Quaqu'za Ki'no
Force Sensitive Porg

Name:Quaqu'Za Ki'No
Species : Porg
Age:3 standard years
Height:14 inches
Weight:10 pounds
Eyes : Brown
Hair: Brown, Grey, White, Orange
Skin (Feet) : Orange
Force Sensitive : Yes
Strengths and Weaknesses
Weakness 1 : Very Small and not very strong either.
Weakness 2 : Often times people don't realize he is sentient
Weakness 3 : When he uses force communication, sometimes people don't realize it's him
Strength 1 : Very Cute, sometimes able to get people to do what he wants due to this
Strength 2 : Strong swimmer and is able to hover for about 2-3 seconds
On Ahch-Two, in order to survive the harsh rain and storms, he moved into the tree of jedi knowledge, and absorbed midi-chlorians allowing him to become sentient and force sensitive. For a year he honed his powers, the equivilant of many human years for a porg. He got bored living on the island, most of his species being only semi-sentient, so he swam to another island, where he stowed away on a ship headed to naboo. He stayed on naboo for a while, then he decided he wanted to explore more of the galaxy, so he continued stowing away on ships headed for different planets. He continued learning the force, and learned to be able to use the force to project thoughts into minds in order to communicate, and to use the force to understand the meaning behind spoken language. He was determined to explore the galaxy.
Ship : He does not own a ship of his own, but he stows away on them if he ever wants to go somewhere.
Force abilities:
Force translate : Is able to decifer the meaning of spoken words using the force.
Force thought projection : Is able to project thoughts into others minds in order to communicate
Telikenises : Able to move objects using the force
Force push : Able to push others away using the force
Force shield : Able to shield himself from force attacks
Force track : Able to track others via the force.