Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Quad-tech Armour V.1


Image Source: [member="Corruck Kazen"]
Intent: To provide a basic medium armour for the TU.
Development Thread: If necessary.
Manufacturer: The Techno Union
Model: V.1 Quadtech armour.
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: No.
Production: Mass-produced.
Material: Durasteel, Armourweave.
Classification: Anti-Blaster
Weight: 11kg
Quality: 5
Special Features: Wrist communicator, helmet lights. Power pack belt.
Description: A simple armour for the TU to use. This is Quadtech's first armour, and lacks the signature gyro-stabilisers of later versions. It is good for taking a few hits, but it's nothing to special. Still though, it's a lot better than nothing, and is pretty mobile, thanks to its slim design. The helmet has 2 powerful spotlights in it, enabling use in places where light is limited. The armour also has a built in wrist com, in order to communicate with other troops on the battlefield.
Primary Source: N/A

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