Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Qavhex Scarshield

Qavhex Scarshield




NOTE: I know its the epitome of stubbornness, but I refuse to RP in anything related to the Mouse's episodes VII-IX, due to the fact that there's no proper worldbuilding or even basic in-universe history in any way, shape or form (as of 2018). EU and the occasional fanon only for me.


Name: Qavhex Scarshield; goes by the nickname of "Cave" to his few friends.

Faction: Independent

Rank: N/A

Species: Human

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Height: 6'8

Weight: 247 lbs.

Build: Muscular and athletic.

Eye color: Turquoise

Hair color: Red

Skin color: Dark

Force Sensitivity: No

Occupation: Imperial Soldier - Stormtrooper.


Poison and Toxin Immunity: Cybernetic lungs, arteries, veins and a heart to match can work to block foreign cells via a synthetically modified and enhanced immune system. As a result, Qavhex has long since been immune to poisons, diseases and toxins that affect the digestive, circulatory or respiratory systems.

Bacta Processing Healing Factor: The cybernetics in Qavhex's replacement organs can efficiently modify his body's naturally produced cells in response to trauma, pain and stress, enhancing the rate at which he heals ONLY if he injects himself with bacta.

Demolitionist: A fascination with fire and explosives enamored Qavhex from a young age, and this later combined with his call to serve the Imperial Remnant when he left to attend the local Academy. Naturally, as such, Qavhex gravitated towards and learn the precise science of explosives and a great many other heavy weapons, becoming an armored, hulking menace by the time his training was completed...

Cybernetic Torso / Cybernetic Nervous System / Cybernetic Organs: A swoop bike racing accident on his home moon into an Emerald Fire fungal field resulted in a devastating torso injury. The seasonal spores produced by the Emerald Fire, as it was locally known, traveled into the young teen's circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems through his traumatic injuries, pockmarking and beginning an invasive process of breaking down the internal organs. This necessitated an extremely precise surgery, common enough and yet rarely known beyond the local system, that replaced the damaged circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems with cybernetic substitutes, droidlike replacements that interfaced directly with the brain. In a rare accompanying procedure due to the intense damage to Qavhex's center of mass, it, too, was replaced with an armored layer akin to a droid's torso. As such, Qavhex is an exotic sight when unarmored and either repulses or fascinates those who see the state of his body.


Ion Weapon Vulnerability: Of course, due to his cybernetic torso and its accompanying organs.


Cryogenically Time Displaced: A rebellious Yuuzhan Vong Era Imperial Remnant traitor had his greatest and most loyal soldiers cryogenically frozen in secret bases scattered across the furthest edges of the Galaxy, and, centuries later, Qavhex is one of these reawakened and lost soldiers seeking a new purpose in a vastly different Galaxy from the one he grew up and served the Remnant in...



Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Voice Example:

Equipment: Bracer computer, E-11 blaster rifle, ammo cartridges, spare clothing, A99 aquata breather/rebreather, repulsor/grav boots





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