Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question about agrinium

So I'm making myself a new pistol, and in the process of looking up materials, I came across this one. Now, due to the page stating that it creates 'an extremely effective barrier against many forms of damage', I'm curious. How would this be judged here? I noticed that it was used for battle droids, and if the movies and shows are anything to offer, they went down like scrap more often than not. Just wondering here.

Rylan Thatcher said:
So I'm making myself a new pistol, and in the process of looking up materials, I came across this one. Now, due to the page stating that it creates 'an extremely effective barrier against many forms of damage', I'm curious. How would this be judged here? I noticed that it was used for battle droids, and if the movies and shows are anything to offer, they went down like scrap more often than not. Just wondering here.
Re-read the article, it specifically narrows that definition to radiation.

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