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Approved Starship QDC-79 - Quarren Corvette

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost via Mon Calamari Shipyards
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: High
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders
Image credited to Angelos Karderinis and EC Henry from Artstation

  • Armament: High
  • Durasteel hull
  • Weapons Package
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Military Shields System
  • Hangar Space: Low: 0
  • Hangar Allocations: N/A
  • Single Craft Hangar: Yes
  • Hyperdrive: 2.0 + 12.0 backup
  • Out of the shipyards this ship lacks fancy bells and whistles, but upgraded systems can be added.
  • Big Punch for "Small" ship
  • Speedy assault craft
  • Straight Ahead Attack Ship
  • Vulnerable to bigger ships if isolated
The QDC-79 was a design put into place to serve as an escort Corvette for fleet operations.
In the Empire of the Lost it was also known as the Quarren Corvette due to its design. The small capital ship could pack a punch with several laser turrets and two medium turbolasers. It is fast for a ship of its size and can carry twenty-five hundred tons of cargo. Its docking bay was designed to allow for a single Fighter or small Gunship to dock.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create an updated version of ESB “mystery ship” for Quarren Defense
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost, Teckla Tane
Model: QDC-79
Starship Class: Corvette (50-200m)
Starship Role: Patrol
Modular: Yes
Material: Durasteel
Armaments: 2 Twin Turbolasters, Fire Arc: Turret | 1 Left, 1 Right
2 Dual Laser Cannon, Fire Arc: Turret 1 Upper Mid Deck, 1 Lower Mid Deck
2 Light Turbolaser Cannon, Fire Arc: 2 front
4 Light Turbolaser Cannon, Fire Arc: Turret| 2 Left, 2 Right
4 Laser Turrets, Fire Arc: 2 upper front, 1 right, 1 left
2 Proton Torpedo Launchers, 12 missiles per launcher, Fire Arc: Front
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 33
Optimal Crew: 55
Cargo Capacity: Small
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