Qae Shena
Super Shaper Puppy!
Qae Shena, Wandering Warrior
"The Jedi and Sith war has never ended. It's been raging for more than six thousand years and will never end - it's a plague that's killed enough people to fill the Galaxy once over. I don't want any part of that. It's wasteful and stupid. It's just two little kids arguing whose chocolate cake is better. One kid's got a bigger slice, the other one has more frosting."
"I wish they'd just shut up and eat their damn cake."
NAME: Qae ShenaFACTION: None
RANK: Master
SPECIES: Nautolan
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Black
HAIR: Nautolan sensory tentacles
SKIN: Blue
Personal Traits
- + Teacher: Qae is a natural teacher. He has plenty of students, plenty of knowledge, and enough patience to pass it on. It's what he does best, short of lightsaber combat.
- + Just: A very strong sense of justice is one of Qae's guiding principles; he guides the Vagrant Fleet like his flock and believed very much in not harming innocent lives and keeping his people safe. He'll put the common good before himself nine times out of ten.
- + Secret-Keeper: Qae is very good at keeping secrets. Whether his own or someone else's, he's entirely willing to cover up something important in order to protect his friends.
- + Amphibious: As a Nautolan, Qae is able to breathe underwater and swim very proficiently at high speed. He is just as comfortable on land as he is under the sea as well.
- + Understanding: Qae has a very natural bent towards emotion, thanks to a Nautolan's natural bent towards emotions via pheromones. Chances are he will pick up on how you're feeling and help you through it.
- + Graceful: As a talented swimmer and as a trained ballet dancer, Qae has a very practised natural grace to his gait and movements. He carries himself very well and moves efficiently and quickly.
- - Pink: Qae can't look at pink, thanks to Spencer Jacobs and her... 'training'. Perfect example: Qae knows Jaxton Ravos, a Zeltros, and couldn't look at him during their conversations.
- - Dislikes war: While not quite a pacifist, Qae hates the wasteful nature of war. He likens the war of Jedi and Sith to kids eating chocolate cake and arguing about whose slice is better. Enough said.
- - Emotional: Qae is, thanks to being a Nautolan, both receptive to and very susceptible to emotions. If someone else is depressed, he'll pick up on it with his head-tresses. If he's feeling angry, most other people will know, and setting him off isn't the hardest thing to do.
- - Heat: Qae is very, very bad on desert planets and very hot climates in general. He's used to cool water and the land around it; dry heat is his anathema.
- - Single-Minded: Qae can be extremely one-track-minded. He'll see only the good in one person despite all the bad they do, or focus very much on, for example, a single style of combat at the detriment to other skills.
- - Over-Attached: Qae can be very, very, attached to a person or an idea. To those he grows to care about deeply, he will keep them close and refuse to let go. The same goes for groups, or ideals, and he struggles to detach or let go from that.
- ~ Puppy: Woof.
- ++ Echani: Qae's main combat form is the Echani martial art. He is, with the help of Spencer Jacobs and the Yuuzhan Vong, a master of his art; what he can do bare-handed rivals, if not beats, that which many can do with weapons. Couple this with the amphistaff power glands sewn into his arms by the Yuuzhan Vong on Sekot, and he is a deadly force to be reckoned with.
- + Lightsaber Combat: Qae was, at one point, a master of lightsaber combat - even if he doesn't use it much any more. He is a master of Shii-cho and Trakata, well-versed in Ataru, and has enough knowledge to teach another to use any of the other seven lightsaber Forms. Most of his training was done with Ashin Varanin, and he has her entire mind on Shii-cho and Trakata. As it stands, he has let this skill decline from his extremely high mastery in order to focus on hand to hand fighting.
- + Piloting: Qae is rated on most kinds of small ship; he can fly fighters thanks to one Thessa Kai and has always been a decent freighter pilot. As such, put him behind the sticks, and you're in good hands. Maybe not the best, but certainly good.
- - Non-lightsaber combat: While Qae is proficient on a lightsaber, not once in his life has he sat down to train with a vibroblade or anything like that properly. Sure, he'll probably get the hang of it soon enough thanks to innate training and the fact that it's only so different, but he's certainly uncomfortable. He has some weapons training as an Echani fighter, but not much.
- -- Blasters: Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give Qae a blaster. Beyond 'this end goes towards that person and pull the trigger', Qae is not blaster proficient. He's a melee fighter. He eschews ranged combat wherever possible. That said, when you can stop a blaster bolt and run in to break someone between their shots, who cares?
- ++ Force Body, Battlemind, Force Valor: Qae's primary Force power is improving his own body, as well as those around him - faster reflexes, quicker responses, more strength. This is the main Force power he uses in battle. These powers, in conjunction with their core of Speed, Jump and Strength, allow him to perform great physical feats. Consider that some can summon Force storms and bring down buildings with a thought - Qae is ultimately capable of turning this same level of power to insane levels of amplification.
- ++ Water Shaping: Qae is, by and large, a water shaper. He can manipulate water in many different ways, in both small and great quantities. This allows him to turn water to ice, or even use water as a shield against fire.
- + Tutaminis: Qae has a solid grasp on a wide variety of skills of tutaminis, first taught to him by Ashin Varanin - he can handle anything short of a full barrage of high-powered Lightning.
- + Empathy: One part Nautolan heritage, one part training, Qae is a solidly-trained empath.
- + Mental barriers: Necessitated by his empathy powers and the fact he is the student of the greatest mentalist in recent history, Qae can construct a solid mental barrier against most attacks.
- + Telekinesis: Qae is a fairly proficient telekineticist. Thanks to some time spent with Siobhan Kerrigan, Qae can use a wide variety of telekinetic powers, and has a solid grasp on her speciality - Force Repulse.
- -- Illusions, tech-based powers, aura powers: Qae can't do any of these, period. He's not exactly trained in them. Nothing to do with manipulating droids/tech, nothing to do with hiding or changing his Force-presence, no illusions. His skillset is fairly limited. If Alter wasn't such a stupidly broad category, this might be easier. There are more things here, but if you really want me to go through every Force power... seriously, people, come on.
- Force Choke/Crush
- Force Persuasion
- Force Sense/Farsight
- Precognition
- Telepathy
- Breath Control
- Sky Dancer II: This is Qae's trusty freighter, a ship from his days with the Vagrant Fleet and his last home left available. Crewed by remnant members of the Fleet and home to his personal starfighter, the Sky Dancer II is a part of Qae's life that he could never part with.
- Yun-Harla: Qae's starfighter, housed in the Sky Dancer II, is a testament to his time with the Vong. Agile and maneuverable to a fault, stealthy - without hyperdrive - and very much one of the most powerful individual starfighters in the Galaxy, this living testament to his Master is linked to him, permanently.
- Derp: DRP-10, Qae's droid, is a tiny little thing that serves as Qae's head mechanic. Able to pilot custom pods, cuddle at night, and be generally adorable and occasionally very derpy (name, duh), Derp has earned his spot on Qae's crew now and forever.
- Lightsaber: Qae's first lightsaber, though now his secondary. Qae made this emerald-bladed weapon while he was in the Jedi Order and used it ever since, honing his craft as a duelist of the Shii-cho style. It has served him well and is now a backup to his fists.
- Spencer's Holocron: Spencer's lasting legacy, this holocron of his Master contains secrets and powers that he is still unlocking. This holocron is Spencer's first ever, making it a rare and valuable item for teaching and a prized possession to Qae.
- Vong Biots: Qae owns a small collection of Yuuzhan Vong biots, received as gifts from Sekot during his training there. These include an amphistaff, vonduun crab armour, a lambent crystal, a cloaker/masquer, as well as a small pile of other minor ones.
BIOGRAPHY: Qae grew up on Glee Anselm and, like many of his kind, never really left his homeworld until he was picked up by the Jedi Order by a very conveniently passing through Jedi of his species. So, the twenty two year old Qae went off to Coruscant and followed the Jedi and studied with them for all of two years. While he learned the basics of the Force and its abilities, his talents lay with the lightsaber. And the Jedi, truth told, got boring. So he took his trusty green saber and his ship and left them as quickly as he possibly could, off to explore the Galaxy and do stuff. What stuff? Nobody knows yet.
Until he joined the Vagrant Fleet. After living on Moreau Station for Force knows how long, Ashin Varanin picked him up. His saber skills made him a decent choice as Master-at-Arms and he dedicated himself wholly to her cause. Serving as head of security for the Fleet, then as Spencer Jacobs' apprentice, he had to learn fast, eventually crashing his original ship on Coruscant and upgrading to his beloved Sky Dancer II. His ever-faithful companion, Derp, is is permanent co-pilot.
So much stuff. So much stuff.