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Unreviewed Quantum Droid Brain Matrix (TAL QDBM-M233)

Manufacturer: Tel'alth Labs
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: N/A
Quantum Droid Brain Matrix

  • Solid state droid brain
  • Force imbued much like holocrons store their data
  • Variable size of the droid brain. The smallest size with the unit to make it interface with the rest of technology being R2 or humanoid droids. Largest would be about .609m (2ft) diameter.
  • High Strength Crystal: Force modified to store data similar to a holocron
  • Highly Secure: The droid brain has only one way to interface & that's via the force
  • Unaffected by EMP: Being a non electric droid brain allows it to avoid being shut down by EMP's
  • Null Field: Unlike other droid brains it is unaffected by EMP's. But a force nullification field will shut it down.
  • Limited: Needs the force imbued living system to use and interface with technology.
  • Presence: Can be sensed through the force.

Near the end of the clone wars Tel'alith Labs had been partnering with a few Jedi researchers into force technology applications. the company gave the Jedi an almost unlimited budget to play with. Then Order 66 happened, the Jedi at the companies labs on Taris were more than safe given the mostly dilapidated nature of the planet at the time (and how short the company skyscrapers were at that point). The Jedi group kept working & worked with the company to try and save others. The techs working with the Jedi asked how holocrons worked which started a decades long collaboration project that culminated with the first prototype droid brain. I could do simple tasks. It wouldn't be until decades later that a midi-clorian infused silicone life based muscle tissue and machine interface given force powers changed how fast they could make them.

This new application of force imbued living tissue machine hybrids let the droid brains get more complex and easier to make. After centuries of testing, generations of Jedi doing that project plus thousands of their own creative endeavors, and countless testing cycles the product was finally ready for market. A production line using the tech that would allow the mobile droid brain was made into a production line to create the QDBM at scale. This didn't fix the second hurtle of making a unit that could read & write the droid brains data in the field. But that was a hurdle they were working on in parallel to the QDBM itself.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a unique droid brain based off of various parts of Star Wars
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Tel'alith Labs, Werr Drive Yards, Du'Thra Engineering
Model: TAL QDBM-M233
Modular: No
Material: Force modified Quantum Crystal Lattice

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