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Approved Tech 'Pyros', the Tyrant's Armor

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The Tyrant's Armor


  • Manufacturer: Darth Mordred
  • Affiliation: Darth Mordred
  • Model: 'Pyros'
  • Modularity: None
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Ultrachrome Armor Plates, Pyronium-Bota Conduits, Laminanium-enhanced, Sith Alchemized Fireworm Muscles and Tendons

  • Classification: Sith Alchemized Power Armor
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Resistances:
    Energy Weapons: Extreme
  • Kinetic Weapons: Low
  • Lightsabers: Extreme
  • Melee Weapons: Average
  • Other:
    Sonic: Low
  • EMP/Ion: High
  • Elemental (Fire): Extreme
  • Elemental (Ice): None
  • Force: Average
  • Vacuum: None


  • Flight
    The wearer is able to achieve flight by utilizing a propulsion system based on generating a stream of fire that lifts the wearer off the ground and into the air. Enough thrust is provided, granted there is enough power to sustain it, that the wearer can fly in the air.

  • Energy Devourer
    Its ultrachrome plates and pyronium-bota conduit system effectively distribute, absorb, store and utilize external energy. Lightsaber attacks, energy weapons, heat and fire will effectively provide the armor more power to either empower its wearer’s physical attributes or generate more and more powerful amounts of fire and plasma.

  • Living Armor
    A laminanium-infused muscle system is underneath the ultrachrome plates, allowing the wearer to effectively ignore the weight of the armor. The muscle system can be fed additional energy from its pyronium reserves to enhance the wearer’s strength and speed. The muscle system, however, only has the same protective ability as a layer of dense, organic muscles and although any damage--whether that be from physical exertion or external sources--will heal. This healing, of course, saps the armor's energy stores.

  • Aspect of Fire
    Enhances the wearer's ability to launch fireballs (concentrated bolts of force wind ignited with pyrokinesis) and cast a concentrated beam of force destruction, which appears as a line of molten lava.

+ Metal Fortress
Impregnable to energy-based weapons including lightsabers, elemental fire, and hot environments as long as the energy being inputted into the system is being utilized.

+ Alchemized Fire
Enhances the wearer's ability to cast Pyrkonesis/Combustion, Force Wind and Force Destruction provided.

+ Flying Demon
Allows the wearer to fly by generating immense amounts of fire from the armor's hands and feet. The speeds match that of a starfighter, being able to travel at a peak speed of 1000 kph.

+ Fireworm's Physique
The laminanium-infused muscle system allows the wearer to use the armor despite its extreme heaviness and removes any limitations of weight. The muscle system, provided there is enough power, can surpass the
wearer's own physical abilities, providing immense speed and strength. The muscle system, however, provides a limited amount of protection--the same protective ability as a dense layer of organic muscles.


- Limited Use
Although the armor could theoretically be used on temperate or even cold planets, it only really can be effectively used in magma, in volcanos, or hot worlds. Using the armor on a temperate world is extremely taxing and impossible on cold planets, making it extremely ineffective to use on either of those environments.

- Power Hungry
The armor requires a constant supply of power: whether that be from external sources, such as energy based attacks or heat, or internal sources, such as the
wearer's own reservoir of force power, the armor must have a sufficient amount of energy. Otherwise, it will simply be an immoveable suit of armor. When the armor is not sufficiently supplied with energy, the muscle system will begin to decay and atrophy, effectively destroying the armor until it can be arduously repaired and re-alchemized. If the armor is sapped of all its reservoirs of force power and energy, the armor becomes completely ineffective: the armor will literally crumble to damage. This scales with the amount of energy within the system, and the armor will only perform at its peak when it has access to immense amounts of energy. Thus, if the armor is placed in a Force Nullification Bubble and cooled quickly, it can quickly be rendered ineffective.

- Extreme Weakness to Cold
It is extremely susceptible to the cold and ice and is completely ineffective in cold environments. Operation of the armor in cold environments would require an immense amount of power and it would frankly be much more effective to abandon the armor altogether. If the armor was hit by a critical mass of ice or fast-acting coolant, the armor would cease to function as well.

- Deadweight in Water
The armor cannot, also, be submerged under water and the armor would quickly just turn into a large metal anchor that would eventually drown its wearer. Again, a large amount of force power would be required to fuel the armor to have minimal capabilities.

- Prone to Force Light
The armor's sith alchemy-based conduit system and living muscular system are weak to attacks of Force Light and will weaken its resistances to energy based attacks. In particular, the living muscular system will atrophy to prolonged exposure to Force Light, making the armor extremely heavy to the point of being immobile for most wearers.

- Prone to Precise Attacks
While the armor is great for handling a distributed amount of stress, such as a hail of blaster fire, or singular blows such as a lightsaber strike, if repeated blows are dealt to the same area, the armor will begin to melt. This means that if a skilled duelist or sniper was able to consistently hit the same location, the armor would become less and less effective.

- Constant Expenditure
The energy within the armor needs to be constantly utilized or a critical mass of energy will accumulate until the armor violently explodes. Thus, if the wearer is incapacitated or knocked unconscious, the armor will become a metallic time bomb and coffin.


Meant to be more a living weapon to harness the power of raw energy than to protect its wearer, the ‘Pyros’ Tyrant's Armor is meant to be a living incarnation of fiery, metallic rage. Granting its wearer immense resistance to energy based attacks, it instead, enhances the
wearer's Force Abilities by absorbing external energy and allowing the wearer to enhance their control and speed with the Force through a fascinating Pyronium-Bota based conduit system. In the end, the 'Pyros' Tyrant's Armor enhances its wearer's ability to pummel its enemies with dark side Force empowered attacks. Specifically, there are three different Force abilities that are enhanced by the armor with force alchemy: Pyrokinesis, Force Wind, and finally, Force Destruction.

The Pyronium-Bota based conduit system absorbed the energy distributed by the Ultrachrome plated armor, and channel these into alchemized pyronium batteries located on the armor’s back plating. When the
wearer called for, these reserves of energy would be channeled throughout the armor, enhancing the power of the alchemized Fire Worm tendons and muscles within the armor, drastically increasing the user’s strength and speed. If sufficient energy was stock-piled or if the user fueled the suit himself, this energy could be directed by the user to outlets located on its palm, feet or chest. This was only made possible with Darth Ramage's Holocron, which Darth Mordred extensively studied in his search for innovative applications of Sith Alchemy. The conduit system itself was derived from the interesting phenomenon that allowed the combined form of Pyronium and Bota to not only handle and channel pure energy, but also Force power.

The palms and feet were able to channel the stored energy within the armor to create and generate vast amounts of fire or plasma, serving as a great anti-personnel weapon or propulsion for flight. In addition, the palms and feet were built and alchemized in such a way that enabled the wearer to bypass the physical barrier of the armor and enhanced their ability to cast bolts of Force Wind that concentrated the surrounding oxygen within the area and burst them into flames with Pyrokinesis. This improved the wearer's ability to be able to hurl fireballs with the same explosive and destructive capabilities as a heavy laser blaster.

The chest, however, housed the largest chunk of Pyronium, being forged and sith alchemized into a small translucent crystal with the sole intent of casting Force Destruction. By venting a significant amount of Force energy to the armor’s pyronium crystal, a concentrated beam of Force Destruction could be cast in a linear fashion, decimating all its path. Due to the small area that the beam covered due to the concentrating matrixes within the pyronium crystal, it was much more energy efficient and could be fired for up to 100 seconds before requiring a long rest. It was an effective tool for razing dozens of troops or catching an opponent off-guard by casting it midway during a duel.

The muscles and tendons of a mutated Fireworm were infused with laminanium to increase their durability and endurance, and further alchemized to empower the wearer's strength and speed with the Force. The self-healing and repairing properties of Laminanium were applied to endure the stress and wear-and-tear of the immense physical exertion caused by the armor, and offered little defensive capabilities other than repairing itself when damaged. While it provided immense physical benefits, the muscles and tendons offered little protection itself, and as soon as the Ultrachrome plating was breached, most weapons would simply pass through the Laminanium-infused muscles and tendons and injure its wearer.

The major critical weakness of the armor, however, was that it completely was ineffective in cold environments. If the armor was cooled extensively enough, such as a critical mass of ice or fast-acting coolant like CryoBan, it would cease to function as the energy from its pyronium batteries and pyronium-bota conduits would be sapped. This was due to the plant-nature of the bota used within the conduits, as well as the deleterious side-effects of the Sith Alchemy rituals. Its extreme resistance to energy based weapons required an immense energy to support it, requiring a constant supply of energy—whether that be Force power, heat, external energy sources, or enemy lightsabers—to fuel its basic operations. It also could not be submerged in water for the same reasons, and the armor would quickly just turn into a large metal anchor that would eventually drown its
wearer. Warm water made the armor mildly operational, yet largely crippled the armor to the most basic operations of simply moving or swimming.

When the armor is at temperate temperatures, it operates and functions normally, except it requires a huge draw of energy from its wearer, who needs to feed it force energy for every single operation including just moving in it. Thus, the wearer is most often forced to use energy-conservation techniques and movements, such as walking slowly, staying stationary, and avoiding prolonged combat. While operation is taxing, it still is largely doable although Darth Mordred would simply opt to not wear armor or utilize a different set of armor.

On the other hand, the armor's powers can be best seen in hot environments: the more extremely hot the environment is, the more power it can sap from its environment. The armor performs best on volcanic worlds, and is at its peak within magma, drawing from the molten heat to fuel its operations. While there are rumors that the armor could even withstand the surface of the sun as well, no one, including Darth Mordred, has bothered to validate these claims as it would just be sheer stupidity to even try. Nevertheless, the armor and Darth Mordred's own immense abilities as a Sith Lord and warrior make him a near unstoppable force on volcanic worlds.

The armor has also been crafted to accommodate for Darth Mordred's six Diathim wings, allowing them to freely be unfolded from his back and emanate his full physical presence. As the armor is custom built to Darth Mordred's exact specifications including his force abilities, it would be difficult for another to wear or even wield it. Thus, the armor remains a unique production, although Darth Mordred has mused enslaving a group of Diathim and giving him derivative versions of the armor for his own personal guard. All in all, 'Pyros' is indeed the Tyrant's Armor of choice when he is left to domain: magma.
Factory Judge
Mordred said:
Elemental (Fire): Extreme Environmental (Hot): Extreme
These are very close to one another. Combine the two of them if you would choose to do so.

Mordred said:
Meant to be more a living weapon to harness the power of raw energy than to protect its user, the ‘Pyros’ Tyrant Armor is meant to be a living incarnation of fiery, metallic rage. Granting its user immense resistance to energy based attacks, it instead, allows its user to wield the Force to redirect this energy through a fascinating Pyronium-Bota based conduit system and pummel its energy with dark side Force empowered attacks. Specifically, there are three different Force abilities that are imbued into the armor with force alchemy: Pyrokinesis, Force Wind, and finally, Force Destruction.
This entire paragraph alone shows that the armor itself can GIVE the user the aforementioned abilities. The armor instead needs to be a Conduit for the force. If the submission can be rewritten to provide this context then I can more easily pass this off.

Weapons, and armor cannot GIVE the wielder force abilities such as Force Destruction, Master Level Pyrokinesis, and Telekinetic based Wind attacks alone. The armor can store the energy required, and can grant the user greater control over such abilities, but they cannot give it to them. Your character alone must be able to control and utilize the force. A suit of armor cannot do that.

Mordred said:
Force: None
As quoted by yourself, Fire or Heat elements can be absorbed, as well as laser/plasma based weaponry. This will need to be changed. If someone else were to use Pyrokinesis, Convection, Combustion, or Alter Environment against you, then your armor would absorb their attacks. Yes while your armor doesn't protect against Force Choke, Destruction, or otherwise, it is still protected against those I mentioned.

Mordred said:
Classification: Sith Alchemized Power Armor
As a creation of Sith Alchemy, All Dark sided artifacts have a weakness to "Force Light" based abilities. This one force power alone could Damage, render inert, or even destroy your armor. This is not reflected in the weaknesses.

Mordred said:
If the armor is completely unpowered, any weapon or blow would simply shatter the ultrachrome plating and underlying muscle system.
Ultrachrome is resistant to Lightsabers, and blasters to such a degree, that the blaster fire rebounds or ricochet off of the armor/Shield, it is used on. Sure, Kinetic strikes could shatter it but not "any weapon or blow." as you have stated.

Mordred said:
Weight: Heavy
Power armor's to begin with are heavy. Taking a Power armor, and throwing Sith Alchemy onto it, which makes items heavier, means in theory, this armor should be even heavier than you have it. This is full plate armor, with little to no openings in the elbows, neck, knees, ankles or what have you. I highly recommend increasing the weight.

Final note for now, I would like to see more weaknesses added onto this armor. You have 4 ratings listed to the Extreme level, which covers just about every kind of standard weapon you could come across. Sure there are some such as Slugs, swords, and Sonic that you have weaknesses to, but I don't see people carrying around Sonic weapons all the time, and full plate armor can easily stand up to sword swings, and low end calibers. You have little to no weaknesses that could be exploited in battle other than the person having a favorable circumstance of having you fall into a pool, or catching you on Hoth/Ilum/Arkania. Very situational and likely to never happen if you have your say so.


Okay I made some edits, but I would love some more feedback....I don't really make these kinds of armors and sith stuff, so I apologize for a lot of handwaving stuff xD It's alot more of a precise process than I would have imagined.

As for the shattering armor, I thought it would be a cool, weird, dark side Force related side effect as a result of the alchemy. I just erased it but I can readd it if that makes any sense.

Yeah the armor isn't meant to give the wearer any abilities, just be able to channel it through the armor? Like I was under the impression that FU who wear armor can't use the Force as well, so it was my way of saying they would be able to use em despite the barrier cause of the conduit system. Edited to use the word enhance to clarify that point.
Factory Judge

Mordred said:
As for the shattering armor, I thought it would be a cool, weird, dark side Force related side effect as a result of the alchemy. I just erased it but I can readd it if that makes any sense.
I thought you were meaning straight up, it wouldn't handle it. However, if you want to have that as a down side, where when it is in a Force nullification bubble/Unpowered by the energies of the Force user or the Elemental absorption, then the armor would be extremely weak as a side effect, You are more than welcome to do that. Most of the time, armors that are enhanced through the force, Alchemy in this case, tend to be Nigh indestructible. To the point where in canon, you have to use forces that would have the ability to destroy ships, planets, and the like in order to destroy it. Other times, in some cases, Sith swords were broken by the person being fueled with the force and just doing enough damage to the weapon.

I enjoy the idea of this as a weakness, as most people would have this armor withstand everything it possibly can. However, if you wish to have this as a weakness, you are more than welcome to add it back in, but I encourage you to add in about it being not powered by the force, subsuquently if the armor is placed in a Force nullification bubble.

Mordred said:
Yeah the armor isn't meant to give the wearer any abilities, just be able to channel it through the armor? Like I was under the impression that FU who wear armor can't use the Force as well, so it was my way of saying they would be able to use em despite the barrier cause of the conduit system. Edited to use the word enhance to clarify that point.
There are many Sith, Jedi, and even other Force users who wore armor and still had full capability of using the force. Imperial Knights, Mandalorian Knights, Old Republic Sith and Jedi, OG Sith Empire like Naga Sadow, and Exar Kun all wore fairly heavy armor and were still very much, and in some cases empowered by the armor they wore. So Just make sure that this armor can be used as a conduit of the force instead of Giving force powers.

Reason being, The armor will likely only be used by you, and I understand that, but if someone else came up and didn't have force powers, it would not allow them to suddenly have Master Level Force usage over Pyrokinesis, and TK, and Force Destruction. Most often, it is worded with, "The armor aids the user/wearer in the usage of [Insert Force power listing] but it does not replace the usage of the force."

There are rare occasions, where items can literally give people force powers, but most often, they are tattoos, Special Canon items, or items specifically built for that purpose alone. *As with the Ink you are also currently making.*

I forgot to mention it in my first post, But does the armor "heal itself" because of the Laminanium that is in it? Or is that ability reserved to specific portions of the armor? It seems you are using it for the muscle fibers/Physical aid of the suit itself, I just wanted to know if you were using it anywhere else, and what its capabilities were?

Nope just its muscles. The laminanium exists so that the normal wear and tear of extraneous physical activity are healed, and any damage will quickly heal (in the sense that it has the same defensive power as just a layer of flesh or muscle, which isn't much). The other armor is just Ultrachrome plating and the conduit system.

As for that other weakness, yeah, it was meant to represent that the armor--in exchange for its high resistance, improved casting, and exchange in physical strength and speed--needed to constantly be in a high-energy state. The less energy the system has, the less effective the armor is and if the armor ever has no energy--when there is an absence of force power and energy (from external blasters, the environment--the armor will physically just shatter and crumble like a super cold piece of steel. Thought it was a cool weakness to have and I'll add it back.

From that response, I'm not sure what else to add in/modify additionally, so a specific "do this or do that" would be cool. Prior two points were added upon though.
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