a long time of moving from ship to ship, Pyppa has managed to acquire a small and battered freighter to help keep herself on the move. Taking whatever work she can get, eking out enough credits to survive for another day without relying on anyone else. Just another day in the life of a Chiss girl.

  • Quick
    Pyp's got a good speed to her. Whether that's physical quickness and speed, or mental agility and sharp thinking. She's a speedy, sharp and quick-witted thing.

    For a long time, Pyp has been living on her own, just surviving by the skin of her teeth. With little but sheer, dogged determination inside, she managed to drag a tiny semblance of a life out from the horrors. Pyp won't rely on others, so has managed to create her own thing. For now.

    You don't get far on ships without knowing something about them. Pyp's skills were in demand on several ships, which got her decent rides across the Galaxy. From life-support engineer, to weapon systems repairer, to food outlet technician level 3, Pyp's done it all!

    Pyppa is scared of her own shadow. Her homeworld destroyed, everyone she ever loved murdered or enslaved, is it any wonder that she doesn't linger round to make friends?

    Hard to hide
    Pyp can't exactly pretend she's a Zeltron, can she? Blue skin and those red eyes? Points you out as Chiss. That might've been easier before the Maw, but who hasn't heard of the destruction of Csilla?

    Who wouldn't be? Everyone you know is dead and your species is, if it still exists at all, largely a slave race. Nobody is out there to help someone like Pyppa and she doesn't trust anyone that says it.

  • None yet.


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