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Approved Tech QQ-5RE Jump Start System

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Intent: To create a counter to the effects of ion cannon electronic disabling
Image Source: N/A
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: Ion Cannons
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings
Model: QQ-5RE “The Jump Start” Cannon System
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Transparisteel, durasteel housings, internal wirings, standard computer parts, faraday cage, dedicated battery source

Advanced scanning system to monitor a ship’s system
A ship mounted cannon that operates very similar to an ion cannon in rate of fire however with a weaker output for its specific corrective-energy distribution

Allows for ships that are disabled by ion cannons to become active again
Can send power to a ship that is without power
Advanced Power Drain – When the Jump Start system is enabled, it becomes a power sink, draining offensive weapon power first, and then, based on operator selection, removing power from propulsion systems or on board shield systems
Large system – while compatable with ion cannon mounts, the Jump Start requires space for its own sensor suite, or for an update to be provided to the sensors of the ship it is mounted on and can not be placed on any fighter short of a dedicated fighter, or fighter-bombers
Not a very effective system – While this system may seem worthwhile, it is not without flaws, and requires more energy put in to restore a ship’s systems than to disable them. In short, if it took 100 ion cannon blasts to knock out a ship, it would require 150 to restore functionality of the vessel

What you are purchasing today could save your ship tomorrow. The QQ-5RE “Jump Start” Cannon is a new technology created by Silk Holdings for the spacer in need. The Jump Start is a shipboard system that can be employed by any number of pilots for the purpose of restarting a ship’s systems. A two piece system, one requires the ship housing the Jump Start system to scan a vessel, using an advanced ship scanner, the system comprehends the needs of the vessel in distress and will produce a corrective solution. This fluctuation is translated to the linked cannons and can be fired out, similar to lasers and ion shots. However, as the shots find their target, the purpose of the Jump Start is two fold, first, to stabilize the disabled ship systems, grounding out any chaotic energy, and cooling the ship system's down, and secondly to re-energize and activate the system, allowing the ship to operate again. While the system does scan a ship and provides a solution, this should only be used on ships that are operating at less than efficiency. Targeting ship systems that are operating correctly may provide an approach that will affect the systems, however, if the goal is to disrupt a ship, the traditional ion cannon is much more effective. Being similar to the ion cannons, the jump start cannon has a range that is comparable, if a touch shorter than an ion cannon's range.

While this system is new and very useful, it does have its flaws. Primarily, the system requires a high amount of energy and when activated can drain a ship’s other ship systems, including its offensive capabilities, but additionally either its propulsion systems, or defensive systems in the case of shield-protected ships. The system can be mounted on any ship capable of housing an ion cannon, however, on smaller vessels such as fighter-bombers, the system will be very difficult to house. The system cannot be placed on fighters unless a dedicated Jump Start fighter was created. Finally, due to the unique nature of the system, Jump Start cannot be placed on a ship with ion cannons.
Coren Starchaser said:
Image Source: Canon Link: Restricted Missions:
You can put "N/A" for these headings.

Coren Starchaser said:
Model: QQ-5RE “The Jump Start” Cannon System
I have to ask the obvious question here, since it's in the name. Is there any chance that this "cannon" can be used as a weapon?

How close do the ships need to be in order to use the Jump Start System? How long does it roughly take to "Jump start" a disabled vessel?

How does the relative size of the ships affect its operations? (Can a corvette jump-start a star destroyer, etc)
N/A's Added/

As for part two: The design of the system and its intention is corrective. I have not forseen any way to make it as a weapon, however, if you scan a ship that has no chaotic energy (ion disruption) there is a chance it can produce a 'corrective measure' that will act similar to an ion cannon and disrupt a ship's system, however it would be much less effective than using ion cannons as they are intended to be used.

Regarding range: It is similar in design to an ion cannon, so the intention is the same range such

The relative size of the ship does effect the operation. As stated, it works like a weaker ion cannon. If you are taking 100 ion cannon shots to disable a ship, you will need 150 to reverse the effects. This translates for ship type.

[member="Gir Quee"]
Coren Starchaser said:
As for part two: The design of the system and its intention is corrective. I have not forseen any way to make it as a weapon, however, if you scan a ship that has no chaotic energy (ion disruption) there is a chance it can produce a 'corrective measure' that will act similar to an ion cannon and disrupt a ship's system, however it would be much less effective than using ion cannons as they are intended to be used. Regarding range: It is similar in design to an ion cannon, so the intention is the same range such The relative size of the ship does effect the operation.

Sounds good, if you'll put something to that effect in the submission itself, I'd appreciate it.

Coren Starchaser said:
As stated, it works like a weaker ion cannon. If you are taking 100 ion cannon shots to disable a ship, you will need 150 to reverse the effects. This translates for ship type.

So in other words, it has the same rate of fire/charging as a single ion cannon?
Looking pretty good.

Coren Starchaser said:
Regarding range: It is similar in design to an ion cannon, so the intention is the same range such

I'd like this specifically put in the submission, something close to "has the operational range of a standard ion cannon". I'm not concerned that you're going to abuse it, but I see this gray area, and then I see the potential of someone pointing out some ridiculously long-range cannon (like the Munificient Star Frigate's ion cannons, for example), and then expecting them to repair a target ship from equally ridiculous distances.
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