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Approved Lore Quasesitorum Provision Department

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Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders

  • Organization Name: Provision Department
  • Classification: Scientific Research Entity
  • Affiliation: The Quasesitorum, Empire of the Lost
  • Organization Symbol: See above
  • Description: Provide special technology to The Quasesitorum through “normal” sciences combined with efforts using the Force.
  • Headquarters: Drongar
  • Domain: The Provisionists work throughout the galaxy, most of their creations are completed within the borders of the Empire of the Lost, they officially hold no territory on their own.
  • Notable Assets: Laboratories on Drongar, Rudrig, and Nam Chorios, various transport vessels
  • Hierarchy: Provision Agents report to the the Director of Provisions
  • Membership: Relatively small group. The Director plus no more than a dozen agents. Room to expand as The Quasesitorum spreads its influence.
  • Climate: Supreme loyalty to the advancement of the Empire is expected.
  • Reputation: Varied within The Quasesitorum. Those that enjoy using new toys in warfare find them extremely valuable, those that favor old school combat find them unnecessary. Outside of the Crusaders the group is unknown.
  • Curios: None
  • Rules: Innovation is often stifled by rules. There are not many that the Provision Department follow except to always be working towards the advancement of the Empire.
  • Goals: Use science and the Force to advance technology used in the Imperial war efforts.
  • Koler Fohl - Director of Provisions
  • Mechu Deru Mechu Deru - Provision Agent

    This small group within the Imperial Crusaders, now part of The Quasesitorum, was founded by Grandmaster Teckla Tane Teckla Tane when she discovered the abilities of Koler Fohl and his apprentice Sella Harand to intertwine science with the Force. Tane empowered Fohl to create a group dedicated to new developments to be used in future endeavors of the Crusaders. The group was to remain small and specialized. New recruits to this branch of the Crusaders would receive limited basic training as all other initiates did, but would rarely be sent to the front lines and when they were there it would be to deploy a new advancement in warfare not to be part of the normal rank and file.
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