Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Qiao Jiang

Qiao Jiang


NAME: Qiao Jiang
FACTION: Atrisian Commonwealth
RANK: No Rank
SPECIES: Atrisian - (Human)
AGE: 27
SEX: Male - Crossdresses
HEIGHT: 5’4”/162.56cm
WEIGHT: 125lbs/56.7kg
EYES: Brown - Black, typically well accentuated by a strong use of eyeliner on the upper eyelid.
HAIR: Black is the base color, though usually kept extremely short. Can change depending on the wig being used.
SKIN: Pale and untanned. Special care is taken to ensure that the young man does not tan at all.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not Force Sensitive

Theatrical - With an innate grace and ability to adopt a mindset like a second skin, the young man fills a number of roles in plays and holo-vids.
A charming smile - Whether in male or female presenting form, it is without a doubt a winning smile from this one.
Well Kept - Due to the nature of his work, he is well kept by others. Be it his family, or 'friends'. If done by himself, he considers his own work sub-par.

Boxed In - Qiao has severe issues with being in tight, cramped spaces.
Performer - A lot of his acting comes over into his personal life, unable to sometimes separate the real from the fake. Whether it's the need to lose weight, to be in a certain persona, or just simply dress a certain way. All of it comes crashing home with him.
Friends - Qiao does not have many, if any true friends. A life of performing limits his personal time. Between training, practicing, and what remains of his time to self care, there is little left over for a social life.
Trust Issues - A number of people have attempted to de-throne Qiao while they were in theater and acting school. A number of them failing with a few coming close to the goal. Enough to make Qiao into a nervous wreck that holds everyone at arms length.

Qiao is a night and day type of person. If one were to catch him in stage makeup, you would not think it was actually Qiao Jiang, but someone else entirely. A light touch of eye shadow, artful dab of a pen to create a fake mole beneath the eye, small touches of contour and blush to grab the attention to his rather soft and rounded feminine features. All of which lends itself to the stage mentality that Qiao maintains.

In his typical appearance however, the short haired male seems almost out of place given the position that he is aiming for. The theater, historical leaning at that. Putting on shows wearing old style masks and portraying characters of yore through song and dance. The rbf this character wields outside of their adorned features is enough to send most people packing. Very fit, this mans body is most all muscle. A myriad of training regimes, dietary restrictions, and cleanliness choices keep him at peak performance at all times.

Qiao did not have a tragic backstory of hardship and strife. Growing up in the Atrisian commonwealth, the family had a relatively easy time affording to pay for the schooling that Qiao went through. His family was nothing of note, not high ranking members of society, nor of a noble bloodline. Simpler folk with an exceptional child.

An above average student, Qiao was adept with quick learning, and retaining the information. Throughout his younger years, he would help other students and was not afraid to bring himself to the front of attention. This moved forward to higher education also, most everyone noting that Qiao did not seem to actually go through puberty, remaining small and feminine even into his older years. This played well into his theater dream, allowing him to present as both male and female characters on the home world of Atrisia.

Every teacher that Qiao had for theater made special mention of how well they themselves into the roles they were portraying. Whether a beleaguered underwhelming businessman, small time fence for thieves, or even supporting role to an up and coming starlet. One of these majors in the theater class had often kept the company of Qiao, enjoying the limelight of using them as a protege for the purpose of attention. It hadn't bothered Qiao much, as it got him noticed. What was the trouble however, was the continual portrayal of Qiao as always the singular friend since no one wanted to work with the starlet. At least, not until she was ill for rehearsal and Qiao, donning a wig, played her part to let the show go on. Most everyone fell in love with the character and actor, surprised at the ability for Qiao to simply switch gears so readily, and convincingly.

A number of times through schooling, Qiao came into a lead, or major supporting role that another wanted. A sort of duel would ensue, a number of misfortunes to the other party taking place that would largely inconvenience the stage crew and force their hand for another leading role. A number of times, Qiao was either locked into a room, or locked out of a room. One particular event with being locked in a room was a small offshoot bathroom someone had. The only time that Qiao had failed to show up to a practice. He was found quietly rocking in the room, towel wrapped around himself and the perpetrator genuinely feeling bad.

The number of times for having been locked in a room, the lack of tools to escape, and the small size of the room and left without clothing had pushed on Qiao a fear of small rooms in that incident. Feeling helpless, naked, and unable to call for help, it had been one of the moments that Qiao had felt like a failure.

Becoming a bit more ruthless in their pursuit of the arts, Qiao always ensured the presence of a lock picking kit regardless of location or company. Even going so far as to keep a kit on hand when visiting their parent's house.

Through meticulous maneuvering, excellent reviews and references, Qiao has made their way up the ranks in the theater and acting industry. As ruthless and cunning as a civilian could be, Qiao does not shy away from a lot of roles, and typically can turn even bad publicity into good publicity.

Kirino Visual Interface
Kappa Pet - Bon
Atrisian White Tea

No Ship
No Kills
No Bounties Collected

No Roleplays
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Qiao Jiang


Qiao Jiang's Abode On Atrisia...

Qiao Jiang and Wei Luoyang...

Bon is somewhere...

“Master Jiang?”

Wei stared at the small person sitting before the mirror. Small and unmoving. Lacking the tell tale almost unnoticeable swaying the body naturally did when upright. Sitting almost perfectly still in front of the reflective surface. The statuesque pose broken only by the occasional batting of eyelids. He wasn't sure what he had been called for, only that he had been called.

Black eyes stared silently at the image that peered back, never breaking away as lips parted.

"Who am I, Wei?" Their voice called, softly.

Poisonously sweet.

The assistant hesitated to answer, brow furrowed tightly at the question presented by their employer. Not something that was often asked of them. Taking out the trash, the other kind of trash, or even fetching something maybe? Yes. The dance into someone's metaphysical presence that tethered them to the world? No. That was a psychiatrists area of expertise.

"I cannot answer that. You, I guess?"

The image broke this time.

Their pale face turned, halfway looking over their shoulder and back toward the large bouncer.

"I am whoever they need me to be. Pay me to be. But who am I when no one pays? When time is my own? Is fire no longer chaos when contained? Or more so?" The small figure asked, turning back to the mirror as they tilted their head slightly.

Examining themselves from a different angle he guessed. As though it would allow them to slip past the veil of secrecy they had wrapped about themselves like a familiar lover.

If anyone could actually get that close.

Wei had been working for them for some time. Had been keeping an eye out for more desperate fans, or questionable ones even. But this was well outside the paycheck standards.

Special thanks to Tefka for this template

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