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Question about armor classes?

Gezes Skel

Right, this may not be the right place to post this question, but I see no better place, so:
I see a lot of people using Class One through ten to describe the grade of their armor, I looked on wookieepedia and found nothing on armor classes, what are the requirements for each class of armor? I.E What makes it Class I, or Class V.
This absolutely the right place to ask! :)

The Armor Class system is a system used only here and is not found on Wookieepedia. It is a relative system that gives a rough idea of the quality of a piece of armor.

Typically, stormtrooper armor is Quality 5 or so. Quality 1 would be your standard clothing. Quality 10, well, I haven't seen any Quality 10 armor, and I'd be very hesitant to approve of a submission of Quality 10. Quality 10 would be akin to Terminator plate from Warhammer 40k, or Gnome armor from Battletech. It's impervious to just about anything. You don't see it often, if at all, in Star Wars.

Please also note that the Quality rating is often viewed on an exponential scale in terms of requirements. It's quite easy to go from Quality 1 to 5, or even 6. That's all fairly common armor. The material and development requirements of Quality 8+ is exponentially high, however.

Finally, you can have different Quality levels for different types of elements. For example, armor may have separate Quality ratings for energy protection and physical protection.

I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have further questions!

[member="Gezes Skel"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Gezes Skel"] - It's also important to note that quality 10 doesn't necessarily imply full coverage. The armor of Mandalore, for example -- masterforged Beskar -- would be class 10, as might beskar'kandar. General rule of thumb, better have at least a thread or two to cite as backup if you submit class 9 or 10.


Well-Known Member
I think I have 1 level 10, and several 9's. But yeah, the difference for OOC when it comes down to it is level of work put into it. Go ahead and make your stuff out of Phrik or Beskar, but ask for a 9-10 with little to no devs? Unlikely unless its description is immaculate.
Yea, the armor I currently have on is a 7 since it's made out of beskar and all, that was judging weight and coverage :p, but I know there's one major weakness that I don't blare out, since if I did I'd be shot there :D.
Most mass-produced armor doesn't go past 6 and is typical for npc's. 7 for PC's, 8-9 for those that want to put forth the effort for better, 10 used to be event stuff but can be achieved with concentrated effort and dev threads.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]
Popo has a set of quality 10 armor as does my other alt, Shaw McKeller, both of which were approved through the factory.

[member="Gezes Skel"]
Generally speaking, and I know you had your question answered :p , the higher quality, the more materials, rare metals, and drawbacks it'll have. For example, Popo's armor is made of a literal tonne of beskar and he can only move around by microrepulsors mounted on the thing. Ion weapons and EMPs and the like will leave him immobile and stranded. My alt's armor, McKeller, is also very heavy and pretty restricting, but is based off a canon "class 10" armor called Beskar'kandar (it hasn't been rated on the board as of yet, but with a description of 'nearly impervious to lightsabers', I feel safe with that classsification myownself). So, you can make it, it's just gonna be some effort.
The quality of the armor I have used for the series of Light, Medium and heavy armor.

1-2 =Clothing and light armorweave.
3-4 =light reliable armor.
5-6 =medium armor
7-8 = heavy armor
9-10 = Tank like armor.

As such I mostly use a mix of what was said above. making something like this.

1-4 Clothing to light armor that is used for general wear and/or simple street defense
5-7 Actual armor that can provide good protection and still be light enough to be worn on the streets, but not everyday kind of gear.
8 - Heavy or battle armor that is made for a real battle and can take hits here and there, but can't stop lightsabers or a mass amount of hits.
9-10 Special armor. Very good, protects up to just about anything. You name it, it can take it. (within reason)

Now there are some armors that are rated higher even though the may not fit that category. Something like the Leather armors made by [member="Rave Merrill"] would fit perfectly. Light armor that can do just as good as medium or even heavy armor in some cases. Some of her armors could weight just like a light or medium armor and provide protection in areas that all other armors could not.

So really, I stick with the little lists that I gave you, unless I make extra special armor that can do alot of things for a lighter or less cumbersome armor weight/size.

I hope this answers your question! [member="Gezes Skel"],

Gezes Skel

[member="Popo"] That sounds amazing... Are you a shell hutt?

[member="Erin Darkstar"] That's actually exactly what I was hoping someone would post; a list of the requirements of each class. Tyvm!

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina

Beskar is heavy and the heavier the better forged using secret techniques closely guarded by forgemasters in the mandalorians. [member="Ordo"] and Myself are possibly the closest on the board currently for being able to get some of the strongest armors out of it. Popo's beskar'kandar not withstanding.

Phrik is strong and lightweight able to survive under the right circumstances a coaxial super laser blowing up a planet. It is also very tough against sabers for a time but doesn't absorb as much of the impact from blows.

A strong example of masterwork for Phrik and its limitations is the suits [member="Darth Vornskr"] made for hydra from all phrik and for Beskar at its heaviest and strongest Popo.


Well-Known Member
So phrik is very good against blaster fire, but you feel it and get bruised?
and beskar would weigh you down more, but would take longer to brake then phrik
though your less likely to hit some in phrik then beskar?
[member="Basaba Willamina"]

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