Well that is the point of a good story, right? Ben is and always has been an extremely flawed individual. I am not intending to create a legend because he already is one, to be honest, the point is he is trying to do something that is bigger than him. The thing with Ben is, he was always painted as this completely incorruptible being, a beacon of light. The thing is he was always extremely misunderstood because he put the weight of the world on his shoulders and never had anyone to talk to for fear of looking weak. The irony is he is destroying his own created legend to try and craft a new legend. One where he is no longer the one bearing the weight of the world but the one trying to put the weight on others.
Ultimately, the plan will fail, but right now he is trying to escape his Jedi persona because it never did anything but bring pain and suffering into his life. He was never allowed to mourn the loss of his friends, father, mentors, etc. He is finally allowing himself to mourn and he is embracing the idea that the force is everything, both light and dark, so he is going to the Sith to try and find true harmony and balance within the force.