Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Queen of the Core - Coruscant

Ethan had been on Coruscant so often recently that he didn't even see a point in going home any more. A lot of things were happening back on Bestine and he was apprehensive to say the least. After being appointed the position of senator, he'd had to make a lot of changes to his lifestyle, though some of the things he wasn't willing to give up, it wasn't worth it.

The planet had become a second home to him, though it was a lot more dangerous than the planet he grew up on. It originally came as quite a shock and he still wasn't nearly as careful as he should be and of course he was, having never experienced crime like it before. The assassination of his brother was a wake up call to him at the time, but Ethan never accepted it and only lived in denial since.

Ethan was allowed to leave the apartment, though under strict guidelines. He had to return within the hour and he had to take a guard with him, which wasn't a problem anyway, Erik was one of his closest friends and was a fine swordsman. The pair left and took to the streets.

To anyone who didn't know them, they would just look like two friends out together, but to observant individuals, they wouldn't look in place with everything else.

The Prince could also be identified with the force and as he was unaware of his abilities, he was unaware of the dangers it could pose. As he walked with Erik, he accidentally elbowed someone behind him and quickly turned around to apologise. "Sorry." he muttered to a girl who appeared to be a couple of years younger than him.

[member="Daria Cavill"] [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Jarik Abren"]
[member="Ethan Matumaini"]

Daria didn't have much reason to come to Coruscant. Ever since she'd washed out of the Agricorps on Ryloth, it wasn't as though the doors of the Jedi Temple were happily open to her. In fact, she'd just come to pick some things up from there - a few mementos from the time she'd spent as a youngling in the temple and her handful of attempts at Padawanhood. She was a few years older now, a few years wiser, and a great deal more willing to nick baubles and trinkets to sell to Jedi Admirerers and pawn shops under the guise of taking a sentimental tour. Desperate times, desperate measures. Besides, the Jedi fell solidly into the 'Have' category, wheras Daria considered herself pretty far into the 'Have-Nots'.

Adjusting her backpack, Daria ran another mental check on the things she'd lifted, already trying to figure out how much she wanted for the baubles, how much she might actually get for them, and what she'd spend the end total on. Math was a fun distraction, even for a too-tall farmgirl who was slightly in need of a shower. Maybe that's what she'd do - see if she could charter passage on a ship for once, instead of stowing away. Maybe she'd get her own room with a bath. Even better, maybe she'd just lie about her age and look for work? People did that. She'd done that. Sounded like a solid oof!

Some guy - a couple inches taller than her, by the looks of it, and maybe a little older, had just invaded her personal space by elbowing her. He looked in shape, well fed... noble, most likely. Or at least rich. What was he doing out here, where the real people lived and worked? "Watch it, creampuff..." She complained unhappily, adjusting her coat. Something made a tinkling sound in her jacket pocket. Ohno. Daria's fingertips confirmed what her heart already told her - her glasses had been broken in half, one of the lenses at least cracked and out of the frame. She turned angrily on the guy who'd elbowed her, her face turning red with sudden anger.

"Hey! You broke my glasses!" The tall farmgirl complained loudly, brandishing the cracked frame as though it were a legal summons. She might not like having to wear glasses, they might be old and out of style, and even if Daria avoided wearing them whenever she could get away with it, she needed them. As ugly and out-of-fashion as they were. "These were my only pair! What are you going to do about this!?"

Magzar'Tar Yargr

I will Bathe your Blood within the confines of the
[member="Daria Cavill"] [member="Ethan Matumaini"]​
Coruscant, now taken over by the sith was a hell hold. Clouds loomed overhead and swirled and dark and menacing grey threatening a storm but none came to be. Home of Subject T9-22, or as he was now refereed to Magzar'Tar Yargr. He was wearing worn durasteel armoring around his legs and chest area but no armor was visible upon his arms or his ankles down. He heavy clawed feet echoed against the concrete ground of Coruscant, a city world hiding countless mysterious and bodies within it's deep deaths like the oceans of Kamino, one place Magzar'Tar was quite familiar with for being a failed clone many times he had journeyed here for his origins....but all he found was emptiness and a lust for the force.
Running down the lengths of both arms were various scars and pulsing sickly gray veins that matched his skin color almost identically. A black clock was draped around the muscular and highly scarred shoulders of Magzar'Tar and a black hood hung over his head, hiding his fangs and blood red eyes. Although he was no sith, he bore the resemblance of a sith through his blood red eyes full of hate, full of anger....full of a lust for the take over. He had lived countless generations and each generation, had felt like the last once the Yuuzhan Vong had invaded but he had fought back. Magzar'Tar strode behind a pair of people and he slightly took notice of a girl being elbowed and her glasses dropping and breaking into countless glass shards leaving only the metallic frame of the glasses remaining. He could've taken the life force of this woman and of the man who elbowed her but it was pointless.
Will, he might as well try to figure out the local wildlife as much as he could before this generation finally ended and then a new one would begin. Such was the way of things, their were new beginnings, trials through life and then death and repeats like a horrendous experiment to try and make you stronger.........but it just make's you lust for the ultimate death of your adversary, of the one who had done this to you. Now, all he had to do was persuade them and then drain their life force slowly away.....until they were nothing but a empty shell.
"Stop making a scene you two, mortals and their persistent I remember while I escaped that blasted be free!"
"I said sorry..." he said, sounding very distraught. It wasn't often he came across someone hostile like this, especially not someone as young as this girl. Once she turned on him, he began to back away in fear of what she would do or say. He knew an apology wouldn't fix anything this time, not that it did the first time.

"I'll pay for them if it's needed of me." Ethan said calmly. He had never been shy in giving away money, especially to people who needed it, or in this case, practically demanded it. The girl seemed very angry and he didn't want to anger her any more. By the looks of it, she wasn't of such a status as himself, a farm girl maybe.

The only reason he was here in the first place was because he was curious, but he knew all too well that it was curiosity that killed his brother and made him who he is. He was curious as to how the world worked, what kind of people there are and what everyone does for a living. Ethan had to work as Senator but he didn't get paid for it, all the expenses of his were paid by his family, and nothing would pay for the life of his brother.

Ethan frowned at [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"], seeming more confused than angry. "Mortals? Laboratory?" What was this man going on about? The prince shied away from the pair, seemingly taking safety with Erik. Normally he was fine meeting new people, but the hostility had made him a little on edge.

[member="Daria Cavill"]


The Attention Seeker
Back on Coruscant again. Kitty hated this place. Way too obnoxious for her liking. It wasn't required by the sith that she be here. Her master resided in a temple in a location far more calm. The only issue was this was the easiest place to find a pilot with the right ship to transport her around the galaxy. She had rather specific needs and they needed to be met or she would end up getting herself killed.

Kitty laid upon a roof top not far off the ground wearing her usual dark purple tank top, blue shorts, and her lighsaber on her hip. She was doing her best to ignore the noises and smells that hurt her ears and nose, but it still placed her stress on a hair trigger. On this planet it didn't take much to set her off. In the mean time Kitty trained on her ability to sense the force. She had powerful senses better than most everyone else and she relied upon those far more than the force often times completely ignoring that it was there.

Kitty sensed something out of the ordinary. Three force sensitives below her. Two possibly unaware of their gift and the third just didn't feel right. Kitty crawled to the edge of the roof to poke her head out and have a look. The off feeling one wore a cloak and kinda felt like an especially blood thirsty sith. Probably was going to kill them at any moment. Kitty was against senseless killing and felt the need to protect them.

Jumping down off the roof and landing into the busy streets below and Kitty approached the trio. "You're the one making a scene old man. Are you perhaps lost?" Kitty said verbally poking at the man who didn't actually seem very old. Probably not a very smart thing to do. Sith weren't allowed to kill each other but they were allowed to be as cruel as they wanted when putting young ones like herself in place assuming he was a sith. Kitty was not looking forward to the pain that could come but at least any anger he had would be directed at her instead.
[member="Ethan Matumaini"] [member="Daria Cavill"] [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"]

Magzar'Tar Yargr

I will Bathe your Blood within the confines of the
[member="Kitty"] [member="Ethan Matumaini"] [member="Daria Cavill"]​
Magzar'Tar turned slightly hearing the new feline arrival. It as quite unusual to see a humanoid feline but he had seen a few in the previous century or two but that didn't matter at this moment. This woman must think that he was a sith will, she was surely wrong. There was no way this feline woman knew who she was dealing with. His blood red eyes darted downwards at the feline, his fangs showing slightly from his gray lips. Magzar'Tar darted his eyes back towards the duo he was just talking to before his eyes darted back in almost a instant to speak to this strange feline.
"Lost, I was created here....oh and you don't want to know how old I am let's just say......I have seen the I have seen many things, all who have seen have died long ago."
While talking, his sharp fangs became visible and he threw his muscular hands upwards to his hood and he drew his hood off showing his appearance. By now, they should know he was a energy vampire due to his teeth, eyes and ears.....if not well they would find out soon enough. No weapon laid at his side or at his thick durasteel belt laced with ivory wood except for one, a sickly looking and horrendous looking Vibroblade with dried blood staining it and some fresh blood slowly but surely dripped from it onto the concrete ground below, splattering it with blood. Suddenly, Magzar'Tar felt something he had never felt before...the ability to use and control the force. Now this was strange, never had a artificial creation been able to use the force so something was in his genetic makeup and mental physiology that allowed him to tap into the confines of the force that he fed on off the others. At any moment, he could draw his blade and skewer this feline but he bet that the feline was some type of sith upon this world, he somehow felt it within his mind that the darkness emitted from this feline.​
[member="Ethan Matumaini"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"] [member="Daria Cavill"]

Jarik had been bored all day, not that he could do anything about it. A few hours before he left to go to Coruscant to purchase food items, a tall man gave him an order. Of course, it was for food that the soldiers could eat. He couldn't argue about it since the man had authority over him so he just left and nodded. You know, what people do when given a command.

Coruscant seemed dull on the particular day. Maybe it was because he was getting food and not getting to eat it or maybe because there was something he didn't yet notice. Through the force. For the past couple day, Jarik had been very busy. Or he thought so.

Being an Imperial Knight with flashy armor, Coruscant probably wasn't the best place to buy food. With it being under control of the sith that is. While he was analyzing the list looking down at it while he walked, he felt something through the force. A mix of auras. His was a neutral aura. Probably less noticeable. Even if he had a problem, concealing his aura wouldn't be a problem.

Even though he felt the force aura through the force, looking up didn't matter. He was more interested in the items. But you should always see your surroundings. Or you may find consequences. Jarik should've been looking, he bumped into something furry. Looking up would most likely be delayed since you are usually shocked or at least surprised when you bump into something.
[member="Ethan Matumaini"] @Kitty @Magzar'Tar Yargr

Seemed like one could barely poke her head out of the gutter without having some Sithspawn weirdo dropping in on them. Daria glanced between Ethan and Magzar, and then Ethan's bodyguard, briefly struggling with what should happen next. And that struggle was only made slightly more struggle-ish with the addition of some woman who looked like a mutant, inbred Cathar. At least the Almost-Cathar seemed to agree that the hooded guy was the proper center of attention.

"You're lookin' a little long in th' tooth, fella." Daria hummed at Magzar a blithe tone, resting her hand on her hip - if only because she'd be able to draw her weapon quickly from that angle. She took a couple of steps to the side, positioning herself between Magzar and Ethan - who she suspected wasn't much of a fighter. He might have broken her glasses, but she wasn't about to let him get mauled by Frankenstien. "Should we maybe call some mad scientist to come and pick you up?"

The teenage girl glanced up at Kitty and gave a small and subtle nod of 'I think you're on my side?' before glancing back at Ethan - and the taller boy with him. "Hey creampuff, if a fight breaks out, don't be afraid to run away - I'll handle the zombie." She insisted. "I'll send you a bill for the glasses or something."
"I'm not afraid to handle it. I'm not completely defenceless." he said smugly, having been trained in self defence, though not nearly as much as he should be. His guard was merely there for companionship rather than for actual protection, though if something arose, no doubt Erik would step in. Also, Ethan had no weapons on him so that wouldn't help.

Ethan just nodded, glasses couldn't be that expensive and it was only fair since he had broken them. He wanted to just give her the credits now but he figured that it wouldn't be wise passing credits around on the streets of Coruscant. "My name's Ethan Matumaini, it won't be hard to find me."

Turning to the newcomers, he slowly approached the group again, leaving Erik behind. Ethan looked between [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"] and [member="Kitty"], having never seen anyone like it. He hadn't met many species before, let alone a hybrid. He stared at the two of them, quite unsure what to say. Luckily the other two, [member="Daria Cavill"] and [member="Jarik Abren"] seemed human enough.


The Attention Seeker
Kitty could smell the fresh blood and now that the unsettling stranger lifted his hood it was revealed he was an energy vampire. The young feline was really on edge now. He was probably not a sith, but she could bet he did not have good intentions. One of the women in the group offered her a subtle nod, it seemed she was not comfortable with the situation either. "You should move along creepy fella." Kitty said.

Just then someone bumped into her. Instinctively Kitty twisted around crouching low to the ground and igniting her red lightsaber held in a reverse grip. She hissed at the person that ran into her and was in a position that she could watch both him and the vampire through her peripherals. If either one of them made any sudden movements there was going to be a much larger scene than there already was. As far as Kitty was concerned the man that pumped into her and the vampire were in league to kill people or whatever it is vampire's do. The smell of blood made her think killing was involved.
[member="Ethan Matumaini"] [member="Daria Cavill"] [member="Jarik Abren"] [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"]
[member="Ethan Matumaini"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"] [member="Daria Cavill"]

When the cat like humanoid took stance and ignited her saber, it startled Jarik and he dropped the list. It fell right on the blade of her saber. He grumbled for a moment and then said, "Pardon, miss." he said in a calm tone although he wasn't really in his mind.

After his apology, he looked up to see a group of people. The ones with mixed force auras. He wasn't too keen of making friends but he also wasn't too keen of watching fights. Three people looked ready to fight at the time, the cat, some dude who obviously had a bad vibe, and some girl. It wasn't the Imperial Remnants job to protect people but peace was, or that's how he looked at it.

Jarik just stood there for a moment to analyze the whole group. This would be interesting to watch but hopefully interfering wouldn't have to happen.

Magzar'Tar Yargr

I will Bathe your Blood within the confines of the
[member="Jarik Abren"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Ethan Matumaini"] [member="Daria Cavill"]​
Magzar'Tar accessed the situation, to try and find the strongest link to take out first...and then take the weak out. Once he saw the feline ignite a red fiery blade he was certain she was a sith, only sith held Kaibur crystals and red bladed lightsabers. Now would be the time to strike but he stopped himself for a minute. He was surrounded upon all sides, but luckily he had leathery wings as to help him escape this most dangerous situation of predicaments most others wouldn't be able to escape. Magzar'Tar threw his whole black cloak off and his upper chestplate revealing scarred tissue upon his chest and back with veins pulsing through. His leathery wings unfolded from his back with a slight crack and grin of bone moving against bone to unfold the wings until they stood out to his sides. now would be the time to strike.....Now!
He flew up into the air and then dived towards the feline at a fast speed most others wouldn't be able to match except for force users or some type of hybrid. His right arm was outstretched and the suddenly red lightning sparkled from it slightly startling Magzar'Tar but he recovered. His black blade was held tightly in his left hand and ruby lightning shot out from his right palm towards the feline.
[member="Ethan Matumaini"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Jarik Abren"] [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"]

Winged, scar-covered bolt-throwing weirdo. Daria was comforted that her initial assesments of Magzar had been entirely accurate. Then again, she reminded herself, they usually were.

Luckly, the Monster seemed entirely focused on the half-Cathar thingy that had lit a red saber hastily. So, for one, she had a red saber - maybe not the sort of person Daria wanted to intervene on the behalf of - and for two, she HAD a saber, so chances were she could defend herself. Even so, Dara pulled a thick rod from behind her back and gave it a flick - it telescoped out into a long pole nearly as tall as she was. She didn't light it, though. Not yet. Didn't need to. Just kept a wary eye on the weirdo and the kitty-kat.

"I'm sure you can defend yourself well enough." Daria mumbled at the human boy who'd broken her glasses, her tone dripping with condescention. "But you seem like a nice guy, and you're unarmed. It's my job to protect nice guys who don't carry weapons. So keep your skinny butt behind me, an' I'll make sure you get home in one piece, okay?"
[member="Ethan Matumaini"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"] [member="Daria Cavill"]

Jarik was surprised by the sudden launch by the abnormal man. But at the same time, he was not bored so he couldn't complain about the situation. He took a step back giving them more room for the duel.
Even though it was somewhat insulting, Ethan didn't object since there appeared to be a fight unfolding before them with... lightsabers? It wasn't often he saw one of them. This was a classic example of why he wasn't allowed out, he always found trouble and always managed to get involved. He wanted to carry weapons, but it would be inappropriate since he was on Coruscant for political reasons anyway.

Ethan did as he was told and stayed out of the fight as much as he could, standing to the side of [member="Daria Cavill"]. He was a Senator and was proud to be one. Luckily they probably didn't know that.

[member="Jarik Abren"] [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"] [member="Kitty"]


The Attention Seeker
It seemed as if the young sith had over reacted and the person that had run into her had just made an honest mistake. The vampire however was still a threat well more than a threat he seemed to be openly attacking her. The vampire threw off his cloak revealing the full extent of his unsightly appearance as well as some wings. The man took off into the air and dived right for Kitty. His speed was great probably too fast for most to keep up with. Kitty's species though was noted to have hyper fast speed and reflexes. She could keep up with him just fine.

Keeping up with him didn't do her much good however as the vampire used the force to fire some oddly colored lightning at her. You would think being around sith nearly all her life she would had learned how to deal with the force power but surprisingly enough she had never been the victim of it nor received any training in defending against it. Normally Kitty would resort to throwing up a force barrier but unfortunately the planet of Coruscant overwhelmed her senses to the point that concentrating just a little was very difficult. While hyper speed and reflexes had no draw back hyper developed ears, nose, and eyes had some pretty big one. The over stimulation also slowed her thought process down which made the streak of lightning all the more surprising. If it wasn't for this accursed planet she would have been able to dodge it.

Kitty cried out as pain coursed through her entire body eclipsing the pain in her ears and nose by a great amount. Kitty lost her grasp on her lightsaber and fell to the ground writhing in pain from the lighting that hit her. Never before had Kitty experienced anything like this. Even after the lightning had run its course Kitty laid in tears. Even though the pain was gone it felt like it was still there.
[member="Ethan Matumaini"] [member="Jarik Abren"] [member="Daria Cavill"] [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"]
[member="Ethan Matumaini"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Magzar'Tar Yargr"] [member="Daria Cavill"]

The man was determined to kill, and the cat seemed to be down for the time being. Jarik looked at the situation this way, if he helped no one would die. But if he did, he might get a bad reputation. He just couldn't let the man kill someone who didn't provoke him. Since the man was in the air diving down, he was vulnerable. The Imperial Knight was well equipped for battle but he worried about what his faction would think. Nevertheless, he was calm about making the action.

Jarik sent out a force push in the man's direction. He didn't know if he would shoot lightning at him or not but he was prepared.

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