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Approved Starship Quasar Fire-class Light Carrier

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  • Classification: Dedicated Carrier
  • Length: 500 meters
  • Width: 350 meters
  • Height: 180 meters
  • Armament: Very Low
    Automated Point-Defense Laser System
  • 4 Concussion Missile Launcher Tubes

[*]Defenses: Average
  • Deflector Shields
  • Dampener Aerosol Missiles
  • Anti-Ordnance Chaff

[*]Hangar: Extreme: 6 Squadrons
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 1
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Bridge Keel Docking Tube
  • Holonet Transciever
  • Long-range Communications Array
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Tractor Beams (x14)
  • Multiple Hangar Bays: Each of the Quasar Fire's four modular hangars can fit at least a single squadron of starfighters, with enough space for up to two in each of the cruiser's twin central bays. Because of its open internal layout and the ease of docking, this starship can easily take on a small complement of light freighters in place of standard fighters, or a mix of the two. Each bay is also fully capable of holding various freight modules and, in some case passenger modules, doubling as a bulk cargo transport if necessary.
  • Rapid Deployment: Due to the Quasar Fire's segmented hangars and large magnetic fields, it is possible for the carrier to launch practically its entire complement at once. There is not much internal space to the vessel, so pilots are always close at hand and ready to scramble at any time.
  • Skeleton Crew: Apart from a cramped bridge that could almost be described as a cockpit, each hangar's deck crew makes up most of the ship's personnel. What little firepower the cruiser possesses is mostly automated, and there is very little internal structure beyond the bridge and flight decks.
  • Lightly Armed: Only an automated point-defense system and quad rack of concussion missile launchers cover the cruiser's hull, otherwise it possesses no offensive weaponry.
  • Vulnerable Underbelly: The Quasar Fire's iconic minimalist design is also its greatest weakness, once the cruiser's shields fail its hull is thin, particularly from below where its open magnetic fields provide very little in the way of protection from enemy fire.
  • Handles Like a Brick: Efficient SoroSuub sublight engines are already overtaxed to provide sufficient thrust for a ship of this size with such little internal space, and precious few guidance thrusters are installed to manipulate the bulk carrier's fine maneuvering.

An iconic Sullustan design, born out of SoroSuub's first attempts to imitate Kuati aesthetics during the reign of the first Galactic Empire. When Sullust eventually regained its independence, Quasar Fire carriers became a common sight in many rebel fleets during that era. Since then, the basic design has been deployed by many governments and superpowers. It is so ubiquitous that many models aren't even of Sullustan manufacture, its schematics so easily accessible that derivative work has become commonplace.

While many older Quasar Fires have been refurbished and continue to operate as a popular budget items for local system defense fleets, SoroSuub is celebrating the anniversary of the original model's first production by manufacturing a new state of the art re-imagined edition for sale on the open market. In large part as a bid to pay for massive reconstruction costs after a brutal Mandalorian raid on their homeworld, there are some who suspect a small portion of the Sullustans' stock is being funneled to the Outer Rim for use by their contacts within the Alliance remnant forces.
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